Author: Padraig Fahy

  • Why are MOBA’s so difficult?

    Some people may have read this question and think that MOBA’s are not that difficult, but I personally think that it is.

    I would safely says that about 1 million people are playing MOBA’s every day per month and while this is a interesting statistic, I am wondering sometimes…how?

    I tried League of Legends…I rage-quit it. Dota 2, similar style of gameplay, quit. Smite has been something that I have tried to get into since it is a twist on the regular format for MOBA’s (Which is that the game is 3rd person rather than overhead like LoL, Dota)

    But here is the thing. When you get into a game with your friends who have been playing these games for a long time and they start calling terms, moves, positions and you can’t react quick enough, a bit of rage starts building up inside of you and that is what happened to me today.

    I was playing Smite with a couple of other people for a “fun” game and it ended up that everyone (including me) raged because I couldn’t do a fucking thing properly. Was either too far forward, not last hitting mobs or even getting jungle camps for additional XP and gold.

    How the fuck am I suppose to know what to do. All I have been taught in the tutorials is to stay behind minions, attack towers, attack enemies and win. There is no mention of “meta” or “roles” or what items that I should or shouldn’t be using.

    What the hell am I supposed to say or do when it comes to a “clutch” situation.

    For all I know, the enemy is going to rape me and then everyone else is going to hate me because of it.

    I do try to give MOBA’s a fair chance when it comes to playing it. But this isn’t fun. It is a easy way of people to get angry for me and for me to rage at people.

    No wonder the LoL community is so terrible. They are looking for elitest people and they demand that they watch videos or look at build guides. Seriously, how the fuck am I suppose to play MOBA’s without being shit on all the fucking time?

    As you can tell by this post, I am raging, but it is the only way to vent my anger. No one wants to hear my bullshit over what I have to think about MOBA’s.

    But why are you playing MOBA’s then? 

    Because MOST (if not all) of my friends play some sort of MOBA such as League, Smite, Dota.

    It just makes me so mad…


  • WWE PPV: Wrestlemania Predictions [Part 2]

    For Part 1 of my Wrestlemania Predictions, please click here: WWE PPV: Wrestlemania Predictions [Part 1]

    A month ago, I released my first part which some predictions for WM32 and at the time, we only knew about 3 matches that were on the card.
    In this part, we are going to go through the rest of the card and some thoughts about this injure prone year!

    Anyway, let’s get down to it.

    Sasha Banks vs Becky Lynch vs Charlotte (c) Triple Threat for the WWE Divas Championship WWE Womens Championship PREDICTION: Becky Lynch = WINNER: Charlotte

    Honestly, this is a major toss up, but I do not think that Sasha is ready for the belt. I think this is Becky’s time as she has been betrayed by her “tag” partner Charlotte during “Team PCB”.
    And because Becky is Irish. GIVE IT TO THE LASS KICKER!

    Kalisto (c) vs Ryback for the United States Championship. PREDICTION: Kalisto = WINNER: KALISTO!

    What? Why? How? This was announced on a whim. Why is Ryback going for the US title and not the IC title? :/ This is a stupid booking decision by Creative. But anyway,
    Kalisto retains.

    The 3rd annual Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. PREDICTION: Who cares? WINNER: Baron Corbin

    This is the Royal Rumble that we sorta care about. This is a kickoff show fight so it is useless to have.
    According to the WWE Website, there is currently 7 people listed. All of the Social Outcasts, Big Show, Kane and Tyler Breeze. (zzzzzzzzz)

    The New Day vs The League of Nations. PREDICTION: New Day WINNER: League of Nations

      Seriously, what in the fuck? This is a non-title match and even if it was, The New Day would still win.
    2. League of Nations? More like the League of Boredom.
      They are the most boring “stable” that there has been in the WWE and should be put into a stable and shot.
      Please WWE…stop…just stop, you are killing the product with these fools.

    The Usos vs The Dudley Boyz. PREDICTION: Dudley Boyz. = WINNER: The Uso’s

    Ok, it’s a filler match, but lets have a look at it. High flying flippy shit vs Tables?
    I’ll take tables and it should be a fun match but don’t expect any surprises.

    Zack Ryder vs Stardust vs Dolph Ziggler vs Sami Zayn vs Sin Cara vs The Miz vs Kevin Owens (c) in a Ladder Match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship. PREDICTION: Sami Zayn. WINNER: Zack Ryder

    (That was long to type)

    Kevin Owens is very fully of himself and while that is his character, I personally do not like him and I would prefer someone new like Sami Zayn to take the title away from him since he had a fued with him back in NXT, which can set up another fued with the 2 of them the night after WM32.

    As for the rest of them. They will be out injured for the next year.


    There has been another addition to the Wrestlemania card (Surprised this wasn’t announced earlier)

    AJ Styles vs Chris Jericho. PREDICTION: AJ Styles WINNER: Chris Jericho

    AJ Styles is the new face in the WWE and it would be a shame if he was to lose his first Wrestlemania.

    2ND EDIT:

    Another addition to the WM32 card.

    The Total Divas vs. B.A.D. & Blonde. – 5v5 Divas Tag Match – PREDICTION: *shrug* – WINNER: Total Divas

    Kickoff-show match between “The Total Divas” (Brie Bella, Paige, Natalya, Alicia Fox & Eva Marie) and “B.A.D. & Blonde” (Lana, Naomi, Tamina, Emma & Summer Rae)

    This may be the first time in a VERY long time that we will see Lana fight. So a bit of my money will be on Lana…But, it’s a kickoff match so I cannot care

    And that is it for the WM32 predictions.

    The card is looking to be a bit on the meh side. Why Ryback? Why the LoN? Why Zack Ryder? Why SO MUCH SHIT BOOKING WWE?!

    I am so furious by this. Where is all the good talent? Are they still out injured? I am hoping for some of them to come back.

    Eg. Seth Rollings, Tyson Kidd, Cesaro, Randy Orton, Big Match John (Cena).

    I will be having a LIVE blog this Sunday night right here on the blog and I may stream my reaction to the show…so stay tuned for that.

    Until then, talk to you then!

  • New theme!

    Hurray…New theme.

    It looks nice.


    Here is a image of Shaco that I drew last night in mspaint as part of a game that I played with a couple of friends. Quite impressed tbh.

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