My Music Playlist for 2017!

Padraig Fahy avatar

This year, I have been listening to a bit more music than what I have done previously and I have decided to create a playlist of songs that either have been released this year or songs that I have discovered only thsi year.

I have created this list on Spotify and will be updating it in the next week or so with songs that I remember from this year!


I will also be creating a playlist of cool songs that I am going to discover in 2018! Follow this one if you wish to be updated with what I am listening to.

I might as well take this time to wish everyone a belated Merry Christmas & a Happy New New Year as we go into 2018!

Last year was a bit of a downer due to the fall of Nologam and the very unsuccessful launch of Enigma but I am going to make 2018 my bitch and I will do what I want and no one is going to stray me from that!

See you in 2018!

~ Padraig