Welcome everyone to the Xbox One Post Mortem. We look at what we found out (And more what we didn’t) at yesterday evening’s Microsoft Conference in Redmond, CA, USA.
What I would call the “Xbox One”.
I have to start of this post mortem with a massive “WTF?”. Who was the idiot(s), that came up with such a bad name for the console. Like come on, Reddit, had a better name for it. “Xbox Infinity”. What the hell is “One” about? Whenever I hear “Xbox One”. I see this (pictured right).
Nope. It’s not G&G. And it’s not VGIRE! It’s about Cyber Enemy!
Hey folks! In January of this year, I asked a few friends on Facebook whether they would like to create a clan of some kind and a couple of people got back to me and after some talking, we decided to create Cyber Enemy.
It was great, we had the site up and running, we had the YouTube channel up and running and videos were being uploaded to it! We kept posting for about 3-4 weeks and then one of the co-leaders (who I will not name), decided to join his other friends and create a new clan for his BF3 friends. I was a touch saddened by the news, but I was expecting it.
Recently, I have been able to spend money this month on a couple of games. Some of which I got cheaply and a game that a friend recommended to me.
And then there is some games that I have purchased before Christmas and I have hardly played and I would like to play and then there is a game that I want to finish!
The games that I -need- to play this month.
Bioshock: Infinite – I bought it because it was cheap and it looked so good compared to Bioshock 1,2 which I personally didn’t like, so that is why I purchased it.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 MP – I just want to get back into CoD, but the community is killing the game (Surprise, surprise hahaha)
Cities in Motion 2: A friend told me to pick this up. It’s like SimCity but just public transportation. Have yet to fully get into it.
Civ V: I HAVE to sit down and play this game. A lot of people that I have talked to have said that the game is great and that I should spend my time playing that.
TERA: I am playing this A LOT! and I don’t think I will stop playing this. I just don’t have that much time in the evenings while I am working to play the game.
Trackmania 2: Stadium – I have played a lot of this game ever since I bought and then for no reason, I stopped playing. I don’t know why. I would like to get into a routine, where I am playing TM2 every night as a habit along with TERA.
Unity of Command: I just need to play that game and that is that.
What are you plaything this month, if anything? Let me know in the comments 🙂
Well, what a night it was. Last night at 11pm, Sony officially announced the PlayStation 4. And here is the breakdown of the entire thing:
It is a 8-Core AMD CPU codenamed “Jaguar”. That’s right folks. It’s a x86 processor. It also has a 2nd processor to manage uploads and downloads.
8GB of GDDR5 Graphics – This is F***** Ridiculous. 8GB! Holy Moly! That is one powerful GPU. It beats the hell out of the new nVidia GeForce Titan (sp) that was announced last week. A powerful consumer level graphics card on the market has a max of 2GB GDDR5, so to see that quadrupled is absolutely insane.
It comes with a 6x Blu-Ray Drive (which is 3 times faster than the PS3 drive)
A HDD (We don’t know of the size yet) and USB 3.0 (That’s kinda cool).
A new controller. It now has a Touchpad, a ‘Share’ Button and even a lovely ‘Options’ Button.
Now that most of the console stuff out of the way. Let’s get onto the games.
Welcome folks to the PlayStation 4 Announcement liveblog.
From 11pm GMT tonight, I will be liveblogging the entire announcement. If you don’t wish to read the blog, all updates will be going to Twitter @fahyIE