Author: Padraig Fahy

  • Gaming News – 17th November 2024

    Gaming News – 17th November 2024

    Late Sunday night edition (because I have been busy and lazy all week.)

    • The plot to the 3rd part of the Final Fantasy VII (7) remake has been completed, and the game has gone into full production.
    • The Game Awards has confirmed that expansion packs, DLC and remakes are eligible for the Game of the Year category “if the jury deems the new creative and technical work to be worthy of a nomination”. The Game Awards air on Friday 13th December at 12:30am GMT.
    • Ratatan, the sequel to the 2007 PSP hit Patapon, has a new trailer with a release date of April 2025, and it comes to PS5/PS4/Xbox Series X|S, Switch and PC.
    • The Splinter Cell movie, with Tom Hardy, is reportedly been cancelled as they “couldn’t get it right”
    • In a new documentary celebrating the 20th Anniversary of Half-Life 2, Half Life 2: Episode Three was 6 months into development but was dropped in favour of Left 4 Dead – With the new 20th Anniversary, there have been some game updates too: “Every map in Half-Life 2 has been looked over by Valve level designers to fix longstanding bugs, restore content and features lost to time, and improve the quality of a few things like lightmap resolution and fog”
    • Job roles have appeared online hinting to a Starcraft shooter. The game was revealed in Jason Schreier’s book “Play Nice: The Rise, Fall and Future of Blizzard Entertainment” – Former head of Far Cry at Ubisoft, Dan Hay, is set to be leading the project.
    • Sophie Turner (Sansa Stark in Game of Thrones, Joan in… Joan, Jean Grey in X-Men: Apocalypse) is reportedly set to play Lara Croft in the upcoming Tomb Raider TV show.
    • Blizzard has announced and released Warcraft: Remastered, Warcraft II Remastered and Warcraft III Reforged as a Battle Chest which also includes a 2.0 patch for Warcraft III Reforged
    • According to Phil Spencer, there are no rules for which game from Xbox’s library gets released on PS5 or Switch.

  • Big Brother UK 2024 – Day 40 – The Live Final

    Big Brother UK 2024 – Day 40 – The Live Final

    • LIVE: Backdoor evictees Martha, Sarah, Thomas and Baked Potato get to have their catwalk exit.
    • (We cut to the later end of yesterday) Housemates are brought to a room to have a formal dinner together. Each one stands up to give a small speech about their time in the house.
    • LIVE: Vote Frozen.
    • A dance floor was put into the sitting room and they danced.
    • They are talking about Lily and how they couldn’t live with her but enjoyable in small bits
    • Marcello and Ali are arguing about how Ali has conducted herself and how she viewed others and criticised others, including Ali. Marcello says that Ali is very hypercritical.
    • Ali argues that she just says what she is true
    • BB says “Goodnight” to the finalists as the lights are turned off.
    • LIVE: Apparently Marcello and Ali made up this morning.
    • LIVE: It’s time to find out who is 5th and 6th.
    • LIVE: The housemate finishing 6th is: Segun!
    • LIVE: The housemate finishing 5th is: Nathan!
    • LIVE: Voting re-open.
    • Ali, Emma, Hanah and Marcello are the final 4.
    • LIVE: They are having a sit-down interview with Nathan and Segun.
    • LIVE: Vote frozen.
    • LIVE: The housemate finishing 4th is: Hanah!
    • LIVE: Voting re-open.
    • LIVE: They are having a sit-down interview with Hanah.
    • LIVE: Vote frozen.

    * LIVE: The housemate finishing 3rd is: Emma!

    • LIVE: Voting re-open.
    • LIVE: They are having a sit-down interview with Emma.
    • LIVE: Voting closed.
    • LIVE: Celebrity Big Brother will be coming back next year.

    * LIVE: The winner of Big Brother 2024 is: Ali!

    * LIVE: The runner-up of Big Brother 2024 is: Marcello!

