Category: Uncategorised

  • Oh Ghost, you are full of joys and sadness

    Ah where do I begin with this post.
    Right, so I have been using the 1.0 version of Ghost since it launched using the ghost-cli tool that they provide to ‘provision’ the blogs themselves.

    I have managed to install 4 blogs,,, and All well and good!
    And 2 of them as of tonight are breaking because if I have my /home/web folder set to CHMOD 700, nothing updates and breaks the sites.

    So, now I am forced to run ghost run inside a tmux session just to get the sites live.
    This is not ideal and I should not be spending half of my nights fixing something that should be easily working.

    Did you contact Ghost support or ask someone about it?
    Of course I did! I submitted a ticket to the ghost-cli team nearly 48 hours ago and they have not responded to me yet.
    Their official #help channel on Slack appear to be ignoring me…

    There is a ticket with a very similar issue and the solution for him is to reinstall…I can’t really afford to do that!
    I need these sites at a state where I can easily blog and then when it comes time, update them without they hitting the wall.

    For those that are interested, here is the error that I am getting when I go to ghost ls or ghost start on a couple of my blog.

    vampiricpadraig@titan  /home/web/  ghost start/usr/local/lib/node_modules/ghost-cli/node_modules/yargs/yargs.js:1079      else throw err           ^Error: failed    at module.exports.sync (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/ghost-cli/node_modules/execa/index.js:298:26)    at handleShell (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/ghost-cli/node_modules/execa/index.js:100:9)    at Function.module.exports.shellSync (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/ghost-cli/node_modules/execa/index.js:307:43)    at SystemdProcessManager.isRunning (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/ghost-cli/extensions/systemd/systemd.js:61:19)    at Instance.get running [as running] (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/ghost-cli/lib/instance.js:61:27)    at (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/ghost-cli/lib/commands/start.js:27:21)    at Function._run (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/ghost-cli/lib/command.js:198:48)    at Object.handler (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/ghost-cli/lib/command.js:117:22)    at Object.self.runCommand (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/ghost-cli/node_modules/yargs/lib/command.js:233:22)    at Object.Yargs.self._parseArgs (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/ghost-cli/node_modules/yargs/yargs.js:990:30)    at Object.Yargs.self.parse (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/ghost-cli/node_modules/yargs/yargs.js:532:23)    at (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/ghost-cli/lib/bootstrap.js:165:14)    at Object.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/ghost-cli/bin/ghost:14:11)    at Module._compile (module.js:570:32)    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:579:10)    at Module.load (module.js:487:32)

    I just wish someone would assist me in getting this sorted…..

  • Padraig.Blog V1.0

    Today, along with the release of Ghost 1.0, I have decided to updated the blog with the brand new Ghost 1.0 theme and modified it so that it will show a new random image daily from Unsplash

    How? Here’s how!

    In your new Ghost install, navigate to content/themes/casper/ and open index.hbs

    On, Line 6, replace:

    <header class="site-header outer {{#if @blog.cover_image}}" style="background-image: url({{@blog.cover_image}}){{else}}no-cover{{/if}}">


    <header class="site-header outer {{#if @blog.cover_image}}" style="background-image: url({{else}}no-cover{{/if}}">

    Save, and restart ghost by going back to the root of your Ghost install and invoke:
    ghost restart

    Anyway, new content coming soon (As soon as I can get over this damn cold that I have had for about a week now!)

  • Predictions for WWE Battleground 2017 PPV

    Hi everyone and welcome to my predictions for WWE Battleground 2017 PPV! The first predictions post in our new home of

    If you are new to my predictions posts, here is how it works.
    I predict who I think is going to win their match on Sunday night and I explain why! Then the next day, I will update this very post with the predictions that I got right or wrong. Simple as that!

    •  (c) = Current Champion
    • Bold Green = My Prediction

    If you want to comment who you think is going to win on Sunday, then leave it in the comments section below.
    With that out of the way, lets get into the predictions.

    My Predictions:

    Non-Title Matches:

