My time with Ghost is at an end…for now!

Padraig Fahy avatar
My time with Ghost is at an end…for now!

I have to be very clear from the outset, that I am not referencing the Ghost devices that were seized as part of a multinational raid, but rather the Ghost blogging software.

I switched to Ghost for a 2nd time back in March 2021 after they released Version 4 and I have been using it quite a bit between then and now.
I just wanted a simple way to blog without having to deal with plugins. The editor was quite powerful and it was a great experience,

So why did I change?

In the more recent updates, Ghost has been adding features to the editor that would help with linking posts to old post and edit images directly on the website. But I couldn’t. The linking of old posts feature was breaking with no helpful warning, so I hoped that the next versions would help [They didn’t] and their image editing tools were made available for free for Ghost Pro subscribers but not for people that are self-hosting.

And that is another thing… Ghost really don’t want you self-hosting the software for Production. They do not provide support for self-hosting installs, and that is a disappointing factor that I had to deal with, and was the ultimate reason for changing.

So here I am. Back on WordPress.

I did ask on Mastodon if there were alternatives to try out.

I really wanted to try WriteFreely, but no matter what I did… I couldn’t get it to work at all. I probably didn’t have any patience to troubleshoot it. I will revisit this one day and try and get it working.

I was advised to check out ClassicPress. While it is cool in theory and would probably work for certain setups, it was not for me. Thankfully, I was able to convert the work that I did on ClassicPress to WordPress via a Manual Update and everything has been working great.

I am not a fan of Gutenberg, but I put some time and effort in and managed to re-create the home page and the posts pages to be very similar to my Ghost site.

You may see references to “signing up for a newsletter”. No one signed up. And that’s OK.
This blog is a hobby and I do not rely on it to pay my bills at the end of the day!

I am using 8 plugins on this WordPress site, and at the moment, I wouldn’t need any more to (mostly) re-create the experience that I had in Ghost.

  • ActivityPub – This one was given. While Ghost are actively working on ActivityPub, (which I appreciate), I have my fears that it would only be available to their Pro users and will provide Zero support to people on self-hosting.
    • You can now follow this blog, either put the URL for this site, or into the search of your Fediverse client, and you can see when I release a new blog post!
  • Connect Matomo This is for website analytics. I switched from Google Analytics to a self-hosted Matomo install in 2022. This was done when I no longer wanted to be shackled into Google’s ecosystem.
  • Instant Images – I love Unsplash and I have used them quite extensively on this blog over the years and I do not plan on changing this. It also has support for Openverse, Pixabay and Pexels.
  • Shortcorder – I used ‘Snippets’ in Ghost which was like canned text. It is used for the footer of my posts.
  • Spectra – This is a plugin that gives you access to more blocks for Gutenberg. It is mainly used on the home page for the posts layout. I try to use WordPress’ own blocks where possible.
  • WP Dark Mode – If users want it, there is a 🌙moon at the bottom of the page that will switch it to a Dark Mode.
  • Redis Object Cache & WP Super Cache – For object and page caching, respectively.

The new WordPress site is only a few days old, and I am still tweaking it to my liking!

If you have suggestions on how I can improve the look, feel, functionality of the site, please let me know on the Fediverse.