UPDATE: 19th August 2012

Hi everyone,

Looks like the DNS has been sorted and everything is working as intended now.
From next week, I shall be designing the site. There won’t be massive changes right away but eventually it should look very…”dapper”

Bug reports are welcome at [email protected]
And you can Tweet me @fahyIE
Annndddd, Message me on Google+,GTalk etc at gplus.to/padraig 

[![Meow](http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs13/f/2007/103/c/5/Cats_by_sailFree2209.jpg “Meow”)](http://fav.me/dvnvmo)Cats by sailFree2209 on deviantART (Click the image to go to the dA page)


You can also leave your bug reports in the comments below.
If you would like to help, please email me above and we can talk it through 🙂

I am still blogging for the time being over on blog.padraigfahy.com, so you probably won’t see any content here for a while.

And I shall leave you with a picture…of 2 cats 🙂