Author: Padraig Fahy

  • An Open Letter to Game Developers who develop for Xbox, Playstation and PC.

    Everyday technology changes. New products are being made and current products are being improved. New phones, new tablets, new computers and even new game consoles.

    With that, comes innovation. But it has seemed that over the past year of so…innovation in video games is…non-existent.

    With the arrival of the Playstation 4 and the Xbox One. It would seem that the gaming industry is taking 1 step forward and about 2 steps back on everything.

    With all the technology that is available to them…why is one of the most powerful gaming systems (the PC) being held back by new consoles. Yes, that is right. PC gaming is being held back because of consoles.

    In this day and age, people expect games to be running at the very least 1080p with a damn good framerate… While you try to develop games that work on those consoles, you then simply port the game over to PC…change a file and ship it to Steam and still charge full money for it…when it doesn’t even work, low framerate etc.

    This should not be happening. You should be basing your multiple platform games on the PC version and then port to the consoles…not the other way round!

    2 recent games have been a victim to this…Call of Duty: Ghosts and Need for Speed: Rivals.

    Those games can’t run for goddamn shit on PC’s because game developers are being lazy and not looking after the PC ports when they promise us that the PC version is going to be good (Right, Infinity Ward?). You are basing your “next-gen” titles on outdated system!

    Why should PC gamers have sacrificed, butchered, molested ports of console games?

    Just because you can’t get Call of Duty: Ghosts running at 1080p@60fps running on the Xbox One (Which is a laugh to begin with), doesn’t mean that the PC games should be shafted for it. WTF guys?

    A lot of people are wising up that PC is a better platform for gaming in every sense. I really wonder WHY people are buying consoles when they know full on well, that they are outdated PC’s from 2008. THESE NEXT GEN CONSOLES SHOULD BE BEATING PC’S!

    TL;DR – Develop for PC and then port to consoles for crying out loud!

  • Lightning Farron Event in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn (Chapter 1)

    Today marked the start of the Lightning Farron event in Final Fantasy XIV!

    It is spanned over 4 chapter which a new one being released every 2nd day starting today! (So, Ch1 is today, Ch2 is 16th, Ch3 is 18th and Ch4 is 20th) and the event runs through until the 9th of December which the event returning in February 2014 when “Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII” is released on Xbox 360 and Playstation 3.

    Since the event was over before it had even started, here is a couple of screenshots and a video showing Lightning’s Sword that she uses in the game.



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  • Google+ Comments System on YouTube

    If you have been living under a rock for the past week, YouTube has made a massive change to the site in ways that people now want to leave!

    They have now implemented the Google+ commenting system (which has been trialed and tested to be a great tool)…but when YouTubers got this new feature, everyone lost their mind!

    And I don’t mean a small portion…I mean, EVERYONE. From TotalBiscuit, Jonathan Paula, Boogie2988 and more, they have shared their displeasure with the new comments system that they have disabled comments on videos uploaded since the changeover.

    What is so bad you may ask? Well, for starters, everyone has pretty much accepted that everyone needs to link their YouTube account with a Google+ profile or page. No one wanted to do it, but for the ‘unification’ that Google is doing, it seems logical.

    While it will take away anonymity from people, that is something that people are going to have to accept. Times are changing at Google and they want everyone to be “Open and Free and something something”.

    People are afraid of using Google+…That’s the way it is, people are using Facebook and Twitter and Tumblr and thus they don’t want to use anything else. But something has occurred to me while writing this piece which may be true….

    Google would like people to try Google+ before dismissing it. Most people who have complained about the new system have never touched Google+ and Google would like those people to actually try out the service. Now you may be asking “Why would they do this? Why are they trying to force us to use it?”

    YouTube is owned by Google. Google can do whatever they want. It is their site and they have the rights to make this change. They obviously didn’t think this on a whim and say “Let’s implement it right now”…No. They took their time with this system. They announced ย this system a long time ago and they were confident in their system.

    YouTube under-estimated what the community is capable of. They thought that YouTube was this place of awesome community discussions relating to the video and thus they wanted to centralise the whole “Community discussion”, but they never thought of the side effects from this.

    Unlimited character length. Who thought that would be a good move? Yes, it allows you to talk about the discussion on hand, but it also makes way for people to copy and paste movie scripts, books, and even ASCII penises and swastika’s.

    And also…External linking…Anything from viruses to screamers and…porn.

    While the system of Google+ comments on YouTube works, the content of which doesn’t and YouTube needs to fix that. I know what people may be thinking at this point. Changing the system back to the old YouTube commenting system. No. That is not how you fix stuff. If that was the way of doing things, then we would have the same version of YouTube that we had in 2005/6 and no real innovation from anyone and thus hold everything back from ever developing.

    So, YouTube will have to sit down and actually fix these issues I just talked about. Because at the moment, Big YouTubers such as TotalBiscuit and Boogie2988’s career is on thin ice. They could lose their job because of this.

    I think Boogie’s video sums it up well. I have done enough of talking about it.

    Great system…badly implemented!

  • Oh god…I love child themes!

    When I did the first iterations of back in 2012, I just edited the default theme files and then re-apply the changes whenever WordPress would update the them.

    So, whenever TwentyThirteen came out, I decided to create a child theme and this makes it A LOT easier to do changes.

    Sooo….Version 1.2 of the “2013-padraig” theme is out and the one and only change is:

    • Changed main fonts to “Ubuntu”


  • Internet Explorer…chan?

    Yes, this is a thing.

    Internet Explorer anime created by Microsoft themselves.

    I would watch a whole series of this. No lie. Check it out.