Author: Padraig Fahy

  • McCree Meme


    I have been killed so many times this weekend because of McCree’s Ultimate…

  • Future of Nologam

    This is my personal thoughts and not what everyone at Nologam is saying.
    I do not want to put words into other peeps mouths.

    Nologam was established late 2013 but didn’t get off the ground per say until March of 2014, when the JC2MP was established and when we were getting players.

    We got a lot of players…most of which is now gone but a good few have stayed about and Nologam would only been known as the JC2MP community server and nothing more.

    For over a year and a half, the JC2MP has been managed by DaAlpha and I am thankful for everything that he has done with the server.

    We have had meetings in the past where we needed to decide what is happening with Nologam after JC2MP, because let’s face it…nothing lasts forever.

    I was hoping that the server would die before the community did…But it seems to be the opposite.

    The community (That was comprised of only staff members) has…gone.

    We put a Minecraft, Tf2, CSGO (at the time), ARK and Battlefield 4 server
    Not a thing.
    No one was fucking interested.

    I organised a community event where we could get on the Battlefield 4 Server today (Saturday 28th May).

    How many people turned up? NONE

    I even sent a newsletter to 222 people, 7 of which bounced back so they were received by the other 215 people.

    A POTENTIAL of 215 and I was the only one on the server.
    I even streamed it.
    I felt like a fucking joke.

    I couldn’t even talk to my friend with embarrassment.

    Then, it hit me
    Why am I still pouring money into something that is not working.
    I am trying to have a variety of games.
    Hell, I tried the whole MMO thing at the beginning of V3 and not one person was interested.

    I tried to put up news. Nothing.
    Nothing that I was doing was working.

    Wasting time and money.
    No one was interested.

    I feel like a joke.
    I don’t want to do this any more.

    I honestly don’t.

    I feel like closing the ARK, BF4…get rid of the forums and
    only have the TS server, the JC2MP, Minecraft server and let people talk in the Discord.

    That is probably what I will end up doing…otherwise, I am just wasting time and money.

  • FFXIV 3.3 News

    So Square-Enix released some information regarding Patch 3.3.

    The Final Steps of Faith

    We fight against Nidhogg as a trial one more at the "Final Steps of Faith"

    • Normal mode requires i205
    • Extreme mode requires i220

    SE has said that it would drop i235 weapons.
    And there is also another pigeon mount. This time in purple.

    The Weeping City of Mhach

    We also got a peek at the new Void Ark raid, "The Weeping City of Mhach"
    As from the Lodestone:

    Deep in the Yafaem Saltmoor lie the ruins of the fabled city of Mhach─a civilization of the Fifth Astral Era whose prosperity was built upon unparalleled magicks of destruction. It is to this ancient edifice, and its vaults of occult secrets, that you and the Redbills plan your next foray.
    • It requires i205 to enter
    • 120 minutes
    • Players must first complete the quest "To Rule the Skies."

    Gear from The Weeping City of Mhach

    Final Fantasy XIV: Patch 3.3 – Revenge of the Horde is scheduled to be released on Tuesday June 7th 2016

  • update 26/5/2016

    So after launching the new webiste last night, I went to look about a new theme for Ghost and there wasn’t that many out there.

    But the ones that were available, were really good and really customisable.

    I am using this Uno Zen theme with a custom background image. I have also slapped some social icons and a logo (which I need to update to a new one since that one is over 3 years old at this stage)

    I am really loving the way Ghost works and from what I have been reading, Ghost’s roadmap is looking pretty sweet.

  • Welcome to a ‘new era’ for Padraig Fahy

    A couple of weeks ago, I managed to purchase as part of the new 1-2 letter .ie domains that are now available from the IEDR.

    Since then, it was being used as a shorthand to get to, but as of today, it is now a new blog on using the Ghost platform.

    Soon, will redirect to and everything related will become

    I feel that having this very short domain will further enhance my (as the cool kids call it) “Personal Brand”. And it looks cool too! 🙂

  • Welcome to a ‘new era’ for Padraig Fahy

    A couple of weeks ago, I managed to purchase as part of the new 1-2 letter .ie domains that are now available from the IEDR.

    Since then, it was being used as a shorthand to get to, but as of today, it is now a new blog here on using the Ghost platform.

    Soon, will redirect here and everything related will become

    I feel that having this very short domain will further enhance my (as the cool kids call it) "Personal Brand". And it looks cool too! 🙂

    Want to drop me a email? Email me