    • John Cena vs Rusev in a Flag Match
      • PREDICTION: Cena made his return on the 4th July SD Live and OMG!!! THIS FEUD AGAIN! We done this in 2015 guys….Come on. It’s basically Russia vs USA in a ‘classic’ Flag Match. (Basically, first one to retrieve the flag wins) I swear Vince Russo is booking this match. John Cena to win!
    • Shinsuke Nakamura vs Baron Corbin
      • PREDICTION: Shinsky-naks is up against in ‘Big Banter Mr Money in the Bank’ Baron Corbin. This is a terrible excuse of a feud that is just trying to push Corbin since he has the MITB Briefcase. Baron Corbin to win! (Side-note prediction: Baron Corbin will NOT cash in MITB tonight. I’m predicting SummerSlam cash in)
    • Charlotte Flair vs Becky Lynch vs Natalya vs Tamina vs Lana in a five way elimination match for the Number One contendership to face Naomi at SummerSlam.
      • PREDICTION: Lana has a ‘good-ish’ shot at this since she has jobbed and could be the surprising one when it comes to this elimination match. Similar to what happened with the Men’s MITB Ladder match…One will get injured, go away for most of the match and then come back. Each one of these women deserve a title shot. As usual, Becky Lynch to win this but the dark horse would be Lana!
    • Sami Zayn vs Mike Kanellis
      • PREDICTION: … I suppose they HAVE to use Mike/Maria… They have been in the WWE for the last month and done nothing but be love birds *Shudder*. Anyway, Mike might prove his worth this Sunday but I cannot count out one of my favourite wrestlers! Sami Zayn to win!
    • Tye Dillinger vs Aiden English (Kickoff Show)
      • PREDICTION: Oh lads…Formally hot NXT stars and you get shoved to the pre-show. The tinder that Tye had in NXT has been extinguished and I feel terrible for Tye. He is such a good worker and I really enjoyed him when he was in NXT. Aiden is having it hard after Simon Gotch left WWE earlier this year and is trying anything to get himself over. I would like to see a re-package on Aiden after SummerSlam. Tye to win!

    Titles Matches:

    • AJ Styles (c) vs Kevin Owens for the United States Championship
      • PREDICTION: After the shock win at Madison Square Garden at a WWE House Show, KO would only be furious to know that he didn’t drop the belt on TV but rather a house show. This happened once before when Kevin Owens dropped the NXT Championship to Finn Bálor in April of 2015 at a WWE Special Event, Beast in the East featuring Brock Lesnar. KO is a really good worker and while I would like to see KO winning the belt, I feel that AJ Styles is going to retain!
    • The Usos (c) vs The New Day for the SmackDown Tag Team Championship
      • PREDICTION: This is a feud that I really cannot care for. It isn’t a great feud. The rap battle that they had on 11th July SmackDown Live was horrible and shouldn’t have been done (Just like the ‘Ball’ segment on RAW the previous week). Anyway, I can’t see The New Day gaining the titles, so The Usos to retain the belts!
    • Jinder Mahal (c) vs Randy Orton in a Punjabi Prison Match for the WWE Championship
      • PREDICTION: *Looks at stipulation* …sigh… This really is happening, isn’t it? A Punjabi Prison Match? 10 years later after The Great Khali’s Punjabi Prison match. Someone must be taking notes from Vince Russo…They HAVE to be. Anyway, this will be a hard fought match as Jinder is actually very good in the ring and Randy is Randy! I can see this going on for like 45 mins since they have to escape TWO ‘prisons’. I can already see that the Singh brothers are going to get involved and probably give Jinder the victory. While I would like to see Jinder hold the belt until SummerSlam (And then drop it to Corbin when he cashes in), I have to say that Randy Orton is going to win the match and become the new WWE Champion. 

    Other Bits:

    • Breezango “close the case”
      • PREDICTION: I honestly have no clue what this means…this was on the page… Something to do with an NXT team like TM-61 or something…I don’t know and I don’t care!

    And that is my predictions for WWE Battleground. This one was harder to write up as (admittedly), I haven’t been able to watch a lot of wrestling recently due to being so busy, but I am trying to catch up where I can.


    • WWE for header image.

  • Domains for Sale!

    The following is a list of domains that I am currently selling.

    Domains for Sale:

    The above domains can be purchased, by contacting me via email at:
    p [at] pf [dot] ie

    I will accept bank transfer or PayPal!

    Prices are not negotiable! Prices are as is!

  • Separating Content

    For the last few months, I have been part of a Facebook group that has nearly has 5,000 members and is dedicated to Irish Bloggers.

    It’s called…. “Irish Bloggers” (Who would have thunk it???)

    Anyway, as I have been lurking over there for the last while, one thing became clear to me… Having everything on one site is not going to improve my ‘exposure’ to people who may only be interested in gaming, who may only be interested in technology or to people who may be only interested in my Wrestling content.

    So, I have taken the liberty in splitting out my technology, gaming and wrestling blogs into their own WordPress sites.

    This site will be kept for personal topics, music and probably some coding stuff and (more than likely) you will see a cross over from the 4 sites (and a couple more) to here.


    These sites are now dedicated sites, and to keep it simple, I have implemented only a handful of plugins and using a simple free theme (Magazine Plus (afaik)) and put up a basic ‘About me’ page.

    I have 2 other sites (one which I am just a contributor on) and you may see content on it.

    And ALSO, starting today, I will be cross-posting my content (I don’t know if it will be be from all sites mentioned above) to my Medium site, so you can go and check me out there and follow if you use that also!
