Big Brother UK 2024 – Day 31 Notes

  • HoH Marcello in the DR – He gets a slap-up breakfast. He didn’t like the silk sheets on the bed.
  • Nominations time!! Nathan cannot nominate due to the rule break, but can be nominated. As Head of House, Marcello cannot be nominated.
  • As it is a Double-Eviction, Housemates with 2 or more nominations will be up for eviction.
  • Ali chooses Sarah (1) & Emma (1)
  • Lily chooses Thomas (1) & Khaled (1)
  • Khaled chooses Lily (1) & Nathan (1)
  • Baked Potato chooses Khaled (2) & Thomas (2)
  • Hanah chooses Emma (2) & Ali (1)
  • Emma chooses Lily (2) & Ali (2)
  • HoH Marcello chooses Ali (3) & Lily (3)
  • Segun chooses Lily (4) & Ali (4)
  • Thomas chooses Emma (3) & Lily (5)
  • Sarah chooses Lily (6) & Khaled (3)
  • Khaled in the DR – There is now a group called “THE CORE” – Members: Khaled, Marcello, Thomas and Hanah.
  • Nathan was talking with Ali and Lily came in screaming “I love MSG”. Nathan asks her to shut up.
  • HoH Marcello has been called to the DR – He must go to BB’s now not-so-secret secret basement.
  • He runs up the stairs without being seen.
  • BB shares that: Thomas, Emma, Khaled, Lily and Ali are up nominated.
  • Marcello can either “Save & Replace” or “Killer Nomination” – He wishes to save both Thomas and Khaled.
  • Marcello chooses to save Thomas. We don’t know yet who he has chosen (This will happen soon)
  • BB has gathered everyone to the sofa to reveal the results of the nominations.
  • Up for eviction this week: Lily, Khaled, Ali, Emma, Thomas
  • However, as HoH Marcello chose to Save & Replace. He saves Thomas. He chooses Baked Potato to replace him, as it would be a sure bet that BP wouldn’t get evicted.
  • Up for eviction this week.: Lily, Khaled, Ali, Emma and Baked Potato
  • Segun is dancing in the bedroom
  • BP is in the DR – BP understands that Marcello had to make a decision and holds no grudge towards Marcello.
  • Ali smells Hanah’s feet.
  • Lily is in the DR – She says that the people who nominated her would regret it.
  • Nathan is in the DR – He is shocked that he is not up for eviction. He knows who nominated Emma. He is obviously upset that BP is up instead of him.
  • BP and Ali are talking about Nathan meeting BP’s parents. There will be problems between Nathan and BP’s mother.