Separating Content

Padraig Fahy avatar

For the last few months, I have been part of a Facebook group that has nearly has 5,000 members and is dedicated to Irish Bloggers.

It’s called…. “Irish Bloggers” (Who would have thunk it???)

Anyway, as I have been lurking over there for the last while, one thing became clear to me… Having everything on one site is not going to improve my ‘exposure’ to people who may only be interested in gaming, who may only be interested in technology or to people who may be only interested in my Wrestling content.

So, I have taken the liberty in splitting out my technology, gaming and wrestling blogs into their own WordPress sites.

This site will be kept for personal topics, music and probably some coding stuff and (more than likely) you will see a cross over from the 4 sites (and a couple more) to here.


These sites are now dedicated sites, and to keep it simple, I have implemented only a handful of plugins and using a simple free theme (Magazine Plus (afaik)) and put up a basic ‘About me’ page.

I have 2 other sites (one which I am just a contributor on) and you may see content on it.

And ALSO, starting today, I will be cross-posting my content (I don’t know if it will be be from all sites mentioned above) to my Medium site, so you can go and check me out there and follow if you use that also!
