Category: Gaming

  • Voyager à Paris pour la Final Fantasy XIV: Fan Festival 2019!

    Voyager à Paris pour la Final Fantasy XIV: Fan Festival 2019!

    (Translation: Travelling to Paris for the Final Fantasy XIV: Fan Festival 2019!)

    Quick note that I will be heading to Paris, France for the Final Fantasy XIV: Fan Festival 2019 on the 2nd and 3rd February.

    The event is being held at the: “La Grande halle de La Villette

    I will also be travelling around Paris for a couple of days around the event for sightseeing, so expect some photos on here in February.


  • Why are MOBA’s so difficult?

    Some people may have read this question and think that MOBA’s are not that difficult, but I personally think that it is.

    I would safely says that about 1 million people are playing MOBA’s every day per month and while this is a interesting statistic, I am wondering sometimes…how?

    I tried League of Legends…I rage-quit it. Dota 2, similar style of gameplay, quit. Smite has been something that I have tried to get into since it is a twist on the regular format for MOBA’s (Which is that the game is 3rd person rather than overhead like LoL, Dota)

    But here is the thing. When you get into a game with your friends who have been playing these games for a long time and they start calling terms, moves, positions and you can’t react quick enough, a bit of rage starts building up inside of you and that is what happened to me today.

    I was playing Smite with a couple of other people for a “fun” game and it ended up that everyone (including me) raged because I couldn’t do a fucking thing properly. Was either too far forward, not last hitting mobs or even getting jungle camps for additional XP and gold.

    How the fuck am I suppose to know what to do. All I have been taught in the tutorials is to stay behind minions, attack towers, attack enemies and win. There is no mention of “meta” or “roles” or what items that I should or shouldn’t be using.

    What the hell am I supposed to say or do when it comes to a “clutch” situation.

    For all I know, the enemy is going to rape me and then everyone else is going to hate me because of it.

    I do try to give MOBA’s a fair chance when it comes to playing it. But this isn’t fun. It is a easy way of people to get angry for me and for me to rage at people.

    No wonder the LoL community is so terrible. They are looking for elitest people and they demand that they watch videos or look at build guides. Seriously, how the fuck am I suppose to play MOBA’s without being shit on all the fucking time?

    As you can tell by this post, I am raging, but it is the only way to vent my anger. No one wants to hear my bullshit over what I have to think about MOBA’s.

    But why are you playing MOBA’s then? 

    Because MOST (if not all) of my friends play some sort of MOBA such as League, Smite, Dota.

    It just makes me so mad…


  • Nologam eSports (AKA, NGM eSports)

    Over the past couple of years, I have started to get more and more interested in eSports and while I haven’t spoken much about it, I have watched streams and followed a couple of websites about eSports (CS:GO primarily)

    Last June, we had started a small CS:GO team that was just affiliated with us, they won a couple of games and quietly disbanded and nothing more was said.

    While they were playing their couple of games, we were getting a site ready for team news and that, but obviously it was not finished.

    So, now, we are going to go back to the drawing board and make Nologam eSports a thing, but not in the same capacity.

    We are going to have eSports news for League and probably CS initially but expanding later on.

    This is just a rough idea that I am putting down on the table and hopefully I can follow through with this plan coming into the summer of 2016 🙂


  • Level 60!

    So I am after finally getting to Level 60 on World of Warcraft. Let’s keep this train going!

    Onto TBC content now.

  • 07/01/2016

    I don’t really have anything to talk or think about this evening.

    Mostly have played World of Warcraft, done a couple of Nologam bits and pieces, Final Fantasy XIV and watched some CES videos.

    So instead of dragging this out. I am going to end tonight with a music video!


  • My New World of Warcraft Character

    So a couple of days ago, I decided to take a break from Final Fantasy XIV and decided to resubscribe to World of Warcraft!

    I wanted to sit down properly and start a new character and I decided to roll a new Marksmanship Hunter on Outland EU.

    You can find my new character called “Notkeeping”, which is kinda ironic because I wasn’t sure if I was going to keep this character, but I did.

    If you wish to add me as a friend on or even if you wish to play, add Crakila#2745

    You can find my character right here:
