Category: Uncategorised

  • Quick Tip: Vodafone Internet Leasing every 24 hours!

    I got back from England last week and I didn’t get in the door until about 10:40pm. When I walked in, I turned all the lights and switches on for all different things, including my Internet.

    It wasn’t until the next night that my Internet had went down for 3 minutes while playing a game (Which lead to me getting kicked and losing connection to TeamSpeak etc etc) – I thought nothing of it at the time.

    It wasn’t until later into this week that I realised that the time that you switch on the router is the most important time!

    Vodafone has some weird setting (Not sure if on the network level or on their Router level), but the Internet will only stay up for 24 hours before leasing it. Leasing should be getting you a new IP address, NOT bringing the whole connection!

    So what is the solution?

    The solution would be (That I have found) is to switch off the router at the wall (the plug) either before you get home from work, or during the night when you are normally sleeping. I got off work early yesterday, so I switched the router off at 5:20pm and switched it back on at 5:23pm.

    With that logic, my Internet should go down at approx. 5:23pm today (Saturday) and I should notice it. But that would mean that when I am about to finish up work at 5:30pm, the router will have already rebooted and ready to use that night!

    Oh Vodafone, you and your quirks!

  • August 2016 Holiday – Day 1 – Gate 212!

    (There is a TL;DR if you want to skip to it)

    Holidays! Aren’t they just the best time of year. You can get away, put your hair down and put up your feet.

    A time to relax and unwind…except when you sleep in 2 hours before the flight right?

    Well, let me take you back to last night (Sunday) and I was ready to get on the 6:25am plane from Dublin to Birmingham! I said "I’ll got for a 1 hr to 90min nap". So I se the phone for midnight and I would get ready to go for the bus leaving Carlow at 2:35am!

    This did not happen!

    What happened was, I woke up just before 4:30am. Note: The bus that I was planning to get on at 2:30am was already at the airport at 4am, so I was super late.
    I tried to get in touch with Ryanair to see if there was anything I could have done. Nothing. No lines open until 6am which was not good for me as the flight was 25 mins after that.

    So I done the next best thing. I rang a taxi (Carlow Cabs to be specific) at 4:55am and say "I need to get to the Airport as fast as possible" The lovely women on the other end of the line was super nice and stated that she wouldn’t allow her drivers to speed, which was completely fine!

    As I live a couple of doors down from Carlow Cabs, there was 1 guy who can go fast but not absolutely go mental. I apologise in advance for not knowing his name.

    So, into the taxi just on the edge of 5am! He put the foot down! We could have been faster but there was rain in the hours before and thus made the road a bit slippy!

    Belted down the road. Most of them were empty. "We will make it" said the driver as I was crossing my fingers…As we approached Dublin, it was starting to get worse and worse.

    The driver got me to the departure door just before 5:50am (Note, the Gate was closing at 5:55am…so time was at the essence!)

    Made my way to security…everything was moving fast, but not fast enough. The screen above was saying that the average wait time to get through was 17 mins. I nearly bricked one out in the middle of the queue. Panicking was already in full swing.

    Found a opening…2 people in a queue…bolted to it. Took out my laptop and threw it into a box, bag and everything else into another one…Step through BEEP – AAAAGGGGHHHH. Bleeped by the scanner. Could it already be over? No. 1 minute later..good to go!

    Checked the nearest departure board to see which gate the flight was…212! Holy Crap…
    Gate 212 - Final Call

    I ran. At one point, I wish I was an Olympic runner. Gate 212 was the key location! Stumbled across another departure board Gate 416 - Boarding. WHAT?! 416.
    I actually shouted 416 and I think 2 officials noticed me…Quickly noticed it was a Aer Lingus flight and not Ryan…Looked above, Gate 212 - Final Call – My heart attack was calming down at this stage and I was rushing.

    Got to Gate 212 and there was a BUNCH of people.
    The signs…They lied to me. No one was board…Hell, the gate wasn’t even opened there.
    I looked at my watch, 05:58 – It was supposed to be closed at 05:55! Oh Ryanair.

    I got to the gate, got to the seat and I breathed a big sigh of relief not before a breakout in sweat from running and worrying.

    Took after after 06:30 and arrived in Birmingham at 07:10.
    Travelled to Tamworth where I am going to be staying for the next few days!

    What an episode!

    TL;DR – Fell asleep, woke up 2 hours late..Made the gate with -1 minute on the clock. Still made it.

  • WWE Summerslam 2016 Predictions [UPDATED]

    We are back here again, eh? Summerslam is upon us one again and it couldn’t be a better card!…Well, it could, but still!

    This is the first PROPER PPV after the brand split extension (Battleground didn’t count) and we will see a new WWE Universal Champion.

    Furthermore, the WWE World Heavyweight Championship will officially become the WWE World Champion (Maybe a new belt?) and will The New Day go a full year as the WWE Tag Team Champions or is it a "new day" for Gallows & Anderson!

    Anyway, let’s jump to the card. This is the card as shown on at the time of writing!

    (C) – Current Champion – Results in bold are the winners of the match!

    Pre-Show (I didn’t see any of this, so the winners are pulled from

    Cesaro vs Sheamus – PREDICTION: Cesaro…on the Pre-show? Are WWE losing their minds? He should be up there with Seth and Finn. Cesaro to win.

