Author: Padraig Fahy

  • Kawaii Get Down On It Extreme + Other News

    I seen the original loop hundreds of times and I recently stumbled upon this full version. The full version of Get Down on It is pretty damn solid.


    Also, I have started using a pedometer app today and I managed to get 4,088 steps – Hopefully I can increase this over the next days, weeks, months (maybe years)

    Day 1


  • The Fresh Prince of Balor

    I stumbled across this brilliant mashup between Finn Balor (WWE Wrestler) and The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air‘s theme. Have a listen, it’s a good one.


  • Simple Mince & Mash Potatoes

    So this evening, I made a kick-ass Mince and potatoes, here is the recipe.

    • 100g mince (Any type you like)
    • A half-cup – A full cup of frozen chopped veg (You can get a bag of this in Tesco)
    • 1 Small Onion.
    • Teaspoon of Marmalade
    • A pinch of Gravy
    • Handful of Frozen Mash Potatoes (From Tesco also)
    1. Fry onions in a pot with a small shot of oil.
    2. Add mince and stir fry.
    3. Add the veg. At this time, put on the frozen potatoes in another pot.
    4. Add a pinch of gravy granules and a teaspoon of Marmalade.
    5. Stir everything constantly for a few minutes until the potatoes have warmed up and binded together.
    6. Serve and enjoy 🙂


  • My New World of Warcraft Character

    So a couple of days ago, I decided to take a break from Final Fantasy XIV and decided to resubscribe to World of Warcraft!

    I wanted to sit down properly and start a new character and I decided to roll a new Marksmanship Hunter on Outland EU.

    You can find my new character called “Notkeeping”, which is kinda ironic because I wasn’t sure if I was going to keep this character, but I did.

    If you wish to add me as a friend on or even if you wish to play, add Crakila#2745

    You can find my character right here:


  • Happy New Year!

    I just want to wish everyone a very Happy New Year from myself and my family. It has been a roller-coaster of a year, so let’s hope that this year will be a lot better. 🙂

    In a somewhat growing attempt to increase my vocabulary and sentence structure, I am going to at the very least try to write a post every day in 2016.

    The aim is to post at least once a day.
    If I am going anywhere that I won’t be at the computer, I must write posts before going and if I do miss a day, the amount of posts that I would have to do the next day increases.


  • WordPress Issues currently on

    So over the past few days I have been playing around with the new WordPress desktop program which requires you to have JetPack installed.

    So naturally enough, I installed JetPack and now anytime that I decide to remove to add a new post to the blog, I get a 504 Gateway Error from nginx.

    I disabled the plugin and I while I am not getting the error anymore, I am still having loading issues with the site…I did play about with the php.ini but I need to have a look at the plugins and see what I can adjust to resolve this issue.

    Will update when I have found a solution.