Author: Padraig Fahy

  • WWE PPV: Wrestlemania Predictions [Part 1]

    We are over a month away from the biggest WWE Pay-Per-View of the year, Wrestlemania, and this year, it’s going to be…an interesting one as this not only would have the most “meh” booking so far, but it will see how WWE grab the audience’s attention (Unlike FastLane and Roman Royal Rumble with Cheese)

    So, in this 2 part special, I will go through the card that we have so far and my predictions on who will win or lose.

    Shane McMahon vs The Undertaker – Prediction: Shane McMahonย WINNER: The Undertaker
    This is more of a job vs career match as 2 things can happen here.

    If Shane wins, he become the RAW General Manager which means that Vinny Mac is out of a job. If Undertaker wins, he will be in the WWE for another year…But if he was to lose, he will probably retire at the end of WM32.

    Even if Shane loses, he still has that “lockbox” that he talked abut on RAW and it should not be overlooked at WM32 or even the RAW the night after WM32.

    My money (Ching ching bling bling….not pun) is on Shane McMahon. Vinny to retire would be the biggest pop in WWE since…since…*shrug*.

    Dean Ambrose vs Barroocckkkk Lesssssssnarrrr (with Paul Fucking Heyman) – Prediction: Brock Lesnar. WINNER: Brock Lesnarย 

    Dean has a one way ticket to Suplex City against a stick known as Dean Ambrose. While Dean has the air to his advantage, I am not sure if that is going to get him through the match. I predict a Lesnar win.

    Triple H (c) vs Roman Reigns for the WWE World Heavy Championship – Prediction: Roman Reigns. WINNER: Roman Reigns

    I predict Roman for a couple of reasons.

    1. Vinny wants everyone being disappointed leaving WM32 because money talks (sorry, couldn’t help it).
    2. Odds. Triple H hasn’t defended the title since he got the title at Royal Rumble, but there was a rumor that he be defending it at that march to WM PPV (Or whatever that thing is), so there is a slight possibility that he could lose it and then have a different opponent at WM.

    One little factor to consider about this whole thing is a man named:



    He could do what he done last year and come in at the Main event of WM and while he doesn’t have a case to cash in, he could interrupt the match and turn heel on Triple H, which I would love to see.

    And that is the look at Part 1 of my WWE Wrestlemania 32 predictions. Once the full card has been announced, I will make a 2nd part talking about the Tag Teams, Divas and IC title matches.

    Talk to you then ๐Ÿ™‚


    For Part 2ย of my Wrestlemania Predictions, please click here:ย WWE PPV: Wrestlemania Predictions [Part 2]


  • So yeah, about that year long blogging thing

    It looks like I got really busy.

    Final Fantasy, Nologam, Work. It can eat up a hell of a lot time!

    I was planning to post on Saturday with my predictions for Fastlane PPV, but I didn’t have internet at the flat (boo!)

    But no matter, the PPV sucked anyway!


    Anyway, I am busy with Nologam and Patch 3.2 of Final Fantasy XIV, but I will post again soon ๐Ÿ™‚


  • WWE Royal Rumble 2016 Predictions

    Hi everyone.

    Welcome to my WWE Royal Rumble 2016 Predictions!

    Bolded names are the winners!

    Darren Young & Damien Sandow vs The Dudley Boyz vs The Ascension vs Mark Henry & Jack Swagger for qualification for the Royal Rumble match. – My Prediction: Darren & Damien – We haven’t seen either of these guys for quite a while due to injury and just not being used….so I would like to seem them in the RR match.

    Main Show:
    Roman Reigns (c) vs 29-other people for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship – My Prediction: How the hell can I predict this?? THE ODDS ARE STACKED AGAINST ROMAN…Feck it. Roman wins lol. (See below for some thoughts on entrants for the RR) WINNER: Triple H

    Dean Ambrose (c) vs Kevin Owens for the WWE Intercontinental Championship – My Prediction: Dean Ambrose…KO is too full of himself to win the title again.

    Alberto Del Rio (c) vs Kalisto for the WWE United States Title – My Prediction: 2 Mexicans going for a US title…Ok, well done WWE, but anyway, Kalisto to win since he needs the push and ADR is sooo bad imo.

    Charlotte (c) (With Rick Flair) vs Becky Lynch My prediction: Becky Lynch to win. She deserves it and she is also Irish ๐Ÿ˜›

    The New Day (c) vs The Usos – My prediction: Usos to win as the title reign for New Day is over and their gimmick is way more over than the Championship at the moment.

    Regarding the main Royal Rumble Match:

    Roman Reigns is going to be entering as Number 1 (GG Vinny Mac) and is going to defend his title against 29 other people. According to Wikipedia, some names are confirmed:

    • Big Show
    • Curtis Axel
    • Wyatt Family (Bray, Braun, Luke and Erick)
    • Ryback
    • Dolph Ziggler
    • Chris Jericho
    • Brock Lesnar
    • Stardust
    • Sheamus
    • The New Day (Kofi, Big E and Xavier)
    • Winner of the Kick off match

    So, in total you have 18 people confirmed…what about the other 12. Here is my predictions on who those 12 might be

    • Golddust
    • Triple H
    • Seth Rollins
    • Daniel Bryan
    • Finn Balor
    • Samoa Joe
    • The Miz
    • King Barrett
    • Rusev
    • Titus O’Neill
    • Cesaro
    • AJ Styles

    EDIT: Seems like some of my predictions came true ๐Ÿ˜›

  • Yeah, so these posts are not happening

    What can I say? I am busy! Today, I have been busy with getting a new Nologam update out and getting ready to travel tomorrow, so I have been planning for that and at the same time, I have been really exhausted…so hopefully the couple of days away can help me relax and get some posts out ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Nologam eSports (AKA, NGM eSports)

    Over the past couple of years, I have started to get more and more interested in eSports and while I haven’t spoken much about it, I have watched streams and followed a couple of websites about eSports (CS:GO primarily)

    Last June, we had started a small CS:GO team that was just affiliated with us, they won a couple of games and quietly disbanded and nothing more was said.

    While they were playing their couple of games, we were getting a site ready for team news and that, but obviously it was not finished.

    So, now, we are going to go back to the drawing board and make Nologam eSports a thing, but not in the same capacity.

    We are going to have eSports news for League and probably CS initially but expanding later on.

    This is just a rough idea that I am putting down on the table and hopefully I can follow through with this plan coming into the summer of 2016 ๐Ÿ™‚