Author: Padraig Fahy

  • [Links of The Week] #1 – 20th – 23rd May 2013

    Welcome everyone to a brand new feature called:


    This feature will be brought every Friday with a list of articles and links that I found interesting around the web over the past week. Now, since we are only getting started this week and I just happened to be sick (thank you very much body), there isn’t a lot of content this week. But hopefully after this week, there will be some good amount of links. So here we go!

    Click the “Continue Reading….” Link to see all the links.



  • Xbox One Announcement: The Post Mortem

    Click here to view the PlayStation 4 Announcement: The Post Mortem where I talk the day after the event on what we saw during THAT conference!

    Welcome everyone to the Xbox One Post Mortem. We look at what we found out (And more what we didn’t) at yesterday evening’s Microsoft Conference in Redmond, CA, USA.

    The Original Xbox One
    What I would call the “Xbox One”.

    I have to start of this post mortem with a massive “WTF?”. Who was the idiot(s), that came up with such a bad name for the console. Like come on, Reddit, had a better name for it. “Xbox Infinity”. What the hell is “One” about? Whenever I hear “Xbox One”. I see this (pictured right).


  • Microsoft Xbox Announcement 2013 – LIVE Blog

    Welcome everyone to the Microsoft Xbox Announcement 2013 LIVE Blog! I will be liveblogging the entire announcement.

    New posts will automatically appear every 15 seconds or you can check @fahyIE on Twitter for up to the second announcements.

    Click “Continue Reading…” to see all the LiveBlog Enteries!


  • [The JukeBox] #42 – Daft Punk – Random Access Memories (ALBUM)

    Hello everyone and welcome to The JukeBox.

    We are having a special JukeBox tonight as Daft Punk has released their new album “Random Access Memories”.

    Since I don’t have the YouTube, here is the Spotify embed. Enjoy 🙂



  • A look at the old and new Google+

    Today, Google rolled out a new look Google+ after the announcement at Google I/O 2013.

    I managed to get a screenshot of the old and the new one (The old one was taken on the computer, while the new one was taken on the laptop.)


    old googleplus


    new googleplus

    My monitor is a big monitor, and I just seen this. This looks like Facebook theatre mode but a lot nicer. On a smaller browser size (1366×768), the comment box goes back to the bottom. This was a nice change. Also, that nav bar at the top is very nice.

    new googleplus large image

    I for one love the new layout of Google+ and I will be using it more in the coming days, weeks and months to come.

    If you haven’t ‘circled’ me on Google+, head on over to my Google+ page now 🙂

  • Oh look a new gaming community…again…Part II

    Nope. It’s not G&G. And it’s not VGIRE! It’s about Cyber Enemy!

    Hey folks! In January of this year, I asked a few friends on Facebook whether they would like to create a clan of some kind and a couple of people got back to me and after some talking, we decided to create Cyber Enemy.

    It was great, we had the site up and running, we had the YouTube channel up and running and videos were being uploaded to it! We kept posting for about 3-4 weeks and then one of the co-leaders (who I will not name), decided to join his other friends and create a new clan for his BF3 friends. I was a touch saddened by the news, but I was expecting it.
