2 days and I still haven’t been able to launch the game. This is getting out of hand.
No word from the devs or anything. @ATVIAssist doesn’t want to help PC players who payed good money for this game. No one seems to have tested this game other than Windows Vista to make sure that the game works.
Come on Activision/Infinity Ward. Sort your shit out.
EDIT: It took a WHILE but I got it working and I decided to post the fix on PCGamingWiki. Link to fix.
A couple of days ago, I took to Steam to “Recommend” a few games that you should check out.
Papers, Please <– Click for the Store Page!
Papers, Please is one of those games that you will go back for more. For a small game, there is a lot of content in there. Story lasts about 4hrs and continues with Endless mode which is a lot of fun. I would like to see more characters, different papers and just more of everything. Great indie title!
Commander Keen Complete Pack
Commander Keen was the first game that I played EVER! Simple platformer. One of id Software’s first games and just nostalgia all over the place. Runs in DOSBox so it works on Windows 8. Highly recommend.
Euro Truck Simulator 2
Lots of content (Even more now with the Going East DLC). Mod Support. Amazing fun. Well worth the money.
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
From Deathmatch to Classic Competitive and everything in between. CSGO is one of the best shooters on PC. Obviously very popular in the eSports scene, but it’s a great game to chill out to.
Worms: Armageddon
By far the best Worms game that Team17 has ever made. Still one of my all time fav games.
So tonight, I was playing Worms Revolution and of course, you have to go through the Training before you can start on the actual story for Worms.
So, I decided to plow through it anyway. I could have done it in half the time if there WASN’T SO MANY CUT SCENES!
Everytime that you were taught how to use a weapon, you were instructed to pick up the weapon..pause..cutscene…pause…play…then a another cutscene. Obviously this is to show new players how to play the game, but COME ON! A simple tutorial on how to use the Bazooka doesn’t need to take more than 2 minutes to figure out.
While I do like the game, the slow pace of the game just hindered my enjoyment of the game. Hopefully there isn’t too much more of that in the actual story.
Hey everyone. It has been a bit since I have done a proper blog and I thought I would let you all know what has been happening at PFN.
We have moved PadraigFahy.com, GamersAndGeeks.net and Fahy.eu to Chocobo. Chocobo is the nickname for the new dedicated server that I have which now gives me even more flexibility to do what I want.
Gamers and Geeks has undergone a re-branding.
Gamers and Geeks logo (January – October 2013)
Present Gamers and Geeks logo (October 2013 – Present)
Updates of Gamers and Geeks are made over on the forums and a detailed post about specific changes will be going up soon on it.
As for PadraigFahy.com, nothing much has changed since the August Update (whenever TwentyThirteen) was released. You may have noticed that the PF logo is Orange (At the time of writing), but this is just a ‘event’ logo since it is nearly Hallowe’en, but it will of course change back to the blue-logo for November (and then December is HoHoHo month (Can’t bloody wait(!)))
We had some teething issues with MySQL and WordPress and vBulletin when we moved to Chocobo.
One night, I got about 20 emails from vBulletin telling me that there was a database error and that there was something about space being full. Rightfully so, when I logged into SSH, the first thing I see is.
“/ is 99% of 19.8GB”. This meant that the / (root) partitions on the drive filled. I couldn’t figure out how to fix it, and it clicked with me at about 3pm, that the backups that was setup by a friend was going to the root partiton and thus was creating that issue. So, for now, we have moved the backups to a protected folder in the /home/ partition and symlinked the backup folder to go to it, so we don’t have to mess with the script.
Since MySQL crashed, it corrupted most of the tables and the built in tools on vBulletin to repair and optimise tables didn’t work, so I had to manually use a command to repair and fix all the tables that were affected. Luckily nothing here on WordPress was affected which is always a good thing.
So, after a good few hours of fixing everything up, I got it back up and running again and have been keeping a close eye on it.
With some permissions picking, I finally got it sorted last night, and the pictures do seem to be working as intended and thus I have no more problems.
I am no means a web developer (Although, I would love to be one), but I do try and learn how to fix stuff and I would like to use languages such as JavaScript and PHP and manually add my own content to stuff like WordPress and vBulletin.
Righteo, I have rambled enough about PFN for now. Should hopefully have a gaming update later on all going good.
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