Author: Padraig Fahy

  • [The JukeBox] #48 – Mark McCabe – Maniac 2000

    Welcome back everyone to the 2nd edition of the 6th series of The Jukebox. A look at music from past and present!

    Now, I thought I had already featured this on a previous edition of The JukeBox (or even MusicLyricMonday/Friday) but I haven’t…so here is a classic from 2000, it is Mark McCabe’s, Maniac 2000! Enjoy!

    Lyrics, YouTube and Spotify is all after the jump!



  • Twitch – Turbo, Subscriptions and Adblock

    Some people seem to be confused as to why Turbo exists when Ad-Block exists and why people subscribe to channels

    If you use:
    AdBlock = No ads, no revenue for the broadcaster and Twitch.

    Turbo = No ads, Revenue for the broadcaster and Twitch for the ads that WOULD run on the site.

    Subscriptions = No ads on subbed channel. Subscriber emotes. Sub-Only mode. 50% of $4.99 goes to Broadcaster, the other 50% goes to Twitch.

    So which is better? Well, Subscriptions > Turbo > AdBlock.


    Don’t be a dick about it. Streamers need to make money. Be considerate and turn off your AdBlock or Purchase Turbo and/or Subscribe to the channels!

  • Call of Duty and why we don’t need another game.

    Preface: I will start by saying that I am referring to the multiplayer of the franchise rather the Single Player or other modes that would appear in the game.

    I have always liked the Call of Duty video games series. They have been “fun”, “exciting”, “enjoyable”.

    But now we are over-saturated with them. Ever since Modern Warfare 2, the franchise has gone downhill. Modern Warfare 3, Ghosts, Black Ops and Black Ops 2 have been overall a disappointment to the name of “Call of Duty”.


  • [The JukeBox] #47 – Infected Mushroom – The Pretender

    Welcome everyone to a brand new series for 2014 of The JukeBox. The JukeBox is my personal look into some amazing songs that I have come across lately, whether it would be new or old.

    Today, we are looking at the Number 1 song for osu! for 2013. It’s a cover from the Foo Fighters, it’s The Pretender from Infected Mushroom!

    YouTube and Spotify embed beneath the lyrics!



  • Damage report 4th February 2014

    At times you have technical difficulties and it takes time to get the problems resolved, but there is times where even simple things take more time than what it should be.

    This particular website is about 18 months old and has been moved from shared hosting to a dedicated server since.

    With running a site, technologies tend to get updated which can cause problems on the server.

    In my case, I was running Ubuntu 13.04 with Apache2, PHP and MySQL… Everything was working perfectly. Couldn’t complain. Then I had to update Ubuntu to 13.10 because of end of life support for the product.

    That is when the shit hit the fan. Apache broke. Not good. Could I get it working? Barely. After a while, I just gave in and switched to nginx. Everything was sorted. As time went on, things were getting slower and then….

    Slowness when using SSH, sites kept crashing… Turned out to be php5-fpm (which is nginx’s PHP) that was maxing out the I/O on the CPU whenever anyone visited this site. Some plugin that I am using is using a lot of PHP (not sure which) processing and restarting it would only cure the problem for a few minutes.

    I said “Right, I’m reinstalling the OS”. So yesterday (3rd), I started to backup the all the sites, databases and everything else and switched to Debian 7.

    First impressions, a heck of a lot stable compared to Ubuntu and hasn’t crashed yet (Knock on wood). Sites are running smooth as butter and nothing to complain about.

    I’m happy and also thankful to Pricetx for helping me throughout this process.

    Written on the tablet using the WordPress app. Apologies for any mistakes.