Quick Tip: Vodafone Internet Leasing every 24 hours!

Padraig Fahy avatar

I got back from England last week and I didn’t get in the door until about 10:40pm. When I walked in, I turned all the lights and switches on for all different things, including my Internet.

It wasn’t until the next night that my Internet had went down for 3 minutes while playing a game (Which lead to me getting kicked and losing connection to TeamSpeak etc etc) – I thought nothing of it at the time.

It wasn’t until later into this week that I realised that the time that you switch on the router is the most important time!

Vodafone has some weird setting (Not sure if on the network level or on their Router level), but the Internet will only stay up for 24 hours before leasing it. Leasing should be getting you a new IP address, NOT bringing the whole connection!

So what is the solution?

The solution would be (That I have found) is to switch off the router at the wall (the plug) either before you get home from work, or during the night when you are normally sleeping. I got off work early yesterday, so I switched the router off at 5:20pm and switched it back on at 5:23pm.

With that logic, my Internet should go down at approx. 5:23pm today (Saturday) and I should notice it. But that would mean that when I am about to finish up work at 5:30pm, the router will have already rebooted and ready to use that night!

Oh Vodafone, you and your quirks!