Author: Padraig Fahy

  • [The JukeBox] #5 – Christina Perri – Jar of Hearts

    Welcome back everyone to Episode 2 of Music Lyric Monday. This song has been stuck in my head for the past 2 weeks. It is sooooo good. YouTube video follows!


    I know, I can’t take one more step towards you
    ‘Cause all that’s waiting is regret
    Don’t you know I’m not your ghost anymore
    You lost the love I loved the most

    I learned to live half alive
    And now you want me one more time

    And who do you think you are?
    Runnin’ ’round leaving scars
    Collecting your jar of hearts
    And tearing love apart
    You’re gonna catch a cold
    From the ice inside your soul
    So don’t come back for me
    Who do you think you are?

    I hear you’re asking all around
    If I am anywhere to be found
    But I have grown too strong
    To ever fall back in your arms

    I’ve learned to live half alive
    And now you want me one more time

    And who do you think you are?
    Runnin’ ’round leaving scars
    Collecting your jar of hearts
    And tearing love apart
    You’re gonna catch a cold
    From the ice inside your soul
    So don’t come back for me
    Who do you think you are?

    And It took so long just to feel alright
    Remember how to put back the light in my eyes
    I wish I had missed the first time that we kissed
    ‘Cause you broke all your promises
    And now you’re back
    You’re lookin’ to get me back

    And who do you think you are?
    Runnin’ ’round leaving scars
    Collecting your jar of hearts
    And tearing love apart
    You’re gonna catch a cold
    From the ice inside your soul
    So don’t come back for me
    Don’t come back at all

    And who do you think you are?
    Runnin’ ’round leaving scars
    Collecting your jar of hearts
    And tearing love apart
    You’re gonna catch a cold
    From the ice inside your soul
    Don’t come back for me
    Don’t come back at all

    Who do you think you are?
    Who do you think you are?
    Who do you think you are?

    YouTube Video

  • [The JukeBox] #4 : Hatsune Miku – clash_2000 re: month of music

    It has been about a year since my last Music Lyric Monday that I had running on my previous blogging software (WordPress), but now that I am on Tumblr, I feel that I can reach out to alot more people that I could have before.

    Anyway, Let’s Begin MLM!!!

    Welcome to Music Lyric Monday S3 E1. Every Monday, I showcase my favorite song of the past week in the form of a video and lyrics to that song.

    The first song in this series is from a genre which I have gotten into in the past month or so. Sorta Japanese-techno, but not OTT. I hope you all enjoy and I will see you next week.

    If you have any suggestions on what I should listen to, drop me a reply to THIS post and I will have a listen 🙂



    dari kita
    bagi music
    bagi kita semua

    memainkan nada yang kita bisa
    di sore ini yang ceria
    bersama senyuman manja
    matahari sembunyi

    gunakan irama apa pun yang ada
    bawaku berdansa
    antara mimpi dan dunia nyata
    kita jumpa

    tunjukkan mimpimu
    kita kan penuhi month of music
    tak ada jawaban mudah
    membawamu ke sana

    jika ku katakan
    akan kumainkan non-stop music
    irama jantungku kencang
    karena jumpa kamu

    jalinan nada yang kita cipta
    membuat harimu berwarna
    bersama kita bisa mengubah dunia

    melalui lagu yang kita miliki
    bagikan cinta
    sebagai satu karunia nyata yang kuasa

  • [The JukeBox] #3 – Believe in Nexus – Masaaki Endoh

    Hey everyone, Welcome to MLM. I couldn’t find the full lyrics to this, so I am doing the TV Size Version. This is the opening to the 4th series of Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s in Japan 😀 YouTube Video Follows 😀


