Category: Misc

Does it not fit into any other category on the site? Ok, chuck it here. This is for the stuff that doesn’t have a need to be in the other categories.

  • Hey everyone

    Sorry for not posting in a few days. I have been having some stomach pains over the past week and I have been taking it easy. I have also been working on VGIRE, but that is going slow due to the sickness.

    I have been busy with helping my grandad and my parents with different things, so trying to find a quiet time to blog is quite hard at this present moment.

    I am trying to come up with new ideas for both and VGIRE without going overboard! Some of those plans may come in sooner, rather than later!

    A few posts ago, I mentioned that I might be going back into the World Of Warcraft and since then, I have.

    I am Pandarean Monk named “Crakila” on Silvermoon, so you can add me if you are on that server or add me through RealID “Crakila#2745”

    Anyway guys, I hope you are having a amazing week. Keep warm if it’s cold where you are and I’ll hopefully talk to y’all soon 🙂

  • No new posts for a few days or so

    Hey everyone. Disaster happened.

    Woke up on Saturday morning to find out that my boot drive for Windows 7 had died.

    This was the message I was presented with:


  • Welcome to Padraig

    This site is under construction. Please check out the blog at