WWE Great Balls of Fire 2017 PPV Predictions [Results]

Padraig Fahy avatar

Hi everyone and welcome to my WWE Great Balls of Fire (GBOF) 2017 PPV Predictions.

Yes, we are still laughing at the name of this PPV. I can only say “Thank You” to Vince McMahon for creating such a ‘wonderful’ name haha!

Anyway, here we go with the predictions.

  • (C) – Current Champion
  • Superstar – Prediction
  • Bold – Winner

4/8 predicted correctly!

Non-Title Matches

Roman Reigns vs http://bishopinsurance.ie/ in a Ambulance Match – PREDICTION: Oh boy…this feud is STILL HAPPENING! PLEASE STOP! I don’t even care about the outcome anymore. Just let it be over! Roman Reigns

Seth Rollins vs Bray Wyatt – PREDICTION: This was a storyline? In typical fashion, Bray is going to lose to Seth. Nothing more to say about this. Seth Rollins

Enzo Amore vs Big Cass – PREDICTION: Big Cass has turned heel and now needs the win over former tag team member Enzo to get himself over. Should be a good singles competition and could work in both of their favours. Big Cass

Title Matches

Neville (C) vs Akira Tozawa for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship – PREDICTION: We all know that Neville is going to hold this belt for a really long time. There is literally no one that can beat him. Neville to retain

Cesaro & Sheamus (C) vs The Hardy Boyz in a 30 minute Iron Man Match for the WWE RAW Tag Team Championship – PREDICTION: This should be a fun match. I like an iron-man match as it can really show who has the energy for the half hour match. While I respect the hell out of Cesaro and Sheamus, I must give the win to the Hardyz. The Hardy Boyz to win

The Miz (C) vs Dean Ambrose for the Intercontinental Championship – PREDICTION: This fued again. Can we please just have the belt moved on to someone that is no DZ, Miz, DA or anyone else that came over from SmackDown Live. I would like to see a new champion very soon. The Miz to retain

Alexa Bliss (C) vs Sasha Banks for the RAW Women’s Championship – PREDICTION: I am predicting this to be match of the night. Alexa is fantastic and so is Sasha. The battle royal match thingy was a good way to elevate Sasha back into the title scene. Alexa Bliss to retain

Brock Lesnar (C) vs Samoa Joe for the Universal Championship – PREDICTION: This is hyped to be good, but I cannot see this match lasting more than 15 mins with no title change. Brock just cannot cut it in the ring what-so-ever anymore. He is booked to win in record times and then walks out of the arena and we do not hear from him until Summerslam. Brock Lesnar to retain

WWE needs to wake up with half of these booking choices, this might as well just be Monday Night RAW considering how bland this card is. There is nothing “exciting”…not even the Brock vs Joe match. Just no. WWE NEEDS to work on booking better matches going forward because it is going to bite them.

Half of the matches on this, you can easily skip because A) The storyline is terrible. B) The superstars are clearly not interested and it makes everything seem sluggish and monotonous.

GBOF is on this Sunday at 1am on WWE Network and on Sky Sports (Please don’t buy it on Sky Sports…Use the Network)

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