Author: Padraig Fahy

  • Nexuiz

    So, there is this little shooter on Steam that people may or may not know about. It’s called Nexuiz.

    It was a mod that was created on the Quake Engine and was released by AlienWare in 2005. The game gained popularity because of the community and because it was based on a awesome engine and everything was fine and dandy.

    (Now I could go into detail on HOW we got to the new Nexuiz, but that is for another time I think)


  • [LoTW] #4 – 10th – 14th June 2013

    Welcome back to another week of Links of the Week. I apologise for this coming out so late. It completely went out of my head because of E3 this week.

    Now, since E3 was on this week there is enough of news around the internet to suit your E3 news needs so I didn’t put any of those links into it, but there is some related articles.

    I also apologise for not having that many links this week because it has been a hectic week at work and I didn’t get any time to look at the news. Hopefully everything will back to normal in LoTW #6 (The week after I finish) and hopefully I will be able to bring you more content after that! Thank you for all sticking with me.




  • About what happened today!

    (From Reddit). The Irish High Courts orders 6 Irish ISP’s to block ThePirateBay (

    Then the EU says “EU to slap bans on Online Blocking”. (

    Well done Sean Sherlock TD. You have wasted everyone’s time and I MEAN EVERYONE’S!

    Why? Because you are blocking 1 of millions of torrent sites out there. And anyway, TPB isn’t that good anymore, so I don’t use it and therefore, not affected by this in any shape or form

  • Sony E3 Conference 2013 – LIVE Blog


    Welcome everyone to the Sony E3 2013 Conference LIVE Blog! I will be liveblogging the entire conference.

    New posts will automatically appear every 15 seconds or you can check @fahyIE on Twitter for up to the second announcements.


  • Microsoft E3 Conference 2013 – LIVE Blog


    Welcome everyone to the Microsoft E3 2013 Conference LIVE Blog! I will be liveblogging the entire conference.

    New posts will automatically appear every 15 seconds or you can check @fahyIE on Twitter for up to the second announcements.


  • [YCFRO #6] Microsoft

    (You could see this post coming from a mile away haha)

    Microsoft has confirmed that the new gaming console “Xbox One” will be REQUIRED to be online at least once per day in order to play games offline.

    Yeah, you have to be online to play offline games.
    (I know Steam’s offline feature is bad but FFS, this takes the cake)

    AND you need to have your Kinect connected to your Xbox One at all times.

    WTF Microsoft?