  • Big Brother UK 2024 – Day 39 Notes

    Big Brother UK 2024 – Day 39 Notes

    • Hanah is in the DR – She is happy to have got where she got. She wants Segun to be happy today.
    • Segun is in the DR – Segun thinks of Hanah as a sister.
    • Emma is drying her face by running around the makeup table.
    • Ali and Nathan talking about Segun being “fake” and how Marcello is a game player once he has seen money.
    • Emma and Hanah have been called to the DR – BB has a special task for them. They are going to be beauty specialists. They are part of Big Brother Spa. They have to give a pre-final glow up.
    • They have to give a makeover to 2 clients.
    • Emma is asking the most important questions: Where are the baby pigeons?!
    • Nathan talks to Hanah about his past relationship and how BP is his first “proper” true love.
    • Ali is the next client in the spa.
    • Marcello is in the DR – Praising Hanah. Marcello and Ali are not clicking. He needs headache tablets in order to talk to her.
    • Nathan is in the DR – Commenting about his spa experience. Doesn’t like people touching his feet.
    • Emma’s first client is Marcello.
    • Ali rated Hanah’s spa session 5/5
    • Nathan rated Hanah 3 out of 5.
    • Marcello talking about his upbringing with Emma. He later talks with Ali, he got expelled from school after 6th form (between 16-18)
    • Emma is with her next client, Segun. They talk about Hanah. Hanah is not his type. The relationship is platonic. Hanah said to Emma before that Segun reminds her of her father.
    • Emma and Hanah are talking about Emma’s spa session with Hanah. They believe that Segun is saying one thing to Hanah but when talking to others, he is saying another.
    • BB has gathered everyone to the sofa – Badge of Honour task.
    • Most Embarrassing Moment – Nathan sharting on Day 2.
    • Biggest Regret in the House – Marcello’s relationship with Ali.
    • Biggest transformation in the house – Nathan not expecting to form friendships but then forming a relationship with Baked Potato.
    • Segun is speaking with Ali and Hanah about the friendship/relationship. Emma comes up and Ali leaves.
    • Emma clarifies that she said that “If there was no religion, and it another time and another place”, then yeah the two would get together.
    • They have drinks, playing Jenga and then play Truth or Dare on the floor.
    • Nathan bunny hops. Marcello kissed Emma for 3 seconds. Segun has to do a dance in front of Ali for 10 seconds shirtless.
    • Hanah thinks Khaled is better looking than Segun.
    • Ali is in the DR – She is happy that she got to the final.
    • Nathan is in the DR – Everyone is deserving to win.
    • Hanah and Segun believe that Emma and Nathan are trying to throw them under the bus.

  • Big Brother UK 2024 – Day 38 Notes

    Big Brother UK 2024 – Day 38 Notes

    • Nathan wakes up during the night looking for BP.
    • Ali had a bad dream and stormed to the oxygen room. She dreamt about her brother (who is no longer with us)
    • Nathan and Emma are both in the DR – Emma is talking about Nathan’s feet. Nathan shows his feet. BB: “Get those trotters out of my camera” – BB asks them what makes them good friends.
    • The phone rings, Hanah answers. She and a housemate must go to the Vault. She chooses Marcello. They must go to the Vault without being seen.
    • Inside the Vault, there are coins. They are messages from family and friends. 2 coins will get them a full message, 1 coin will give them half a message.
    • As Marcello and Hanah are chosen, they are given 2 coins each and cannot change it. They have 5 coins remaining to split between everyone else.
    • They have given 2 coins to Segun, Emma and 1 coin to Nathan. Ali would get no coins. Marcello feels like giving 1 coin to Ali.
    • BB has gathered everyone to the sofa – Emma got 2 coins. Nathan gets 1 coin. Ali gets 1 coin. Segun gets 1 coin.
    • Marcello puts his 2 coins into the payphone. A message from his brother plays into the house.
    • Emma puts her 2 coins into the payphone. A message from her daughter plays.
    • Segun puts his coin into the payphone. A message from his mum plays.
    • Nathan puts his coin into the payphone. A message from his mum.
    • Ali puts her coin into the payphone. A message plays from her girlfriend.
    • Hanah puts her coins into the payphone. A message plays from friend Yasmin. The girls are warning Hanah about Segun, saying that he is 2 sides of a coin.
    • Ali is in the DR – Thinks that Segun and Hanah are mutually flirting with each other, but according to Ali, he is pushing some of the “flirting” towards Hanah.
    • Hanah and Segun talk in the bedroom about the comments that Hanah’s friend said in the message. Segun believes that people are potentially viewing him in the wrong light.
    • Later, Segun in a bit of a slump goes into the living room, but then heads upstairs to pray.
    • Marcello is recreating Segun going up the stairs.
    • Segun is really not happy.
    • BB has gathered everyone to the sofa. Everyone is stood up. All 6 are finalists! They are the Class of 2024. They are to get ready for an evening of celebration.
    • They pop the bubbly, there is finger food. Music is played in the house. [Luther Vandross – Never Too Much]
    • Hanah is in the DR – She is talking about the message and how it affected Segun.
    • They all toast each other as they are finalists.

