Big Brother UK 2024 – Day 9 Notes

Padraig Fahy avatar
Big Brother UK 2024 – Day 9 Notes
  • They are still without hot water.
  • Marcello said to Sarah that she smells like teabags and periods.
  • Martha is in the DR – She is more calm, knowing that the nomination was direct and better than the house voting for her.
  • Ali is speaking with Khaled. Ali doesn’t dislike Khaled. Ali was scrutinising Khaled. She wants to “park” the problem.
  • Ali wants to leave the house (before the eviction). She doesn’t want to have arguments with people. She didn’t like how Khaled spoke to Hanah in the store room. Ali is taking responsibility for the situation
  • Ali didn’t like that she was ‘scruitning’ Khaled right after he nominated Martha. She thinks that the wording made it out worse than what it was.
  • Ali could have talked it out privately but decided to do it in front of everyone else as Martha was crying.
  • The discussion seems to be going around in circles. They hug it out and it ends.
  • Ali went into the DR – She is requesting to leave the Big Brother house. BB asked if Ali got much sleep last night, she didn’t.
  • Hanah and Dean are talking about managing the food situation and that they should have a house meeting, but the Head of House Khaled is… kinda busy right now.
  • Ali has been in the DR for over an hour. She is going back into the house.
  • Nathan immediately hugged Ali as soon as she came out. He doesn’t want her to go. She goes to the garden
  • Marcello in the DR – Not a fan of the hot water is off. Many housemates stink, including Ali’s attitude.
  • Khaled has apologised to Ali. Ali is sorry that she picked on him. They hug it out.
  • Daze and Khaled talking about the killer nomination. Daze apologised for immediately scrutinising Khaled after choosing Martha.
  • Today’s task. BB asks a question. 2 names are pulled out of a hat per question, and housemates must stand on A or B in response to the question.
  • Head of House Khaled and Segun are in the DR and have to predict what the majority of housemates will choose.
  • Example: BB asks: “Who is the most loyal?”. Two names are pulled out of the hat are: Marcello and Lily. Everyone else must choose either A for Marcello or B for Lily.
  • Khaled and Segun must choose A or B.
  • Khaled and Segun predicted the questions correctly. They completed the task successfully. They have been rewarded by having the hot water turned back on.
  • Housemates are dropping ‘beats’ in the kitchen area.
  • Lily is in the DR – Missing home. She knows why people nominated her, and has to suck it up. Close with Daze and Ali. Ali means a lot to her. She doesn’t know what Ali and Daze say have the time.
  • Housemates have broken the rules again. Lily said to Sarah that she knows who voted for her. Separately, Martha said that she knows that certain people didn’t vote her for.
  • Lily and Martha have been sent to jail in the garden.
  • The hot water has been turned off again.
  • Daze in the DR – She was also thinking about leaving the Big Brother house, but she didn’t. Doesn’t like people talking about them
  • After 4 hours, Lily and Martha have been released from jail. They have been provided refreshments.
  • Nathan, Dean and Baked Potato are talking in the bathroom. Nathan hasn’t got on with Sarah.
  • Lily and Martha in the DR – They have apologised to BB.
  • Marcello commented on Sarah’s twerking at the door of the storeroom whenever they were provided refreshments. He is being very misogynistic once again towards Sarah. Sarah is not happy
  • Izaaz, Emma and Marcello are talking in the bathroom about it.
  • Sarah walks in and Marcello apologises. Sarah thinks that they have a brother/sister relationship. He thinks it is going to be more. He doesn’t know the boundary.
  • Dean in the DR – Pissed off with the rule breaking. Annoyed that the hot water was turned off. Says that Daze is upset about the nominations, but it is part of the game.