HoH Marcello in the DR – He gets a slap-up breakfast. He didn’t like the silk sheets on the bed.
Nominations time!! Nathan cannot nominate due to the rule break, but can be nominated. As Head of House, Marcello cannot be nominated.
As it is a Double-Eviction, Housemates with 2 or more nominations will be up for eviction.
Ali chooses Sarah (1) & Emma (1)
Lily chooses Thomas (1) & Khaled (1)
Khaled chooses Lily (1) & Nathan (1)
Baked Potato chooses Khaled (2) & Thomas (2)
Hanah chooses Emma (2) & Ali (1)
Emma chooses Lily (2) & Ali (2)
HoH Marcello chooses Ali (3) & Lily (3)
Segun chooses Lily (4) & Ali (4)
Thomas chooses Emma (3) & Lily (5)
Sarah chooses Lily (6) & Khaled (3)
Khaled in the DR – There is now a group called “THE CORE” – Members: Khaled, Marcello, Thomas and Hanah.
Nathan was talking with Ali and Lily came in screaming “I love MSG”. Nathan asks her to shut up.
HoH Marcello has been called to the DR – He must go to BB’s now not-so-secret secret basement.
He runs up the stairs without being seen.
BB shares that: Thomas, Emma, Khaled, Lily and Ali are up nominated.
Marcello can either “Save & Replace” or “Killer Nomination” – He wishes to save both Thomas and Khaled.
Marcello chooses to save Thomas. We don’t know yet who he has chosen (This will happen soon)
BB has gathered everyone to the sofa to reveal the results of the nominations.
Up for eviction this week: Lily, Khaled, Ali, Emma, Thomas
However, as HoH Marcello chose to Save & Replace. He saves Thomas. He chooses Baked Potato to replace him, as it would be a sure bet that BP wouldn’t get evicted.
Up for eviction this week.: Lily, Khaled, Ali, Emma and Baked Potato
Segun is dancing in the bedroom
BP is in the DR – BP understands that Marcello had to make a decision and holds no grudge towards Marcello.
Ali smells Hanah’s feet.
Lily is in the DR – She says that the people who nominated her would regret it.
Nathan is in the DR – He is shocked that he is not up for eviction. He knows who nominated Emma. He is obviously upset that BP is up instead of him.
BP and Ali are talking about Nathan meeting BP’s parents. There will be problems between Nathan and BP’s mother.