Big Brother UK 2024 – Day 29 Notes

  • Lily didn’t clean up the vegetable scraps last night. Segun agrees with Sarah that cleaning it up would enable her.
  • Hanah in the DR – She will stay in the house, but is still not happy
  • Emma cleans up the kitchen mess left by Lily.
  • HoH Emma is having a breakfast upstairs.
  • Ali in the DR – Felt unwell after having a sip of Lily’s stew. Stomach rumbled really loudly. BB could hear it.
  • Emma puts washing powder on the breakfast that she didn’t eat to prevent Lily from eating it.
  • Segun and BP are upstairs praying.
  • BB are at the sofa for today’s task. It’s Big Brother’s Nature Flower Show. They are aiming to become “Best in Show”. Winner gets a tea party.
  • 2 of them become judges. HoH Emma is Head Gardener. She chooses BP to be a groundskeeper
  • The rest are plants:
  • Lily and Khaled are Nuisance Weeds. (They must write a poem about how they are going to become better people in the house.)
  • Ali and Marcello are Shy Wallflowers (Must perform a dance routine to Demi Levato’s “Confident”)
  • Nathan & Hanah are Poisonous Stinging Nettles. (Can only give compliments and cannot swear)
  • Thomas & Segun are On-the-fence Ivies. (They are fence sitters and must sit on the fence outside and give a controversial opinion )
  • Sarah is a Beautiful Rose. (She gets to look pretty)
  • Nathan and Ali are talking about Emma in the storeroom.
  • Each of the types of plants have a certain task.
  • BB has gathered everyone
  • On-the-fence Ivies Thomas and Segun. Thomas believes Nathan to have been a game player. Playing into everyone’s emotions.
  • Segun says that the rule breaks are affected people who haven’t broken any rules.
  • Emma asks Segun if someone was to do a backdoor eviction, who would he choose. He chooses Lily. Thomas also chooses Lily.
  • Stinging Nettles Nathan and Hanah are next. Nathan apologises to Khaled and Thomas. Hanah apologises to Lily.
  • The Nuisance Weeds Lily and Khaled. They read out a poem, taking turns to talk every paragraph.
  • The rose (Sarah) must go around and tell each person how they could improve. She gets to Khaled and goes ‘in’ on him by saying that “instead of looking outwards, he should look inwards” and “come down from his ivory tower”
  • Ali and Marcello must dance for the house.
  • Ali and Marcello win the BB Nature’s Flower Show best in show.
  • Ali, Marcello, BP and Emma have a tea party later today.
  • Khaled thought that Sarah went in a bit too hard.
  • Ali and Marcello are in the DR – Marcello enjoyed working with Ali and collaborating.
  • Khaled and Sarah in the kitchen. Khaled seems upset about what Sarah said and asks her for some distance.
  • Ali, Marcello, BP and Emma are upstairs are having their lunch.
  • Lily is in the DR – She didn’t like that Thomas and Segun and chose her.
  • Marcello and Lily are dancing Ali and his dance routine from earlier.
  • Nathan is completing BP dress
  • Sarah and Lily are dancing. Segun is making a beat and Marcello is rapping.
  • Khaled in the DR – Sarah’s comments about him earlier was unpleasant.
  • BP, Nathan, Emma and Lily are talking about anal… yep…
  • Nathan is in the DR – Khaled doesn’t like people talking negatively about him. If you ever wanted to fall asleep. Just ask Khaled to read a story.