Category: Uncategorised

  • Padraig.Blog V1.0

    Today, along with the release of Ghost 1.0, I have decided to updated the blog with the brand new Ghost 1.0 theme and modified it so that it will show a new random image daily from Unsplash How? Here’s how! In your new Ghost install, navigate to content/themes/casper/ and open index.hbs On, Line 6, replace:…

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  • Predictions for WWE Battleground 2017 PPV

    Hi everyone and welcome to my predictions for WWE Battleground 2017 PPV! The first predictions post in our new home of If you are new to my predictions posts, here is how it works.I predict who I think is going to win their match on Sunday night and I explain why! Then the next…

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  • Domains for Sale!

    The following is a list of domains that I am currently selling. Domains for Sale: (It’s a Monster) – Price: €5000 The above domains can be purchased, by contacting me via email at:p [at] pf [dot] ie I will accept bank transfer or PayPal! Prices are not negotiable! Prices are as is!

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  • Separating Content

    For the last few months, I have been part of a Facebook group that has nearly has 5,000 members and is dedicated to Irish Bloggers. It’s called…. “Irish Bloggers” (Who would have thunk it???) Anyway, as I have been lurking over there for the last while, one thing became clear to me… Having everything on…

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  • WWE Great Balls of Fire 2017 PPV Predictions [Results]

    Hi everyone and welcome to my WWE Great Balls of Fire (GBOF) 2017 PPV Predictions. Yes, we are still laughing at the name of this PPV. I can only say “Thank You” to Vince McMahon for creating such a ‘wonderful’ name haha! Anyway, here we go with the predictions. (C) – Current Champion Superstar –…

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  • Links of the Day (30/6 & 1/7 2017)

    About 4 years ago, I started a small series on this blog known as “Links of the Week” where I take a handful of links that I found interesting and list it all on one page. For the next week or so, I am going to attempt to do this daily.The aim of this project…

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  • Why WWE is failing and failing hard!

    This is just a small rant from me about the current state of WWE It’s not secret at this stage that WWE are falling by the wayside once again! After the brand extension last July, the product was getting very very good! SmackDown was on the best run that I have ever seen it and…

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  • Links of the Day (29/06/2017)

    About 4 years ago, I started a small series on this blog known as “Links of the Week” where I take a handful of links that I found interesting and list it all on one page. For the next week or so, I am going to attempt to do this daily.The aim of this project…

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  • Padraig.Blog v0.5

    Previous Post: – v0.4 So it has been 7 months since the last site update, which I honestly think is the longest I have gone without a site update on ANY of the sites that I run under Clearweb. Anyway, while it may not seem that much different, I have changed the theme to…

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