Nathan goes into the DR – A lot has been thrown at him in the last 5 weeks, but last night with BP being evicted happened so fast. He doesn’t believe Segun’s reasoning for choosing BP and Ali.
Marcello cleaned up the kitchen… again.
Marcello is in the DR – Nasty, Ungrateful, Dirty kids. He is complaining about people not cleaning. Only him, Emma, Ali clean.
Segun in the DR – He is giving his side of the story as to why he chose Ali and BP (To prevent them from getting boos)
Ali is talking with Segun talking about the difficult decision that he had to make yesterday.
Emma, Marcello and Sarah talking about fleshlights…
Segun and Hanah talking about their parents. Hanah’s parents wanted her to be a lawyer.
Marcello has been called to the DR – BB has a secret task. Housemates will be getting fan mail. But Marcello will be creating the fan mail. Housemates must not find out that he created the fan mail. If he is successful, he and the rest of the house will get a reward.
All housemates to gather to the sofa to read out the “Fan” mail. Sarah reads out Emma’s notice. Thomas’ fan mail gets read out by Ali. Hanah’s is read out by Segun. Emma reads out Nathan’s.
Nathan reads out Marcello’s fan mail. Thomas reads out Ali’s. Emma reads out Sarah’s. Marcello reads out Segun’s fan mail.
Ali is in the DR – She liked receiving fan mail and is very happy that someone outside the house likes them.
BB reveals that the fan mail was fake. BB reveal that Marcello wrote the letters. He passed the secret task. The house wins a prize. BB play Marcello’s music in the house.
BB gathers everyone to the sofa. 4 will enter the vault. Nathan, Sarah, Segun and Thomas stand up. Only 2 of them will return. They say goodbye to the rest of the housemates.
The 4 in the Vault get to see the housemates, but the housemates can’t see them.
£10000 from the prize fund. They must predict who is going to be evicted. Both predictions must be correct. Emma stands and declares that Thomas and Sarah would be evicted from the house. If they predict correctly, they win the money.
The 9th housemate to be evicted is: Sarah
The 10th housemate to be evicted is: Thomas
The £10K goes back into the prize pool. Prize pool is now: £90,000
Nathan can’t understand why he is still in the house.
Nathan is in the DR – He has had the 2 worst nights in a row. He doesn’t believe Segun is being true to himself. He is doubting Marcello. If either Ali, Emma or Nathan wins, Authenticity wins.
Hanah is in the DR – She is not a fan of backdoor evictions, but if that is what gets her to the final, She will win.
Voting is back open and will freeze on Friday during the final.