Category: Technology

Every post that has something got to do with technology…whether it’s to do with computers, phone, the internet. It’ll be posted here

  • My Android Homescreen – 13/11/2012

    I know people like to “Drool” over Homescreen’s, so here is mine. Nothing special

    Samsung Galaxy S2 running CM9

  • My new case…

    …is coming tomorrow (or Monday)

    That’s if and when the case is delivered. And I will be posting pictures and all that here on of me transferring the build from the old Fujitsu case to the new one.

  • Windows 8 from a Gamer’s perspective

    As you are all aware (or should be), Microsoft released their next version in the Windows Operating System Windows 8 last Friday. Some things have been good and some things have been bad!

    I can’t fully comment on how Windows 8 is good, since A) I haven’t properly tried out Windows 8 and B) I am still on Windows 7 like most gamers.

    But, Why are gamers still on Windows 7? Why have they not upgraded to Windows 8? Properly for some obvious and not so obvious reasons.

  • The Big DSO of 2012

    This Wednesday in Ireland shall be the end of the classic analog TV signals being transmitted to houses across the country.

    Since 1959, We have been receiving analog signal from the RTE transmitters! 53 years later, it will cease to exist!

    From Wednesday 24th October, everyone will be watching RTE and BBC Northern Ireland via digital, whether that would be through Satelitte, or OTA Digital.

    It’s crazy to think how fast we have come in technology, not just computers and mobile phones, but older technologies like cars and televisions.

    We hope that from Wednesday, this would be the start of the “digital-generation”. Some people may say that we are already in the “digital-generation” because of media that has already been phased out, such as music, newspapers, books and even video games.

    But the “digital-generation” is not just -media-. It’s also the way that we live now. TV’s have gone digital, not just digital transmissions but, smart TV’s, smart cars and more.

    In about 10 years, I could see the word “analog” not even being used in in anything anymore!

  • Well Done Samsung

    In light of the new iPhone 5 being announced during the week, Samsung has released a new ad for the Samsung Galaxy S3 comparing the features of the iPhone 5 and the Samsung Galaxy S3.

    Here it is,  (more…)