Hello folks!
In December 2011, I launched a new site known as Gamers And Geeks and at the time, I also created the Gamers and Geeks Network!
Because of how bad Gamers and Geeks went, I have decided to make a few changes around here to better organise everything.
Introducing, the “Padraig Fahy Network”. This network is saying that this is MY network and anything under it is part of me (essentially).
There is currently 3 websites under the network and they are:
- PadraigFahy.com (Main Site)
- nologam.com
- Fahy.eu
A site has bitten the dust, and therefore been deactivated from the PFN. That site is:
- CyberEnemy.net (As of July 2013) (Now re-directs to Gamers and Geeks.net)
- GamersAndGeeks.net (As of January 2014)
Each site is listed in order of priority working top-down.
I hope that this year, we can expand just one of these sites by bringing in new content, people and hopefully more!
2013 is the year for PFN and I hope that you are all ready for it J
Email me: [email protected]
Email PFN: [email protected]
or tweet me: @fahyIE
or drop me a message on Google+, http://gplus.to/padraig