Category: Uncategorised

  • pf v0.3

    At last, I have finally bothered my ass to update this website once again.

    I have changed the theme from Uno Zen to Crush as it is a lot more simplier than what Uno Zen was offering.

    One nice little addition was the Unsplash images. Everytime you reload the main page, a new Unsplash image from the ‘Technology’ category loaded.

    To do this, I simply done this with the index.hbs theme was:

    On Line 5 change:

    <header class="main-header {{#if @blog.cover}}" style="background-image: url({{@blog.cover}}){{else}}no-cover{{/if}}">


    <header class="main-header {{#if @blog.cover}}" style="background-image: url({{else}}no-cover{{/if}}">

    So that is something I suppose 🙂

  • WWE Battleground Predictions

    Welcome back to my WWE PPV Prediction series where I list the card that is happening for the WWE Battleground PPV that is happening on Sunday night (24th July).
    And here we go.

    Winners will be maked in bold during the PPV


    The Usos vs Breezango – PREDICTION: Breezango will get killed by The Usos. It is only fitting. Make them look strong.

    Main Show

    John Cena, Enzo Amore & Colin Cassidy vs The Club – PREDICTION: Big Match John wins again!

    Rusev (c) vs Zack Ryder for the WWE United States Championship – PREDICTION: Zack Ryder. I would like to see him to get a push finally. It is time for him to have a proper title reign.

    Sami Zayn vs Kevin Owens – PREDICTION: Sami Zayn. Just prefer him over Kevin Owens

    The New Day (c) vs The Wyatt Family – PREDICTION: Wyatt Family. The family got split up (Braun on RAW, Bray and Erick on Smackdown and Luke is leaving) so they need a good win.

    Sasha Banks and TBD vs Charlotte & Dana Brooke – PREDICTION: Before making this post, Sasha had announced on Twitter that her partner has been chosen. We do not know who this is, but it is either Paige, Nikki Bella or a last minute callup for Bayley (Bayley would make sense here) BAYLEY DID GET CALLED UP. WHOO HOO!

    The Miz (c) vs Darren Young for the WWE Intercontinenal Championship – PREDICTION: Miz Retains

    Becky Lynch vs Natalya – PREDICTION: Becky Lynch. Gotta go for me girl <3

    Dean Ambrose (c) vs Roman Reigns vs Seth Rollins in a Triple Threat for the WWE Championship – PREDICTION: Dean Ambrose Retains!

    Other Guff

    The Highlight Reel with Randy Orton.
    PREDICTION: This is obviously to promote Randy vs Brock at Summerslam nexty month and I would predict that Brock Lesnar interuppts, run down to the ring and beat up Randy. Why would Randy be there otherwise?

    As always, I will be in the Taima chat tomorrow night from about 11pm and watching the PPV from 1am! – See you there.


  • WWE Draft Results

    (My draft predictions that are correct will be marked with a % mark)


    • Seth Rollins %
    • Charlotte % (WWE Women’s Champion)
    • Finn Balor
    • Roman Reigns %
    • Brock Lesnar %
    • The New Day (All 3)
    • Sami Zayn
    • Sasha Banks %
    • Chris Jericho
    • Rusev w/ Lana %%
    • Kevin Owens %
    • Enzo & Cass %%
    • Gallows & Anderson %%
    • The Big Show
    • Nia Jax
    • Neville
    • Cesaro %
    • Sheamus
    • The Golden Truth %%
    • Titus O’Neil %
    • Paige %
    • Darren Young
    • Sin Cara
    • Jack Swagger %
    • The Dudley Boyz %%
    • Summer Rae
    • Mark Henry %
    • Braun Strowman %
    • Bo Dallas
    • The Shining Stars
    • Alicia Fox
    • Dana Brook
    • Curtis Axel


    • Dean Ambrose (WWE Champion)
    • AJ Styles
    • John Cena
    • Randy Orton
    • Bray Wyatt
    • Becky Lynch
    • The Miz /w Maryse %%
    • Baron Corbin %
    • American Alpha
    • Dolph Ziggler %
    • Natalya
    • Alberto Del Rio %
    • The Usos %%
    • Kane %
    • Kalisto
    • Naomi %
    • The Ascension %%
    • Zack Ryder
    • Apollo Crews %
    • Alexa Bliss
    • Breezango %
    • Eva Marie %
    • The Vaudevillians %%
    • Erick Rowan %
    • Mojo Rawley
    • Carmella


    • Heath Slater

    Commentators have been "drafted" as well:

    Monday Night Raw

    • Michael Cole
    • Corey Graves
    • Byron Saxton

    Tuesday Night Smackdown

    • Mauro Ranallo
    • JBL
    • David Otunga


    • Tom Phillips
    • Corey Graves

    Main Event

    • Tom Phillips
    • David Otunga

  • v0.2

    This update is just to make the site A) Secure and B) Look better in the URL.

