is now running WordPress 3.9! That should hopefully mean that either we are going to see WP 4 or perhaps it will be 3.10. What do you think?
Twitch – Turbo, Subscriptions and Adblock
Some people seem to be confused as to why Turbo exists when Ad-Block exists and why people subscribe to channels
If you use:
AdBlock = No ads, no revenue for the broadcaster and Twitch.Turbo = No ads, Revenue for the broadcaster and Twitch for the ads that WOULD run on the site.
Subscriptions = No ads on subbed channel. Subscriber emotes. Sub-Only mode. 50% of $4.99 goes to Broadcaster, the other 50% goes to Twitch.
So which is better? Well, Subscriptions > Turbo > AdBlock.
Don’t be a dick about it. Streamers need to make money. Be considerate and turn off your AdBlock or Purchase Turbo and/or Subscribe to the channels!
Padraig – August 2nd 2013 Update – “The WordPress 3.6 Update”
Today, I am releasing a new version of Padraig
I updated the site for a couple of reasons:
- I loved the look of the BootStrap theme, but I have always preferred WordPress’ default themes and also…It is easier to manage.
- I am moving hosts soon. I am moving away from my shared hosting plan with Blacknight, to a dedicated server with OVH. This should be happening in the next couple of weeks.
With the new update, I am no longer requiring a update for Spotify embeds as WordPress 3.6 now supports Spotify and Rdio embeds out of the box.
Finally, with the addition of Audio and Video support, this opens up opportunities to do content on the site without using YouTube or again using plugins.
More tweaks will be made over the coming days and hopefully I will be moving over to my dedicated server soon.
EDIT: I am aware that the Google+ comments feature doesn’t look right and that you might not be able to see the button to submit with the sidebar widgets… I hope that there will be a update for the plugin and it should be fixed. If you would like to comment on Google+ about this post, head over to and comment on the post there. Thanks!
PSA: Steam Sale Rules
Just because a game is on sale…doesn’t mean that it will be reduced again…because it can
You only buy games when 1 of 4 things occur:
1. The game is in the daily deal (rotates every 48hrs)
2. The game is in a flash sale (rotates every 8hrs)
3. The game is in the community sale (Chosen by the community, rotates every 8hrs) or
4. It’s the final day. (July 22nd)If a game came out recently (say…2 weeks) and it’s on sale for say 33%, then you should buy it because it will more than likely not go on further reduction throughout the sale.
Beware of packs of games (Half Life packs, publisher packs) because the games might be cheaper individually than the whole package itself.