New Emails!

Padraig Fahy avatar

Over the past couple of ideas, I have noticed that I get a lot of emails in my inbox and it can hard to filter through the newsletters, mailing list and “<x> went live on Twitch” emails” to get my emails, so I have done a couple of changes.

All my personal stuff (Social Media, sites-that-don’t-fit-into-the-other-categories, general emails) is now
All my gaming related stuff (Game accounts, gaming websites, gaming forums etc) will all go to
All my technology related stuff (Mailing lists for Ubuntu, Valve (Servers) and GitHub/GitLab) will all get moved to

Yes, that means that I will have to look at more inboxes on a daily basis and I don’t mind that at all. This is just to help “de-clutter my inbox” which I personally everyone should do every so often.
This is the first time that I have properly sorted my inbox in since my Gmail account was opened in 2009! That is a lot of emails!

Want to chat? Email me, 

And follow on Twitter while your at it! @FahyIE