Author: Padraig Fahy

  • Update on me!

    I posted this late last night on Facebook and I thought I would post it here for all to see!!

    Work. I am now a Intern at doing Marketing and eCommerce work. There is a lot to learn, but I am picking it up pretty quickly. I am glad to be finally working after not having a job or a internship for 10 months.

    Family. I really want to talk about my family here,, but I just can’t find the words that would fully express how I am feeling. Let’s just put it this way. I am keeping my head up at all times and trying to not think of the negatives and take everything a day at a time.

    Personal Health: Ever since I started working at PSO, I have lost weight from walking to and from work. I have got slimmer and now I am eating less and in some cases…eating healthier. Only a handful close, close friends know about my condition that I have had since I was a child and I just want to say that…it is getting better…and I will leave it at that.

    Now onto fun stuff!

    Gaming. If you don’t know, I am a massive fan and player of Final Fantasy XIV. Love playing on a daily basis, but I wish I had more hours in the day to play it.

    Euro Truck 2 Multiplayer is loads of fun (Until the troll rammers get you) and I would normally play that at the weekends to relax 

    Nologam. My little community that I started up in January and relaunched in March has recently got over 40 members which I am very happy about and we even now have a League of Legends team! I try to do as much as I can with the community in my spare time. i am really happy about that, because that is something that makes me happy on a daily basis.

    So, have I got anything planned? Just a trip to London for a week to go to the Final Fantasy XIV Fan Festival in London (Which just happens to be on the same week as my birthday), and I am getting the tickets in a few hours of this post going live. It would be the first time that I would be going to London and going outside Ireland since Ibiza in 2008.

    EDIT: I got my VIP ticket for the event. Apparently the VIP tickets sold out in less than 10 seconds.

    Sorry for the long winded post, but that is pretty much everything that is happening with me and my life right now. 

  • New Post on Padraig.XYZ – TL;DR – Lab. of the Ancients (FFXIV)

    A couple of days ago, I announced a new site (Padraig.XYZ) and today, I have published my first post on there.

    It is a guide to get through Crystal Tower in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.

    Check it out here!

  • New Site:

    A couple of days ago, I bought the domain but I didn’t know at the time what I was going to do with it.

    But tonight, I have decided that I am going to be creating a gaming blog where I talk tips and tricks and have some information regarding games that I like playing.

    This will include Final Fantasy XIV, Euro Truck Simulator 2 and more in the pipeline.

    More information regarding “xyz” will be coming soon via this blog and Twitter: @fahyIE

  • [The JukeBox] #49 – Playlist Special – Spotify UK – Ultimate Dance Playlist

    Hi everyone.

    Welcome back to The JukeBox. A series dedicated to the music that I find and love!

    This time around, we have something different. We have a entire playlist which is over 50hrs long and has over 1200 songs for you to enjoy.

    If you want to stick something in the office when it is quiet, this IS the playlist! The playlist itself was created by Spotify themselves!




  • I will NOT be covering E3 this year!

    For a while now I have been thinking whether if I should cover this year’s E3 press conferences.

    Last years Sony’s E3 Conference LiveBlog
    Last years Microsoft’s E3 Conference LiveBlog

    I have decided NOT to cover them this year for a couple of reasons.

    1) What are they going to show? Just games I suppose. Nothing too ground-breaking compared to last year’s reveal of the Playstation 4 and the Xbox One. More “Next-Gen” titles.

    2) MY preference in gaming has changed. Since early this year, I have mostly made the shift to PC gaming playing a lot of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, and other PC titles. I have started to lose interest in the consoles since I was disappointed in the consoles that were released. I am disappointed mainly because of the lack of the “progress” that has been made on these systems. They are just sticking in cheapo parts that is now holding the gaming industry back and it will suffer as a result.

    Even though I won’t cover them here on the blog, I will give my thoughts about them on my Twitter*.


    * I will be giving my thoughts on the @VampiricPadraig Twitter account instead of the @FahyIE account because I am trying to refocus content to the other account to get it used.


  • Logos

    I did have these Logos displayed on the About Page, but since there was too many on the page, I decided to move them to their own page.