    Sono te nobashi te mabayui ashita o tsukamitore mugen no sora habatake BELIEVE IN NEXUS Araburu kono shoudou daremino tomeranai te ni ase ni giru koubou taka maru kono HEART BEAT Bibi chimai souna batoru sakerarenai koko de owarasetakunai GO FOR IT Tachiagare kodoku ni obiefuruenaide nakama ga matte irukoto mou-ichido omoidase Kowaku wa naisa akirame wa shinai donna sugoi yatsu ni mo make wa shinai itsudatte honki no yuuki de BELIEVE IN NEXUS

    English (translated)

    Reach out your hand and grab ahold of that bright tommorrow Take to the boundless sky BELIEVE IN NEXUS These wild impulses can’t be stopped by anyone The struggle is breathtaking and it’s increasing my HEART BEAT There’s no turning back from a battle that looks scary Don’t wanna let it end here, so GO FOR IT Stand up, don’t tremble in fear to loneliness Just remember that your friends are there, waiting for you I’m not afraid, I’m not gonna give up, and no matter who I’m up against I’m never gonna lose, not with true courage in hand BELIEVE IN NEXUS

  • [The JukeBox] #2 – S2 – AC/DC – Black Ice (Limited Edition)

    This is an old post from 2009 that has been re-created. I was 17 when I first blogged so it’s very cringe. This was the entirety of Season 2 of what is now The JukeBox, so this would have ‘counted’ as 15 editions of that… Stupid I know…

    This is

    Before I start this review I would like to say the following: I know that I havn’t blogged in a while, this is because of my personal life catching up to me (again). But hopefully, I should be doing blogging a tad more often. It’s not everyday that I can blog 😀

    I bought this Limited Edition set because it was cheap. Our local music shop was closing down and prices on everything went down. This went from €60 down to a lovely €15.

    Contents of Box

    • Black Ice Album
    • DVD
    • Flag (AC/DC Logo)
    • Sticker Set
    • Guitar Pick

    AC/DC – Black Ice (Limited Edition) (Length: 55:37  Tracks: 15 Genre: Rock)

    AC/DC - Black Ice (Limited Edit. box)

    Track List

    1. Rock n Roll Train
    2. Skies on Fire
    3. Big Jack
    4. Anything Goes
    5. War Machine
    6. Smash n Grab
    7. Spoilin’ for a Fight
    8. Wheels
    9. Decibel
    10. Stormy May Day
    11. She Likes Rock n Roll
    12. Money Made
    13. Rock n Roll Dream
    14. Rocking all the Way
    15. Black Ice

    This album is very enjoyable even though I havn’t heard much AC/DC in the past. A few song I like, others you don’t (obviously) and thats what makes this album. There is something for everyone here and not just people who like classic rock.

  • [The JukeBox] #1 – S1 – Paramore – The Final Riot

    This is an old post from 2009 that has been re-created. I was 17 when I first blogged so it’s very cringe. This was the entirity of Season 1 of what is now The JukeBox, so this would have ‘counted’ as 15 editions of that… Stupid I know…
    This is now just 1 post!

    In September 2008, Paramore held a concert in Chicago, USA titled “The Final Riot”. The album was released a couple of months after. Enclosed with the CD was a DVD of the concert.

    This has been the only Paramore album that I have purchased, and I personally love it.

    Paramore – The Final Riot! (Length: 1:06:34 Tracks: 15 Genre: Alternative)


    Track List:

    01 – Born for This

    02 – That’s What You Get

    03 – Here We Go Again

    04 – Fences

    05 – Crushcrushcrush

    06 – Let the Flames Begin

    07 – When It Rains

    08 – My Heart

    09 – Decoy

    10 – Pressure

    11 – For a Pessimist, I’m pretty optimistic

    12 – We are broken

    13 – Emergency

    14 – Hallelujah

    15 – Misery Business

    And the DVD included had the same songs in order as listed!

    My favorite song on this album was Misery Business as it gave a great ending to a amazing concert and the band is just pure brillant.

    I loved this album. It has 3 of my all time favorite songs but I like all the songs. It is well worth the purchase!!

    Thats it for this review. Next Week, I shall be doing the AC/DC – Black Ice Limited Edition Review.