Category: Gaming

  • Nope…Still can’t play…

    2 days and I still haven’t been able to launch the game. This is getting out of hand.

    No word from the devs or anything. @ATVIAssist doesn’t want to help PC players who payed good money for this game. No one seems to have tested this game other than Windows Vista to make sure that the game works.


    Come on Activision/Infinity Ward. Sort your shit out.

    EDIT: It took a WHILE but I got it working and I decided to post the fix on PCGamingWiki. Link to fix.

  • Some recent Steam Recommendations that I made

    A couple of days ago, I took to Steam to “Recommend” a few games that you should check out.

    Papers, Please <– Click for the Store Page!
    Papers, Please is one of those games that you will go back for more. For a small game, there is a lot of content in there. Story lasts about 4hrs and continues with Endless mode which is a lot of fun. I would like to see more characters, different papers and just more of everything. Great indie title!

    Commander Keen Complete Pack
    Commander Keen was the first game that I played EVER! Simple platformer. One of id Software’s first games and just nostalgia all over the place. Runs in DOSBox so it works on Windows 8. Highly recommend.

    Euro Truck Simulator 2
    Lots of content (Even more now with the Going East DLC). Mod Support. Amazing fun. Well worth the money.

    Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
    From Deathmatch to Classic Competitive and everything in between. CSGO is one of the best shooters on PC. Obviously very popular in the eSports scene, but it’s a great game to chill out to.

    Worms: Armageddon
    By far the best Worms game that Team17 has ever made. Still one of my all time fav games.

  • Little things that annoy me in video games

    So tonight, I was playing Worms Revolution and of course, you have to go through the Training before you can start on the actual story for Worms.

    So, I decided to plow through it anyway. I could have done it in half the time if there WASN’T SO MANY CUT SCENES!

    Everytime that you were taught how to use a weapon, you were instructed to pick up the weapon..pause..cutscene…pause…play…then a another cutscene. Obviously this is to show new players how to play the game, but COME ON! A simple tutorial on how to use the Bazooka doesn’t need to take more than 2 minutes to figure out.

    While I do like the game, the slow pace of the game just hindered my enjoyment of the game. Hopefully there isn’t too much more of that in the actual story.

  • [Gamers and Geeks Podcast] Beta #001 – Playstation 4 tops poll.


    [BETA] #001 – Playstation 4 Tops Chart
    by VampiricPadraig

    Topics Discussed:
    0:16 – Playstation 4 Top Reuters Poll1

    MP3 Download: Download [Beta] #001
    iTunes Feed:…SS2&forumids=9 (See details below on how to add)

    1 Sony’s PS4 tops Xbox One as gamers’ holiday choice: Reuters/Ipsos poll

    How to add iTunes Feed:

    On the top left hand corner, change from “Music” to “Podcasts”.
    Then go File > Subscribe to Podcast and paste in the links above ^
    Any problems, email

  • My trip into the world of Eorzea

    About a year when I launched this version of the blog (16th August), I had purchased a little MMO game called ‘Guild Wars 2’ and I even posted a couple of blog posts about the login issues that the game had on headstart.

    Seems that ArenaNet has changed the name of Guild Wars 2 to….

    Yay! Guild Wars 2 Headstart is on. Let’s pla…Oh….OK…..

    Since that post, I played the game for about 2 months before I quit. The game wasn’t  fun. I wasn’t enjoying it after the initial 35 levels and just gave up on it.

    12 months later and he we are, another MMO is about to come out and the big question is…will I stay with Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn? The answer is a simple yes.

    Final Fantasy XIV to most people think that it’s just a UI reskin of the original game, which was released back in 2010 but it didn’t really take off like what happened to Final Fantasy XI.

    FFXIV is one of those games, which I have been looking forward to since I started playing the beta’s back in February and I do not regret it. The experience has been fantastic and now I will focus on the game (In terms of end-game and hardcore PvE) and I will probably join up with some free company that I can just chill out on and have a bit of fun with.

    But alas, Where there is a upside to one thing, there must always be a downside which I talk about in another post.

    With that also said, when I am not playing the game, I am also going to be looking after Gamers and Geeks which has come back after some time and myself and a few friends are going to be getting that up and running and hopefully in mid-September, we will be able to start some podcasting.

    I plan to make a One Man Final Fantasy XIV podcast for Gamers and Geeks as well as produce the main Gaming Podcast.

    I am looking very forward to the game. If you would like to add me in game, My name on it is “Crakila Fors’ee” and I am on the Cerberus EU server!

  • [Review] Papers, Please

    Foreward: I have completed the game with about 11 hours played (According to Steam)

    Papers, Please is what I would call “TSA Simulator”.  You are a guy whose name was pulled from a labor lottery and now is working as a Immigration Inspector between Kolechia and Arstotzka (You are on the Arstotzaka side) and it is your job to process individuals that want to come into the country.

    You start of easy by checking locations and as you progress through the 31 days, you will get access to features, such as the inspector button and a scanner to scan for contraband/weapons.



    When you get into the late-ish game (Around Day 23+), you will start to forget stuff to check…Could be simple stuff like Gender, height, weight. That’s why you should take your time and go over everything and if you are not sure, inspect it to make sure there isn’t any discrepancies.

    This is a game that I have had fun with in a long time. It took me 2 saves in order to get the good ending (Note, there is 20 different endings in Papers, Please) and you can easily complete it in 4hrs.

    When you get the good ending, you will be presented with a code. This will unlock Endless Mode. Endless mode is a mode that you can have fun. There is 4 ‘courses’ and 3 modes. What you score is at the end of it, gets submitted to the Steam Community Leaderboards, where you can see how you ranked against other people.



    Along your game, you will encounter people that want your help. Helping these people will affect the ending of the game. So if someone asks to let someone through because their wife is behind, you can choose yourself, whether you want to be a nice person and take a citation or stick to your guns and do your job and possibly reject them (That is ofcourse if they don’t have the correct papers)

    Overall, I have enjoyed this game a lot. The art style is great, the gameplay is easy to learn and will beg you to come back and play over and over to get the other various endings.

    This game gets a 9/10 for me.

    It loses 1 point for content. I would like a follow up month or even more story and more mechanics. Great game otherwise.

    This review will also appear on Gamers and Geeks really soon.