Category: Life

  • RIP Thomas Fahy. 1935 – 2015

    So last month, I posted about my grandfather not being well. 8 days after that post, he passed away…

    It has been a difficult month since then. The only grandparent that I grew up with has left us and it’s still surreal to this day to think that he has died. At times,  I think that he is in the sitting room watching the TV, but only to see darkness from the empty sitting room.

    The death of my grandfather has hurt me hard. There would be times where I would have to go to my room or the toilet at work and just have a cry… I miss him so much. All the mass cards that have been sent to us, all the visits from people that he met down the years all came to the wake and sympathised with my parents have been a reminder that he is gone and that he will never come back. He is now with his wife, my grandmother who I never met in heaven.

    This time of year he would have loved. The lovely spring days waiting for the sheep to lamb, the football being on and his favorite horses would be running at Cheltenham.

    He loved his horse racing, he would never be a huge betting man, but he would have a flutter during big/major events. Not hearing those races now is something that I will miss. He would always ring family at home in Galway and ask about how John Fahy the jockey would be doing on the horses.

    He was always a family man. He would ring up his nieces and nephews in Galway to check up on them and his brother and sister in USA and England respectively.

    There is so much that I want to share about him, but I would be here all night… But here is the final words..

    I miss you granddad. You will be dearly missed.



  • Away from everything.

    Just very busy at the moment looking after my grandfather who is not doing very well. His breathing has got a lot worse in the past couple of months and now there is more pains and aches from him on a daily basis.

    Still working away, 9-5. Sometimes being at work can distract me from the issues that is going on at home, but at the same time, I want to be home to look after him.

    Everything has taken a bit of a backseat for a while. Nologam has taken a bit of a backseat and I have put another admin in charge for a while. Gaming is just non-existent at nights now, but if I can play for about 10 mins, then I am happy.

    There isn’t really much I can talk about other than what I have already mentioned, but for more active comments about what is happening, I am on the Twittering machine, @PadraigFahy

    Thank you 🙂


  • I broke down at work today…

    …and I don’t feel proud about it.
