Author: Padraig Fahy

  • Seems that ArenaNet has changed the name of Guild Wars 2 to….

    So, while the servers have been having login issues, ArenaNet has decided to changed the name of Guild Wars to…

    The new name for the game
    The new name for the game (By xCustomGraphics on deviantART)
  • My New Minecraft Skin – Lightning Farron

    Today, I decided to change up my Minecraft skin a bit. From the moment I played Minecraft, I have looked like Yusei Fudo from Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s anime.

    Today, my character, had a sex change and became Lightning Farron from Final Fantasy XIII (and FFXIII-2)


    New Minecraft Skin
    New Minecraft Skin

    Sorry for blurry thumbnail, still getting used to WP. Give me time to get things sorted out 🙂

  • Yay! Guild Wars 2 Headstart is on. Let’s pla…Oh….OK…..

    Oh, I see how it is!
    Oh, I see how it is!

    Granted, I have been able to play the game already. I am a currently (at time of posting this) a Level 6 Asura Elementalist on the Desolation EU server named “Crakila”.

    /w me in game 😀

    (While I wait for the login servers to fix themselves, I shall fix the permission/upload problem here)

  • 0.01β

    I decided to work on the site a wee bit, mostly back end changes. Here we go

    • Added CloudFlare
    • Added Disqus commenting system
    • Added Social Sharing Links (Don’t worry, they are not intrusive at all)
    • Added Contact Form (Click “Contact Me” at the top of the page)
    • Changed the “Twenty-Eleven” theme to the Dark variant.
    • Removed Header Picture(s)
    • Added Akismet (I know it’s pointless when I have Disqus, but I have it there anyway…Does no harm)
    • EDIT: Added the “P” favicon. 😀

    And that is pretty much it.

    My “plan” for the design was to put a Twitter, Google+, Tumblr button where the search box is (Top-Right) corner of the page. If you are a web dev and you would like to tell me how this can be done easily, you may leave a comment below 🙂

    Before I sign off, I would like to address something. I will NEVER put ads on this site..Why? Because A) They are intrusive, B) I gain nothing from them.

    I also won’t be putting big pop-ups/pop-unders to other sites…That is just being a dick and kinda ruins the blog.

    Now that I have the Social Plugin in, I will NOT be telling you to follow my Twitter, nor subscribe to the RSS. The buttons are there if you want to use it. There is zero obligation in using them.

    Hope you all have a nice Sunday/Monday 🙂

  • Contact Me

    Want to chat with me?

    I am available all the time via email at p at

    Social Media

    You can find me as VampiricPadraig on most places


    Other Gaming Related information is available on a older page here:

  • UPDATE: 19th August 2012

    Hi everyone,

    Looks like the DNS has been sorted and everything is working as intended now.
    From next week, I shall be designing the site. There won’t be massive changes right away but eventually it should look very…”dapper”

    Bug reports are welcome at
    And you can Tweet me @fahyIE
    Annndddd, Message me on Google+,GTalk etc at 

    Cats by sailFree2209 on deviantART (Click the image to go to the dA page)


    You can also leave your bug reports in the comments below.
    If you would like to help, please email me above and we can talk it through 🙂

    I am still blogging for the time being over on, so you probably won’t see any content here for a while.

    And I shall leave you with a picture…of 2 cats 🙂