  • Big Brother UK 2024 – Day 37 Notes

    Big Brother UK 2024 – Day 37 Notes

    • Nathan goes into the DR – A lot has been thrown at him in the last 5 weeks, but last night with BP being evicted happened so fast. He doesn’t believe Segun’s reasoning for choosing BP and Ali.
    • Marcello cleaned up the kitchen… again.
    • Marcello is in the DR – Nasty, Ungrateful, Dirty kids. He is complaining about people not cleaning. Only him, Emma, Ali clean.
    • Segun in the DR – He is giving his side of the story as to why he chose Ali and BP (To prevent them from getting boos)
    • Ali is talking with Segun talking about the difficult decision that he had to make yesterday.
    • Emma, Marcello and Sarah talking about fleshlights…
    • Segun and Hanah talking about their parents. Hanah’s parents wanted her to be a lawyer.
    • Marcello has been called to the DR – BB has a secret task. Housemates will be getting fan mail. But Marcello will be creating the fan mail. Housemates must not find out that he created the fan mail. If he is successful, he and the rest of the house will get a reward.
    • All housemates to gather to the sofa to read out the “Fan” mail. Sarah reads out Emma’s notice. Thomas’ fan mail gets read out by Ali. Hanah’s is read out by Segun. Emma reads out Nathan’s.
    • Nathan reads out Marcello’s fan mail. Thomas reads out Ali’s. Emma reads out Sarah’s. Marcello reads out Segun’s fan mail.
    • Ali is in the DR – She liked receiving fan mail and is very happy that someone outside the house likes them.
    • BB reveals that the fan mail was fake. BB reveal that Marcello wrote the letters. He passed the secret task. The house wins a prize. BB play Marcello’s music in the house.
    • BB gathers everyone to the sofa. 4 will enter the vault. Nathan, Sarah, Segun and Thomas stand up. Only 2 of them will return. They say goodbye to the rest of the housemates.
    • The 4 in the Vault get to see the housemates, but the housemates can’t see them.
    • £10000 from the prize fund. They must predict who is going to be evicted. Both predictions must be correct. Emma stands and declares that Thomas and Sarah would be evicted from the house. If they predict correctly, they win the money.
    • The 9th housemate to be evicted is: Sarah
    • The 10th housemate to be evicted is: Thomas
    • The £10K goes back into the prize pool. Prize pool is now: £90,000
    • Nathan can’t understand why he is still in the house.
    • Nathan is in the DR – He has had the 2 worst nights in a row. He doesn’t believe Segun is being true to himself. He is doubting Marcello. If either Ali, Emma or Nathan wins, Authenticity wins.
    • Hanah is in the DR – She is not a fan of backdoor evictions, but if that is what gets her to the final, She will win.
    • Voting is back open and will freeze on Friday during the final.

  • Big Brother UK 2024 – Day 36 Notes

    Big Brother UK 2024 – Day 36 Notes

    • In the cold open, Segun has to take 3 housemates into the Vault. One of them will not be returning to the house.
    • Marcello in the DR – Can’t imagine winning the £100K. Mood in the house is good.
    • Nathan would prefer to go out in front of a crowd rather than a back door eviction.
    • BP is mischievous. She stands outside the bedroom door. She can hear Nathan at the other side. Nathan opens the door and BP throws some sort of powder in Nathan’s face.
    • Ali denies that she and Lily were talking about Emma.
    • Ali is in the DR – She claims that they were talking about BP. And had some reservations about the boos that BP received on Friday from the crowd.
    • The housemates are playing a game. It was all a ploy for Nathan to get back at Baked Potato for throwing the power earlier.
    • BP goes to the DR covered in flour – She is giving out being targeted…even though she started it.
    • BB has gathered the housemates on the sofa. BB congratulates everyone on making to the final week. Marcello is no longer the HoH.
    • It’s time for Big Brother’s Vault. There are game changing decisions. One person will be awarded up to £10K. There are golden envelopes.
    • Housemates pick an envelope. There is a lucky £ sign in one of them. Each housemate in turn picks an envelope.
    • They open the envelopes. Segun opens his and has the £ sign. Everyone else are blank.
    • Segun goes to the DR – He will not be entering the vault alone. He must choose 3 people to join him in the Vault.
    • Out of the 3 people he chooses, whoever has the least amount of votes (from the public that voted between Friday night and Sunday midday) will be evicted.
    • The rest of the house has been told what Segun was told in the DR.
    • Segun stands to reveal the people he has chosen. He chooses Ali, Nathan and Baked Potato.
    • They hug as they 4 make their way to the bedroom. There is a room behind the mirror in the bedroom that leads them into The Vault.
    • The vault is shown to the housemates. Segun has 2 stacks of £5000 in front of him.
    • If the money is placed in front of the housemate, and they remove them, they will be evicted, taking the money with them and deducted from the prize pool.
    • Segun places both stacks of money on Ali’s podium.
    • BB reveals one housemate who is safe. The housemate that is safe is: Nathan
    • Either Ali or Baked Potato will be evicted. If the money is on the podium of the person who is NOT evicted, Segun wins the money.
    • The 8th housemate to be evicted is: Baked Potato
    • Segun wins £10,000.
    • Nathan in the DR – He is upset about BP’s eviction. He realised that BP has been evicted with eggs and flour over her.
    • Ali speaking with Thomas. She has been up for nomination 4 times and has been saved 4 times. She thought that she was gone.
    • Ali in the DR – Segun’s reason for choosing Ali is a cop-out and is playing a game.
    • Nathan and Ali talking about Marcello and Segun. They think that they are going to win.
    • Emma in the DR – She is sad that Baked Potato is gone. She believes that Ali doesn’t believe that she has friends in the house.
    • Segun, Hanah and Marcello talking about Ali. They believe that everything that they say towards her is overanalysed by Ali.
    • Marcello in the DR – He would have preferred to see Ali go today instead of BP. He is happy that Segun is the one that won the £10K. He is happy that BP is gone. Now we’re playing the games. There are no more vibes in the house.
    • Voting to win has re-opened. Voting closes during BB: Late & Live. The two Housemates with the fewest votes will be EVICTED via Big Brother’s Vault.