Category: Gaming

  • Tekken Tag Tournament 2 – WiiU edition (Now with mushrooms)

    I seen this trailer over on Reddit, My first thought that it was a parody trailer by some YouTuber like FreddieW, but it was uploaded to the NamcoBandai EU YouTube Channel and it seems that they are serious about this edition of Tekken Tag Tournament 2.

    I just want to buy a WiiU for this game.

  • So, I had my first game of Dota 2 last night in a longggg time

    Although it was a victory, it was me with bots against bots on Easy. Wish I could have done better. Maybe MOBA’s are not for me! But that doesn’t mean that I won’t be playing it. I want to try and get into the game. But it has a high difficulty curve compared to other games!

  • We are back in action

    Got my SSD a few days earlier than expected and I am back on Windows after 5 days of using a Ubuntu LiveCD (Never again lol).

    So hopefully that is the last upgrades that I have to do to this machine for a while. My build page has been updated with all the new hardware from the past while, so you should check that out.

    Now, to get back into Guild Wars 2 and to start practicing on Dota 2 and StarCraft 2. 🙂

  • [YCFRO] #1 – Daily Mail

    Welcome to a brand new series of blog posts called “You Can Fuck Right Off”. It’s sorta a rant section of the blog about my hatred or bad feelings against someone/something. This will not be a regular event.

    Today, TotalBiscuit released a video on YouTube as part of his MailBox series for today (September 6th, 2012) where a load of people sent a email to him regarding the Daily Mail article about the 14 year old, Callum Green committing suicide.

    While it is a tragic that Callum has passed away (My condolences goes out to the family and friends of Callum), this was a opportunity for Daily Mail to continue their “Anti-Video Game” campaign, and boiled the entire death onto video games….and exactly at one of the biggest game franchises in the past 5 years, Call of Duty.


  • Seems that ArenaNet has changed the name of Guild Wars 2 to….

    So, while the servers have been having login issues, ArenaNet has decided to changed the name of Guild Wars to…

    The new name for the game
    The new name for the game (By xCustomGraphics on deviantART)
  • My New Minecraft Skin – Lightning Farron

    Today, I decided to change up my Minecraft skin a bit. From the moment I played Minecraft, I have looked like Yusei Fudo from Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s anime.

    Today, my character, had a sex change and became Lightning Farron from Final Fantasy XIII (and FFXIII-2)


    New Minecraft Skin
    New Minecraft Skin

    Sorry for blurry thumbnail, still getting used to WP. Give me time to get things sorted out 🙂