Author: Padraig Fahy

  • [The JukeBox] #33 – vividblaze – Sukirai (sung by Mirai Suenaga)

    Welcome to a late JukeBox. I know there hasn’t been one in a while, but I am hoping to get one up every few days from now on.

    Last weekend, I bought the new Mirai Music from vividblaze album from iTunes for €8.99 and I have been loving it.

    I love the opening for Culture Japan by Danny Choo and that song was on this album. So, yeah. Here it is.




  • To ‘Dell’ and Back!

    So, yesterday, I was about to order my Dell Inspiron 15″ that was on Clearance for €379 which I thought it was a pretty good price for the spec given.

    On Monday night, I checked to make sure that the product was still there. It was.

    When I got home on Tuesday (after placing money in the bank), I proceeded to go to and purchase the laptop. OMG! It wasn’t there anymore.

    So, I rang Dell and asked about said laptop and they said that it was off the market and that he would talk to the Finance dept. to see what would be the best deal for me.

    After a few mins, the guy got back to me saying that the laptop could be got for €380. While he was explaining the specs of the machine. The call dropped T_T

    I immediatly rang back trying to get the Indian guy who I was talking to. I didn’t get his name, so I couldn’t get back to him. I was put through to some Indian Woman, who told me that it was impossible to get me the laptop in question for the €380 that I was quoted by the previous sales person.

    After about 10 mins being on the phone to this woman, she wasn’t having any of it and she started quoting me laptops at all different prices and specs. I just gave up with Dell.

    I went to and bought a Toshiba Satellite C850 with very similar specs for about €380 to the door.

    I was hoping that I could have been a new Dell customer, but hey, if they want to change the site every few days, fine by me….

    Anyway, I have a new laptop coming next Monday, so I am happy enough in the end 🙂

  • Scam on 087 numbers.

    I was made aware a couple of nights ago of a scam that has been going around now for a while. The calls are targeted at 087 numbers, regardless of who your operator is.

    I recieved a phone on Sunday night last from a number which I didn’t recognise and had the location of Slovenia writter on my screen. Like anyone else, I answered but the call only lasted for a few seconds. I didn’t hear anything on the other end. I thought nothing more of it after it happened.

    On Wednesday night, my dad showed me a Facebook post that Mountjoy Garda Station Community Policing Officer – Sheryl Woulfe had released stating that if the call was answered or returned, that the person (ie, you) would be “charged as much as €150”.

    The first thing that I did after reading this statement, was to check my Vodafone online bill. Luckily, there was no charge for the call listed on the acountg, but I am keeping a close eye o it for now until I recieve the next bill in the post.

    So, if you do get call from Slovenia…Just reject the call and contact the Garda with the number, so they can deal with it.

    Just please, do be careful on who you accept calls from…especially Witheld numbers (Unless you know someone that has a witheld number and rings you)

    EDIT: Here is the full statement released by Sheryl Woulfe:

    Hi to all, I wish to let you know that reports have been received that a telephone scam is operating and targeting any mobile number with the prefix ‘087’ irrespective of your telephone provider.
    If you receive a telephone call from ‘0038681897022’ (last two digits can vary), please do not ANSWER or RETURN this call as you may be charged as much as €150. This is a premium number hence the large calling fee. It is believed that this scam originates in Slovenia.
    Please inform your staff, family and friends to be aware of any such calls and not to respond to any call in any way.


    Garda Sheryl Woulfe,
    Community Policing Office,
    Mountjoy Garda Station.

  • Explanation of the new 2013 Padraig Fahy logo.

    So right before Christmas 2012, I decided to create a ‘brand’ that would represent me across the internet.

    I searched across the internet looking for inspiration. And finally, I started messing about in Photoshop and eventually came up with the logo that you all know and love.




  • Dexter’s Laboratory – Unaired Episode

    Yesterday, Adult Swim released a unaired episode of Dexter’s Laboratory onto YouTube titled “Rude Removal”. It was unaired due to the swearing that was in the episode (No surprises there). For what it was, it was a good episode and clearly designed at adults. What do you think?! Video below.