Big Brother UK 2024 – Day 2 Notes

Padraig Fahy avatar
Big Brother UK 2024 – Day 2 Notes

See Day 0 and 1 here.

Big Brother UK – Season 21 – Day 2

  • Lily starts the morning by screeching!
  • Another head-to-head challenge – Non-housemate must decide who is the most loveable.
  • Daze is selected as the non-housemate. She selects Housemate Segun as the least loveable person.
  • Daze & Segun are in the garden standing on a marker.
  • Rosie will take Max (a dog) out to the garden. Max will choose between Daze and Segun.
  • Max chose Housemate Segun and he is the winner. He stays in the house and Daze goes back into Storage.
  • Emma wants Lily to shut the fuck up.
  • Ali is discussing her ADHD diagnosis. Opening up about her family. Her brother committed suicide.
  • Lily in the DR. Thinks Marcello is “swotty” by being topless all the time. Thinks Sarah doesn’t like her. Likes Nathan. Thinks he is cute.
  • Final head-to-head challenge. Non-housemate has to choose someone who is the most competitive
  • Non-Housemate Thomas has been selected. He chooses Housemate Rosie as the least competitive.
  • Both of them have a series of dares that they must complete. If they refuse to carry out their dare, their opponent wins.
  • Dare 1 for Tom is that he must wear a bucket on his head until further notice. The bucket has eye holes.
  • Dare 1 for Rosie is change her name to “Baked Potato”. She signs a certificate to make it official. Throughout the rest of the series, she will be called Baked Potato
  • Dare 2 for Tom is to wear Big Brother’s stench scarf which is covered in filth. He is to wear the scarf until further notice.
  • Dare 2 for Rosie Baked Potato is to blend a cheese sandwich and drink it. She does it.
  • Dare 3 for Tom is to shave off one eyebrow. He shaves his left eyebrow.
  • Dare 3 for Rosie Baked Potato is to smush chewing gum into her hair. She chews the gum and puts it into her hair.
  • Dare 4 for Tom to shred 3 personal photos belonging to non-housemates. He chooses Ryan, Daze and Marcello. Their photos get shredded.
  • Tom completes his dares.
  • Dare 4 for Rosie Baked Potato is to have all of their nominations throughout the series be done Face-to-Face. She refuses to do so.
  • Tom wins. Tom will take 2 people out of storage along with him. He choose Sarah and Marcello.
  • Tom, Sarah and Marcello has gone into the house and are no longer up for eviction. Rosie Baked Potato is now in storage and is up for eviction.
  • Tom is in DR. He asked BB how long eyebrows would take to grow back. BB said “7 to 10 years”
  • Non-housemates have 1 final chance to go into the house. They put their hand up. Whoever keeps their hand up the longest will go into the house. The rest will be up for eviction.
  • Ryan, Nathan and Dean put their hands down after 5 minutes.
  • Rosie Baked Potato and Emma put their arms down after 36 minutes
  • Lily and Daze are left. They have had their hand up for nearly 2 and a half hours.
  • Daze promises Lily to help her in the future if she puts her arm down. Lily agrees and puts her arm down.
  • Daze wins. She is now a housemate. She gets to choose 2 more people to join her in the house. She chooses Emma and Lily. They are no longer up for eviction.
  • Nathan, Dean, Ryan and Rosie and Baked Potato are up for eviction this week.
  • The storage task has ended and everyone will go back into the house.
  • Lily comes into the house screaming. Segun is stunned.
  • Lily is still screaming after about 20 minutes.
  • Nathan is in the DR. During the hands-up challenge, he thought that Daze is not all that she seems and that her “Climate Activist” is more of a gimmick and not her actual self.