Author: Padraig Fahy

  • [Links of the Week] #3 – 31st May – 7th June 2013

    Welcome back to Links of the Week.

    This is the blog series where I post interesting articles and links from the past 7 days. Enjoy.

    Remember to click “Continue Reading” to see all the links.



  • [The JukeBox] #43 – Rick Astley – Lights Out

    Welcome everyone to Edition 12 of The JukeBox.

    Tonight, I have a great song by 80’s sensation known as Rick Astley. Enjoy.




  • Brand New Theme

    I have just launched the brand new theme for – From the guys over at 320press, I introduce the “WP-Foundation” theme.

    This is a WordPress theme with Twitter Bootstrap integrated. Any issues, contact me. πŸ™‚


  • So I bought a Tablet yesterday

    I writing this on the tablet through the WordPress App

    Last week, there was a ad onΒ  TV for the HP Slate 7. It was Β£140 I think, so I looked on Pc World’s website for the euro price. It was €160.

    After a while, I decided to check out the Xtra vision and Carphone Warehouse site where they were selling the Google Nexus 7. While it did seem good for the price (and yes, I was intending to get it), Neither Carphone nor Xtra Vision had it in stock.


  • [Links of The Week] #2 – 27th – 31st May 2013

    Welcome back to Links of the Week. I apologise for not getting a lot of links in this week because of work commitments and that I didn’t have time to sit down and read news. Hopefully what I have here is sufficient.



  • I suck at League of Legends

    So, my friends have got me back into playing League of Legends again (God help me) and I just haven’t been caring about what strategies that I have been making in the game.

    My friends have been helping me with builds and that, so I know that I am in good hands.

    Anyway, here are some pictures of results screens that I initially uploaded to Facebook, but shall post over here rather than hotlinking.

    EDIT:Β League of Legends screenshots now have their own page. πŸ˜€

    Click here to go there now!

    I will put more up once I get a few more games played and hopefully I remember to grab a screenshot of them at the end of the game.

    If you would like to add me as a friend on League of Legends. I am on the EU West server under the name “Crakila”.