Author: Padraig Fahy

  • Dexter’s Laboratory – Unaired Episode

    Yesterday, Adult Swim released a unaired episode of Dexter’s Laboratory onto YouTube titled “Rude Removal”. It was unaired due to the swearing that was in the episode (No surprises there). For what it was, it was a good episode and clearly designed at adults. What do you think?! Video below.

  • VGIRE / Gamers and Geeks / PadraigFahy

    Heya folks. As you know, I have had Gamers and Geeks now for a couple of years, but nothing has been happening with it. It has had it’s moments but nothing to note.

    That is why tonight, I have done a restructure on my personal content!

    VGIRE will now serve as a gaming blog for me and Gamers and Geeks will be the accommodating forum for VGIRE.

    I will be talking about all things video games but it won’t be a news site. I will be talking about industry news, eSports stuff and talk about games that I am playing…and if I feel like it, I will do a couple of reviews every now and again.

    Gamers and Geeks is now a PC gaming/hardware forum and it will also be host to the G&G Feed The Beast Minecraft server that was started last week.

    And then this blog will be everything to do with tech, music and rants…Just like there has been before.

    So, all my new content will start in the next coming weeks.

    You can follow me for all my posts at @FahyIE
    For VGIRE, it’s @VGIreland
    And for Gamers and Geeks, it’s @GamersAndGeeks


  • Monday 21st January 2013

    Hi folks, It has been a few days since my last blog post and I have been busy working away at my new job that I started a couple of weeks ago.

    This weekend past, I have been playing TERA. A MMORPG that is about to go F2P, so I said, I might as well try it and see how it is.

    On top of that I have been delving into Feed the Beast which is now gaining popularity as a Tekkit competitor  I am really enjoying it and I even put up a server for it.

    And since the server is now up, I need a way to get people whitelisted easily and effectively, so I have brought back Gamers and Geeks. I am not going to dedicate all my time to it. All I did, was set up a forum and created relevent forums for it.

    So, if you would like to play Feed The Beast with me and a couple of friends, register onto the forum and request your username to be whitelisted, so you can start playing asap.

    I have it centered around PC gaming and PC hardware, so it should be appealing to everyone.

    Visit now (Hey, I am allowed to plug my own stuff…It’s my blog after all lol)

    Anyway, that is going to do it for now. I should have a JukeBox up this week at some stage and maybe something else coming later this week. Have a good week everyone 🙂



  • [The JukeBox] #32 – The Lumineers – Ho Hey

    Hi everyone and Welcome to Series 5 of The JukeBox. Music that I love!

    We are starting with the current No.1 song on Spotify. Enjoy 🙂




  • [YCFRO #4] – The Daily Mail on Video Games

    For the guts of about 2 years now, the British newspapers have been bashing video games like crazy. Saying that they cause deaths (Like the Connecticut shooting of December 2012) and now The Daily Mirror say that video games…now cause cancer.

    DOES ANY OF THESE PEOPLE HAVE ANY SENSE?! Where is the proof? Was it the case that one human had developed cancer and found out that they play video games. Newspapers and the media are blowing this out of properation and it shouldn’t be tolerated.


  • [The JukeBox] #31 – Riot Games – Here Comes Vi

    Hi everyone and welcome to The JukeBox. A look at the music that interests me and that I currently love.

    I have started playing League of Legends and this is currently the login song for the game. Here Comes Vi. An absolutely great song by Riot! GG

    Just a quick note, this is the last edition in the current season for The JukeBox. Season 5 will begin in the next post!