    Sami Zayn & Neville vs The Dudley Boyz – PREDICTION: Sami & Neville…We haven’t seen Neville in on a PPV in a VERY long time and it should make sense for him to get a push!

    The Usos & American Alpha & The Hype Bros vs Breezango, The Ascension & The Vaudevillians – PREDICTION: Why was this matched booked? American Alpha, Vaudevillians and probably The Hype Bros should be getting push. Good vs Jobbers tbh. AA and Hype Bros to win.

    Main Show

    Non Title Matches

    Brock Lesnar vs Randy Orton – PREDICTION: Randy Orton. Randy hasn’t been in a proper match in nearly 10 months and it would make sense for him to get a push and and start fueding with Dean Ambrose if he retains the title. Brock is just there for show and probably won’t win.

    John Cena vs AJ Styles – PREDICTION: #LetsBeatUpJohnCena – Ah, I kid. John hasn’t done much and he has said that he is only going to wrestle part time (like Brock) and will probably get AJ over. AJ to win.

    Enzo Amore & Big Cass vs "Jeric-KO" (Chris Jericho & Kevin Owens) – PREDICTION: This is a comedy match. The 4 of them on the mics the past 3 weeks have been great and I cannpt wait to see a good match. This should be good, but I like Enzo & Cass, so they get a vote from me.

    Carmella, Becky Lynch & Naomi vs Natalya & Alexa Bliss & Nikki Bella – PREDICTION: Well, It’s now a 3v2 after Eva Marie got suspended under the Wellness policy. Great start the main roster Eva! Carmella, Becky and Naomi to win just because of Becky 😛 (I didn’t see Nikki coming back)

    Title Matches

    The Miz (C) vs Apollo Crews for the WWE Intercontinental Championship – PREDICTION: The Miz. As much as I hate him and his character, Apollo is just not ready for a belt! Still young in the scene and afaik, he hasn’t won a title in NXT goes to checkYup…Hasn’t won a belt under WWE.

    The New Day (C) vs Gallows & Anderson for the WWE Tag Team Championship – PREDICTION: This should be a good match and by the looks of it, it nearly may be the end of The New Day considering how they have been acting the past while (Read: The Wyatt family fued) – I would like to see Gallows & Anderson win it. DQ due to Big E returning

    Sasha Banks (C) vs Charlotte for the WWE Women’s Championship – PREDICTION: Sasha to retain. Charlotte goes with a bi-polor storyline for a while and takes it out on Dana, Ric and whoever else…Maybe (It’s a predicton post after all)

    Rusev (C) vs Roman Reigns for the WWE United States Championship – PREDICTION: The belt over the past year or so has had no meaning and Reigns getting the belt would keep the belt for the "US Champions" which the point of the belt in the first place. Roman to get the belt! Match didn’t happen…Just a brawl

    Dean Ambrose (C) vs Dolph Ziggler for the WWE World Championship – PREDICTION: Does DZ finally get his sweet glory? For a guy who has worked his ass off in the company for the past few years, it would only make sense for him to be awarded for that in the form of the WWE WC belt. Dolph to win!

    Finn Bálor vs Seth Rollins for the WWE Universal Championship – PREDICTION: New big belt! A big ol’ belt for Finn! Yes, for Finn and for Finn only! Seth, go away please! Go be a jobber with Roman and fued with him for the US title. Have I mentioned that Finn should win this one. This is also the MATCH TO WATCH (duh) – Finn Balor won, but relinquished it on RAW the next day due to injury. He is out for 6 months

    Big card for this years SummerSlam (13 matches in total) – Prediction results might be a bit late since I am going on holiday on Monday, so I might miss SummerSlam >.<

    Enjoy SummerSlam!

  • + IFTTT = Posts on Twitter &

    As you may have noticed, I have been creating some test posts (The first 2 are deleted while the 3rd can be found here: ) and I wanted to explain why!

    As an avid user of social media and blogs, it can be daunting to spend time posting the same link and copying meta-data from one location to another. So it is best to automate it!

    So, with IFTTT, it allows me to automate everything. I created 2 "recipes". 1 to post to and the other to post to Twitter!

    IFTTT Recipes

    Well, that image is pretty much self-explanatory of what is going on.
    IFTT makes it simple. No complicated menus while still being flexible to everyone!

    So, you should see posts from appearing on and posted on Twitter from now on!

  • 3rd time’s a charm [Test]

    Third and probably final test!

    (I will explain why there is tests later :P)

  • MusicBot on Discord

    In the past couple of months, I have moved my gaming community from our Website forums to something more popular, Discord.

    This was by far, the best decision that I have made as our community is more popular than ever. I had got a request from a member, asking for a MusicBot to be implemented.

    Why not, right?

    So, during one lunch time at work, I decided to get it up and running and it has already attracted a few people to exchange their favourite songs.

    One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.
    ~ Bob Marley

    A few points about the features of the MusicBot.

    • Runs on the web server that we have, so not dependent on other server providers.
    • Allows users to input a single YouTube URL or a Playlist!
    • When there is nothing in the queue, it defaults to a autoplaylist.txt file which contains nearly 3000 YouTube videos.
    • Volume control
    • Permission system
    • Skip functionality (This is a big one)

    And the developer is actively working on the Bot, so hopefully it will get more popular in the future.

    Check out the GitHub repo for the MusicBot: