Big Brother UK 2024 – Day 5 Notes – Live Eviction

Padraig Fahy avatar
Big Brother UK 2024 – Day 5 Notes – Live Eviction
  • Emma hasn’t pooped since entering the house.
  • Lily’s personal picture is of her rat.
  • Baked Potato in the DR – “Nervy” about the eviction tomorrow.
  • Lily’s wardrobe is a mess, and she can’t find her dry shampoo
  • Dean in the DR – Worried about tomorrow’s eviction. Wants to be live into the BB house after the show is over. BB says “No”
  • Nathan in the DR – Thinks he is in most danger of being evicted tomorrow. BP is so likeable, Dean is likeable. Ryan and Nathan in the bottom 2.
  • Marcello being very flirty with Sarah and Baked Potato.
  • Ryan in the DR – Would be gutted if he went first but would be very pleased if he stayed.
  • Sarah does BDSM. Pass it on.
  • Regarding the shopping task from yesterday: 51 fails across the task. Therefore, they failed the shopping task. They get an economy shopping budget!
  • Ali in DR – She feels that she in the house with 15 extroverts, and she is not as extrovert. Doesn’t like Khalid and is trying to get to know Emma better.
  • Hanah in the DR – They are currently £46 over budget. She removes 1 of Halal foods.
  • Today’s task. “The Circuit” – Statements that will connect 2 housemates together. If they complete the chain correctly, it will release a reward.
  • Sarah is the connector. Everyone had been shuffled around. They won their task. They win a Chinese takeaway.
  • As they are on an economy shopping budget, only 5 people can take have the Chinese takeaway. Khaled, Hanah, Lily, Sarah and Marcello are chosen. Lily “rings in” the order to BB.
  • Baked Potato gets bullied for being thin, and Martha gets bullied for being big.
  • Lily is eating the Chinese meal before it goes out to the dining room.
  • “You have been kicked through a charity shop” – Ryan to Martha’s drag.
  • Ali and Marcello “vape kissed” (Swapped vapes) in the smoking area.
  • Lily and Daze in the hot tub. Lily is scared of eviction. Daze said that they are in the hot tub baking like chickens.
  • Ali thinks that Marcello thinks that they kissed, when they actually haven’t.
  • Marcello joins Ali, Segun and Thomas in the sitting room – He hasn’t outright apologised and thinks he has a wedge in with Ali. He doesn’t appear to realise that Ali has a girlfriend.
  • Emma is having a ‘moment’ with Baked Potato. Ali came in. She asked what did Emma think of Ali? She didn’t think she would like her.
  • Ali and Lily thinks Khaled is being too nice.
  • Ali, Lily and Nathan are going to form an alliance.
  • LIVE EVICTION TIME!!! Please do not sweeeaarrrrr!
  • Baked Potato, Ryan, Dean, Nathan up for eviction
  • The viewers have spoken. The 1st housemates to be evicted from the Big Brother house is… Ryan