Author: Padraig Fahy

  • Driving – Practical Lessons

    This is to track how far I am from getting a Drivers License. Goals are below and will be updated in time.

    [progress id=1378]


    Driving Lessons: 2/12 Completed

    33% – Learning Theory (Started August 5th 2013…may have fallen off here πŸ˜› )
    45% – Applied for Theory Test (Applied on 26th August 2017)
    50% – Theory Passed (Completed on September 28th 2017)
    55% – Learners Permit Obtained (Obtained on October 17th 2017)
    60% – Learning how to drive (Started on January 18th 2018)
    95% – Applied for Practical Test
    100% – Practical Passed!

  • Monthly Stats for Padraig – July 2013

    I just wanted to share stats from the last month for this website. All information is from Google Analytics Β and all information is from 1st July to 1st August 2013.

    45.1% Returning Visitors and 54.9% NEW Visitors.
    45.1% Returning Visitors and 54.9% NEW Visitors.

    In the past month, the site had 184 visits of which 104 were unique.
    Average Visit Duration was 1min 1sec. (Obviously, I would like to see this a bit higher)

    Top 3 Countries that visited
    1. Ireland (53.80%)
    2. United States (16.85%)
    3. France (4.89%)

    Browser Choice:
    1. Chrome (75%)
    2. Firefox (11.41%)
    3. Safari (5.43%)

    59.2% Traffic from Referrals. 14.1% Traffic from Direct and 26.6% Traffic from Search.
    59.2% Traffic from Referrals. 14.1% Traffic from Direct and 26.6% Traffic from Search.

    Most popular post for July 2013 (besides the front page) was:
    FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn Beta Phase 3 – Weekend 3 Pics [Gallery]

    That is it from that. Some good stats in there but I do take those stats with a pinch of salt because of the bots that add to it and also me…I seem to add figures to the stats.

    What do you make on them? Do you have any ideas on how to improve them? Let me know πŸ™‚

  • Padraig – August 2nd 2013 Update – “The WordPress 3.6 Update”

    Today, I am releasing a new version of Padraig

    I updated the site for a couple of reasons:

    1. Β I loved the look of the BootStrap theme, but I have always preferred WordPress’ default themes and also…It is easier to manage.
    2. I am moving hosts soon. I am moving away from my shared hosting plan with Blacknight, to a dedicated server with OVH. This should be happening in the next couple of weeks.

    With the new update, I am no longer requiring a update for Spotify embeds as WordPress 3.6 now supports Spotify and Rdio embeds out of the box.

    Finally, with the addition of Audio and Video support, this opens up opportunities to do content on the site without using YouTube or again using plugins.

    More tweaks will be made over the coming days and hopefully I will be moving over to my dedicated server soon.

    EDIT: I am aware that the Google+ comments feature doesn’t look right and that you might not be able to see the button to submit with the sidebar widgets… I hope that there will be a update for the plugin and it should be fixed. If you would like to comment on Google+ about this post, head over to and comment on the post there. Thanks!

  • Me + Web Development

    Since 2008-ish, I have been creating websites on the net.

    I started when I was 16 and created PopGamerzz (Yeah…That was a name) which started out my gaming forum and it was created and hosted on Forumation (which I still think is a great company to start a community with). I stayed there for about 2 years before making the jump to a actual self-hosted forum running phpBB3. That is where everything went downhill.

    Also, staying in 2008 for one more sentence, I started my blog on wordpress.comΒ (which is still available by clicking the link) on September 11th and moved to a self-hosted WordPress blog exactly one year later. From there had a blog hosted and then I moved it to Tumblr until August last year when I went back and hosted my own blog on WordPress and on a host (Blacknight)

    In 2009, I changed the name of PopGamerzz to “Games World Forum” (Brilliant right). It got some traction, but no one really stayed, so that became a flop.

    By the end of 2009, I had met a fella who hosted the first iteration of Gamers and Geeks for me before going out on my own in mid 2010. Since then I worked on Gamers and Geeks day and night to get it right. I was happy with it, but no one way there to see it at all. I said to myself “I must be doing something wrong”, so I changed things around and before I knew it, I had changed the site that many times, that returning people didn’t bother to sign up.


  • [LoTW] #6 – 15th – 19th July 2013

    Welcome to Links of the Week..

    A look at what I have found interesting this week.

    Links are after the jump. Enjoy!



  • Random Thoughts (18th July 2013)

    It has been about a month since I finished my internship….and I kinda miss working.

    Being in a environment where I was happy doing what I loved was brilliant. I was very sad to leave because.. Well…I miss everyone.

    Hopefully something will turn up for me soon, so I can get back out and start working.
