Author: Padraig Fahy

  • 2014, PFN, nologam

    Happy New Year everyone.

    This is a quick post on what is happening with PFN (Padraig Fahy Network) and what is going to be happening with it.

    We are having some slight changes. Over the next while, we will be saying a farewell to one site that I have tried to get up and running, Gamers and Geeks. It was a hard decision, but it is one that needed to be done in order to be “professional”.

    My love for technology and gaming hasn’t gone away and that is why it will be replaced by “nologam”.

    nologam (Technology, Gaming) is a peculiar, but interesting name, but the focus of it is, the community. The community creating the content. Not just from staff members, but from everyone.

    We are also going to have sections to talk about hacking, cyrpto-currencies, modding (gaming) and a whole load more.

    I am launching it sometime early 2014 and hopefully you are interested.

    I have written a blog post about the workflow of nologam, and I would encourage you to please check it out and leave feedback on twitter @nologam or email with suggestions, improvements etc to our workflow!

    There is a lot more that I could talk about, but I would just be rambling!

  • My introduction to git!

    So, the other day a good friend of mineΒ fucking retard that is a tranny (Reid at, set up a GitLab (Which is a self-hosted GitHub-esqe website) and the first thing that I said to him was.

    I must learn Git

    So, I spent about a couple of hours talking with him and linking to the git-scm website and before I knew it, I was pushing files from my Linux server over SSH to this Git website!

    Once it “clicked” with me on what was the reasoning for using Git, GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket etc was, I was so intrigured. The way that branches can be easily created and doing patches and what-have-ya. It was amazing.

    I worked over the weekend with Pricetx (@Pricetx), on creating/modifying some Just Cause 2 Multiplayer Scripts and we were creating, editing, uploading all through Git and GitLab.

    And with that said, I am now going to start using Git for simple version control stuff and hopefully something good with come out of it eventually. πŸ˜›

    The next site that I am creating (nologam), is going to be hosted on our private GitLab for development purposes and hopefully we’ll get some awesome stuff going.

    Invaluable tool to know no matter which part of the IT industry you are in πŸ™‚

  • I have a Just Cause 2 Server

    So a few days ago, A group of guys released a Multiplayer Mod for the game Just Cause 2 by Square-Enix and with that, they also released dedicated server files for it.

    So, I put the files on my server to see how it would go. Let’s just say…It has been a success!


    I started by putting some mods that people were using on other servers such as FreeRoam and Boost (which is kinda essential if you want to have a good server).

    So, with tweaking and playing around with different mods and help from a good friend Pricetx, Gamers and Geeks has become a fairly popular server. I started out with 50 slots thinking that no one would ever come on the server and as of today, I have increased those slots to 100 in hopes that everyone can play.

    The only problem that I am going to face sooner rather than later is usage, we are trying to push a lot of content and stuff on a Atom N2800 processor which is asking a lot from the server to produce, but I am confident that we will be able to work around it and hopefully have a smooth running server!

    Do you have Just Cause 2 and would like to join our server, click here and you will instantly join the server.


  • How to Update WordPress automatically using FTP Details

    If you have been using WordPress (since 3.7), you would know that a new feature that allows you to auto-update WP and plugins was implemented.

    But sometimes, you may come across that you can’t update it because of FTP Details not being found.

    Easiest thing that you can do is open your wp-config.php file and add the following lines:

    define('FTP_USER', 'username');
    define('FTP_PASS', 'password');
    define('FTP_HOST', 'localhost');

    Replacing ‘username’ with the FTP login username and ‘password’ with your own password and ‘localhost’ with the location of your WP install (if it is different)

  • Padoreigufeihyi

    No, I didn’t faceroll my keyboard after typing the first three letters of my name…

    This is actually my Japanese name! Now, unfortunately, Google Translate can’t translate “Fahy” but it can translate “Fahey” no problem. [Surprisingly, it can translate “Padraig” without any modification].

    I got the inspiration from Danny Choo’s blog Culture Japan, where he has the name of his site in English and in Japanese.

    Thought it looked pretty cool up there πŸ˜›

  • An Open Letter to Game Developers who develop for Xbox, Playstation and PC.

    Everyday technology changes. New products are being made and current products are being improved. New phones, new tablets, new computers and even new game consoles.

    With that, comes innovation. But it has seemed that over the past year of so…innovation in video games is…non-existent.

    With the arrival of the Playstation 4 and the Xbox One. It would seem that the gaming industry is taking 1 step forward and about 2 steps back on everything.

    With all the technology that is available to them…why is one of the most powerful gaming systems (the PC) being held back by new consoles. Yes, that is right. PC gaming is being held back because of consoles.

    In this day and age, people expect games to be running at the very least 1080p with a damn good framerate… While you try to develop games that work on those consoles, you then simply port the game over to PC…change a file and ship it to Steam and still charge full money for it…when it doesn’t even work, low framerate etc.

    This should not be happening. You should be basing your multiple platform games on the PC version and then port to the consoles…not the other way round!

    2 recent games have been a victim to this…Call of Duty: Ghosts and Need for Speed: Rivals.

    Those games can’t run for goddamn shit on PC’s because game developers are being lazy and not looking after the PC ports when they promise us that the PC version is going to be good (Right, Infinity Ward?). You are basing your “next-gen” titles on outdated system!

    Why should PC gamers have sacrificed, butchered, molested ports of console games?

    Just because you can’t get Call of Duty: Ghosts running at 1080p@60fps running on the Xbox One (Which is a laugh to begin with), doesn’t mean that the PC games should be shafted for it. WTF guys?

    A lot of people are wising up that PC is a better platform for gaming in every sense. I really wonder WHY people are buying consoles when they know full on well, that they are outdated PC’s from 2008. THESE NEXT GEN CONSOLES SHOULD BE BEATING PC’S!

    TL;DR – Develop for PC and then port to consoles for crying out loud!