Welcome to The JukeBox.
A look at music that I love and that you should listen to.
Today, we are looking at the title theme for EDGE. A sorta…platform puzzle game available for every device under the sun.
Check it out after the jump.
Welcome to The JukeBox.
A look at music that I love and that you should listen to.
Today, we are looking at the title theme for EDGE. A sorta…platform puzzle game available for every device under the sun.
Check it out after the jump.
Just because a game is on sale…doesn’t mean that it will be reduced again…because it can
You only buy games when 1 of 4 things occur:
1. The game is in the daily deal (rotates every 48hrs)
2. The game is in a flash sale (rotates every 8hrs)
3. The game is in the community sale (Chosen by the community, rotates every 8hrs) or
4. It’s the final day. (July 22nd)
If a game came out recently (say…2 weeks) and it’s on sale for say 33%, then you should buy it because it will more than likely not go on further reduction throughout the sale.
Beware of packs of games (Half Life packs, publisher packs) because the games might be cheaper individually than the whole package itself.
Welcome back to The Jukebox. A look into the songs that I am currently enjoying and what you should be listening to.
Back to Daft Punk this week with Lose Yourself to Dance.
Disclaimer: As part of the NDA Agreement with Square-Enix, I am only allowed to share screenshots of the game and nothing more. I am allowed to talk about the game but I am not allowed to share audio or video footage of the game.
I logged into the game this morning to get a few screenshots for a few friends who are into Final Fantasy games but not the MMO’s and while I was taking the screenshots, someone else wanted to do a big group photo outside the Aetheryne (sp?) (It’s a massive blue crystal that is used for teleporting around the world.)
Also, please excuse the naked picture. The guy that was organising the group photo wanted everyone naked for some reason.
Welcome back everyone to Links of The Week. A weekly (Sorta) list of links that I found interesting over the past week.
Click that “Read More” button to see all the links.