Category: Music

Whether it’s my long running “Blog Series” called “Music Lyric Monday” or a good song that I came across on YouTube, you will find it here!

  • Listen to this!

  • My Favorite Dance Music

    Hey everyone.

    Tonight, I have compiled my personal favorite dance music on Spotify.

    You can subscribe to the list by clicking here! I am also embedding the playlist into this post, so click “Read more…” at the bottom of this post to hear all the songs, directly from


  • Railgun OP 1 and OP 2

    Was browsing through YouTube this evening (as you do) and came across the actual MV’s for the anime “Toaru Kagaku no Railgun” or as I just call it “Railgun”. So here they are. JukeBox of the two will be tomorrow, but I just wanted to share the video now!

  • Mirror’s Edge Soundtrack – Benny Benassi’s Remix

    After the MLM on Still Alive the other day – I have been listening to the soundtrack to the game on GrooveShark (which btw, is freakin awesome) and I thought I would share the Benny Benassi Remix that I have been listening to. Absolutely Stellar!