Author: Padraig Fahy

  • The Big DSO of 2012

    This Wednesday in Ireland shall be the end of the classic analog TV signals being transmitted to houses across the country.

    Since 1959, We have been receiving analog signal from the RTE transmitters! 53 years later, it will cease to exist!

    From Wednesday 24th October, everyone will be watching RTE and BBC Northern Ireland via digital, whether that would be through Satelitte, or OTA Digital.

    It’s crazy to think how fast we have come in technology, not just computers and mobile phones, but older technologies like cars and televisions.

    We hope that from Wednesday, this would be the start of the “digital-generation”. Some people may say that we are already in the “digital-generation” because of media that has already been phased out, such as music, newspapers, books and even video games.

    But the “digital-generation” is not just -media-. It’s also the way that we live now. TV’s have gone digital, not just digital transmissions but, smart TV’s, smart cars and more.

    In about 10 years, I could see the word “analog” not even being used in in anything anymore!

  • Sunday 14th October 2012

    Hi everyone. I hope you all had a great weekend.

    For me, it has been up and down. Been helping my grandfather with some work at the farm and then today (Sunday), has been pretty lazy, although I did spend much of it watching TV and playing a few games, but it went by very fast!

    This week, it’s going to be pretty quiet. My half-sister is getting married on this Saturday (Congratulations Siobhan 😀 ) and that night, I will be celebrating my birthday which is on Sunday! I am turning 21!

    Crazy to think that I am turning 21 this week! Anyway, I am going to be working on a few things for VGIRE this week, so the posts MIGHT be slow again, but hey, I gotta do what I gotta do to get the site up and running.

    Anyway, I hope you all have a good week and hopefully I’ll chat with you all during the week 🙂

  • Hey everyone

    Sorry for not posting in a few days. I have been having some stomach pains over the past week and I have been taking it easy. I have also been working on VGIRE, but that is going slow due to the sickness.

    I have been busy with helping my grandad and my parents with different things, so trying to find a quiet time to blog is quite hard at this present moment.

    I am trying to come up with new ideas for both and VGIRE without going overboard! Some of those plans may come in sooner, rather than later!

    A few posts ago, I mentioned that I might be going back into the World Of Warcraft and since then, I have.

    I am Pandarean Monk named “Crakila” on Silvermoon, so you can add me if you are on that server or add me through RealID “Crakila#2745”

    Anyway guys, I hope you are having a amazing week. Keep warm if it’s cold where you are and I’ll hopefully talk to y’all soon 🙂

  • VGIRE Launched!

    Today I launched the brand new gaming forum VGIRE

    VGIRE stands for Video Games Ireland. This forum is home for the Irish people who play Video Games and want to converse with other Irish Gamers.

    That doesn’t mean that it’s strictly Irish, No. We accept everyone from around the world as much as the next person 🙂

    Join in now

  • Hope you all have a good weekend!

    Hey everyone, Just a quick post to wish you all a good weekend. I don’t normally do one of these, but hey, it’s good to do one from time to time.

    I might have a couple of posts up at the weekend. Check my twitter (@FahyIE) for all updates!

    Anyway, I will be here all weekend if you to contact me, best way is via email

    Cya on Monday.

  • Contact Form Back Online

    Just a quick update, the Contact Form has been brought back online. The plugin that I use for it (Contact Form 7), failed in updating for some reason and will be looked at this weekend.

    Have a good Thursday!