Although it was a victory, it was me with bots against bots on Easy. Wish I could have done better. Maybe MOBA’s are not for me! But that doesn’t mean that I won’t be playing it. I want to try and get into the game. But it has a high difficulty curve compared to other games!
Category: Gaming
We are back in action
Got my SSD a few days earlier than expected and I am back on Windows after 5 days of using a Ubuntu LiveCD (Never again lol).
So hopefully that is the last upgrades that I have to do to this machine for a while. My build page has been updated with all the new hardware from the past while, so you should check that out.
Now, to get back into Guild Wars 2 and to start practicing on Dota 2 and StarCraft 2. 🙂
[YCFRO] #1 – Daily Mail
Welcome to a brand new series of blog posts called “You Can Fuck Right Off”. It’s sorta a rant section of the blog about my hatred or bad feelings against someone/something. This will not be a regular event.
Today, TotalBiscuit released a video on YouTube as part of his MailBox series for today (September 6th, 2012) where a load of people sent a email to him regarding the Daily Mail article about the 14 year old, Callum Green committing suicide.
While it is a tragic that Callum has passed away (My condolences goes out to the family and friends of Callum), this was a opportunity for Daily Mail to continue their “Anti-Video Game” campaign, and boiled the entire death onto video games….and exactly at one of the biggest game franchises in the past 5 years, Call of Duty.
My New Minecraft Skin – Lightning Farron
Today, I decided to change up my Minecraft skin a bit. From the moment I played Minecraft, I have looked like Yusei Fudo from Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s anime.
Today, my character, had a sex change and became Lightning Farron from Final Fantasy XIII (and FFXIII-2)
New Minecraft Skin Sorry for blurry thumbnail, still getting used to WP. Give me time to get things sorted out 🙂
Yay! Guild Wars 2 Headstart is on. Let’s pla…Oh….OK…..
Oh, I see how it is! Granted, I have been able to play the game already. I am a currently (at time of posting this) a Level 6 Asura Elementalist on the Desolation EU server named “Crakila”.
/w me in game 😀
(While I wait for the login servers to fix themselves, I shall fix the permission/upload problem here)