Category: Personal

  • Launching the Forums

    Launching the Forums

    Over the last decade or so, I have had communities across the gaming, technology and sporting space but as the internet has changed, these communities have fizzled out.

    Instead of trying to manage multiple forums these days, I have decided to create just 1 forum that will house everything gaming, tech, sports related (And whatever else comes to mind of course)


    The site runs on XenForo and uses the UI.X and UI.X Dark themes from ThemeHouse

    I have also added in a sub-forum for – A place where business owners can chat with other business owners. It uses the UI.X Material theme from ThemeHouse too.

    There will obviously be no premium or plus plan nor will I be gating content behind a paywall.

    And for the privacy focused folks out there, the site ain’t even using Google Analytics. I am giving Matomo a try and we’ll see how that works.

  • RIP Patrick Fahy. 1960 – 2019

    RIP Patrick Fahy. 1960 – 2019

    Last Thursday, I lost my father to Stage IV Lung Cancer after a short battle.


  • 27


    Has it been a year already?

    It feels like yesterday that I wrote 26 but yet, here we are….27.

    The past year has been a bit of a up and down for me and realisation of who I really am.
    I am not going to flaunt that my 26th year has been great…It has in some cases, but at other times, it hasn’t and like anything else, it is very easy to focus on the negatives.

    There is probably about 101 things that I have missed, but that is some of the highlights!

    So what about 27?

    Well, I don’t have any goals and I am not going to set any. Some things that are happening though.

    • I am going to Paris, France in February for the Final Fantasy XIV: Fan Festival
    • I am going to Iceland!

    And outside of that, I am going to be ‘relaxing’. Work as I have been doing for the last 3 years, work on the Wressling blog and I am planning on starting a new blog in relation to Overwatch Esports for Season 2 of the Overwatch League. More info on that later.

    And who knows, plans will change and I cannot plan for an entire year. I have just got to see where 27 takes me!

    Much love!

    Photo Credit: Geert Pieters

  • Amalgamating Content

    In July, I made a post about Seperating Content where I was splitting my content to other sites.

    Well, this hasn’t worked and I feel like that I am putting more pressure on myself to write posts and it’s taking away the goal of what I was trying to achieve.

    So I am making a change to the way my content is published.

    From here on in, and are going to redirect to their respective categories and content will be duplicated over to here.

    Also, I am considering bringing over my content to either here or as either a couple of pages or something else.

    I know I do a lot of flip-flopping because I don’t even know myself what I want, but I feel that this is close to what I want.

    I will take my time with it though to get it right.


  • Taking a step back from online stuff

    Over the last 9 years, I have been involving myself with a community that I have been trying to build but as of Summer 2017, I have decided to shut it down as it was getting to be too much of a chore to handle and it really wasn’t benefiting me.

    Since then, I have been slowly winding down operations and I have decide to focus on myself. I covered in that in my post It’s all about me!

    Since then, I have decided to look at stuff that want to do. More blogging (not just here but on and focus on doing what I enjoy…Play video games.

    The last couple of years of working on Nologam/Enigma have seen me fade away from doing something that I created the community for in the first place…gaming.

    So since I have stopped, I am playing more Final Fantasy XIV and I am looking to start doing streams every so often. Just so I can relax…It seems like a good time of year to do that..

    I will still be around doing bits and pieces online and I will let you know if I have anything exciting coming up 🙂

  • It’s all about me!

    First and foremost, the blog post relating to my trip to NYC will be available in drips and drabs over the next week or two!

    Before I left for NYC, I decided to make a big decision on the future of my gaming community Enigma (Formerly Nologam) and that was to shut it down.

    I have attempting to build a gaming community over the last 9 years and to this day, I have not been successful. After staying up for multiple nights and working on it, I felt that me continuing something that I didn’t have a passion for was….a waste on my physical and mental health.

    So I decided to stop. Then today, I decided to look at what sites I was running and make some changes which is manageable and don’t require an absurd amount of time to maintain. will be staying as my main blog and there is no plans to change that! is going to get a rebrand and will become – More news on that over on in the coming days/weeks.

    As Enigma/Nologam has now been closed down, I have set up my own Discord server so people can keep in touch with me. If you wish to join, go to

    I may create something new in the future, but for now:

    “It’s all about me”