    1. I have fixed the issue with the URL coming back as where the 2368 was the port that Ghost use. A simple change in the config.js resolves that.

    2. Let’s Encrypt SSL has been installed. Bit of a tricky one to get this working. I had to change the Proxy port for Nginx from 2368 to 80. Disable Ghost, restart nginx, run Let’s Encrypt to install the cert, change the config back and then start Ghost.

    I might do a proper tutorial for that where time permits. If you would like me to get it done sooner, poke me on Twitter and I’ll do it. Twitter

    No other updates are planned for the site as it is ok the way it is. Might change up the theme or something in the next version but we shall see 🙂

  • My WWE Brand Split Predictions

    Earlier today, WWE released their "Fantasy Draft" for the 2016 WWE Brand Split and because the Sharing Options are not working, here is my person draft.

    The draft will be shown on the first LIVE Smackdown on July 19th.

    RAW is in red and Smackdown is in Blue

  • WWE Money in the Bank PPV Predictions

    Welcome back to my WWE PPV Prediction series where I list the card that is happening for the WWE Money in ther Bank PPV that is happening on Sunday night (19th June).
    And here we go.

    Winners are in bold.

    Kick off show

    The Lucha Dragons vs The Dudley Boyz – Prediction: Dudley Boyz [Don’t know where this match came from, but oh well…]

    The Golden Truth vs Breezango – Prediction: Who the hell cares? 2 Jobber teams for what…nothing.

    Main Show

    Money in the Bank Ladder Match:
    Alberto Del Rio vs Dean Ambrose vs Kevin Owens vs Cesaro vs Sami Zayn vs Chris Jericho for the Money in the Bank Briefcase* – Prediction: Cesaro [It would be nice to see him to get the push that he deserves. He is a very strong character that should be winning belts.]

    • This briefcase allows the winnner of the ladder match to cash in at any time for a shot at the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.
    • An example of this would be at Wrestlemania 31. There was a match on between Brock Lesnar (who was the current champion at the time) and Roman Reigns. Seth Rollins (The holder of the Money in the Bank briefcase) ran down to the ring and "Cashed in" the briefcase. It then became a Triple-Threat match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship (Brock vs Roman vs Seth). Seth got the ‘pin’ on Roman to win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. The champion was never pinned for the title.

    Dolph Ziggler vs Baron Corbin – Prediction: This is what, the 9th, 10th match between these two…. Not saying who

    Apollo Crews vs Sheamus – Prediction: This was billed to be on the pre-show but it looks like they threw shit at a wall (Breezango and TGT) and this is now on the main card. Sheamus to win.

    Charlotte (c) & Dana Brooke vs Becky Lynch & Natalya in a NON-WWE Womens Championship match. – Prediction: Why is Becky not going for this again? What the hell is WWE doing? Becky and Natty to win.

    John Cena vs AJ Styles – Prediction: This would be the "Dream" match that they are talking about. It should be a good fight, but AJ will probably win it.

    The New Day (c) vs Gallows and Anderson vs Enzo and Cass vs The Vaudevillians in a Fatal 4 Way for the WWE Tag Team Championship. – Prediction: It would be nice for The New Day to drop the belts (Either now or at SummerSlam) to Enzo and Cass. They are a very good tag-team that should get their recognition.

    Rusev (c) vs Titus O’Neil for the US Championship – Prediction: Heel vs Face for the belt. Heel (Rusev) will retain.

    Roman Reigns (c) vs Seth Rollins for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship – Prediction: Since Seth never lost the title (He had to vacate it in November after injuring himself in a house show in Dublin), it would only make sense for him to get it back. If he still siding with the "Authority" (Note: which has been disbanded for quite a while) or just Steph/Triple H, then they would ensure that he gets the belt from Roman.

    Although, I think there WILL be a twist. Even though that I have predicted Cesaro for the MITB contract, what I would like to see is this: Dean Ambrose get the MITB contract and cash it in the same night and do the same what Seth did at WM31 (read above) and have a Triple Threat for the WWE World Heavyweight Champions between all 3 "Shield"* Members. If this was the case, Seth would screw over Dean in someway to get the belt. Either way, Seth will probably get the belt back.

    And that is that. A fairly stacked card with a couple of interesting matches in there (John vs AJ, Fatal 4 way for the Tag team belts, MITB of course and the WWEWHC match at the end of the night) which should make for interesting viewing.

    Follow me on Twitter, to hear my thoughts on the MITB match