Author: Padraig Fahy

  • Computer Issues (2nd May 2013)

    You may recall about 3 weeks ago, I made a post about my Desktop having issues.

    Luckily this time, it isn’t my desktop, but rather my 3-month old Toshiba laptop!


     It began at about 11am on Thursday 2nd May. I was about to go for my Tea-Break at work and I always lock the computer (WinKey+L), and the screen went blank. Side note: The computer was working perfectly before this happened. No lock screen came up. I thought nothing of it and just went for my tea-break.

    Came back and it was still a black screen. I couldn’t login or anything so, I turned off the laptop using the power button. When I pressed that button again to turn it on. Shit hit the fan!


  • [The JukeBox] #41 – Possession (Original Mix) – Transfer

    Wow. 3 weeks without a The JukeBox post.

    Hey folks, Welcome to Edition 10 of The JukeBox. A insight into the music that I love and want to share it with everyone.

    Right, what do we have here *Duck Tales Dives into the pit of music*. A-HA! A gem!

    Possession from Transfer. Enjoy 😀




  • Computer Issues (12th April 2013)

    UPDATE: I have fixed the issue. I have reinstalled Windows 8. I am going to bed now.

    Good evening folks. I hope you are keeping well.

    I am having computer issues this evening! My USB’s are refusing to work in Windows 8!

    (Just saying this now, don’t bash Windows 8 because of ‘Metro’,’ Modern UI’ or similar. I am not here to hear your bitching about it. I am here looking for help and nothing more. I am not being a fanboy here, but if I see comments which is not related to helping me, they will be removed!)

    When I boot my computer, I get presented with grub (Linux bootloader) because I have both Windows 8 and Linux Mint 14 installed. I doubt it is Linux that is causing this issue, because I have hardly been using Linux since I installed it (To be honest, I haven’t found the time to be using it.)

    Anyway, I have set by default to boot to Windows 8 and that is all grand and dandy!

    The Windows 8 lock screen appears. I press the Space Bar on my keyboard to ‘swipe’ the lock screen away so I can enter my password. Nope. Won’t do that! Mouse? Nope!

    I check the lights on the Razer BlackWidow Keyboard (No hating please) and the light is on to detect that the keyboard is working. NOTE: I could use my keyboard in the grub menu to change from Windows to Linux Mint. And I am currently writing this post in Linux Mint, so obviously there is nothing wrong with the keyboard or mouse.

    I have disconnected all the USB’s from the back of the computer and put them all back in, with the same results.

    I thought, “How about Remote Desktop?” Nope! I use a USB Wireless Dongle to connect to the internet and I also have PCI Wireless card but I can’t choose that card, since I can only have one card selected at a time.

    I can’t do System Restore because Windows wants me to reboot into Windows 8 to do it!

    PS2 Keyboard = Nope

    AAGH! I honestly have no idea how to get around it. If anyone has any ideas or methods that I could try to rectify this situation, then please comment below.

    Thank you 🙂

  • I Need To Play Games(!) April 2013 Edition

    Recently, I have been able to spend money this month on a couple of games. Some of which I got cheaply and a game that a friend recommended to me.

    And then there is some games that I have purchased before Christmas and I have hardly played and I would like to play and then there is a game that I want to finish!

    The games that I -need- to play this month.

    Bioshock: Infinite – I bought it because it was cheap and it looked so good compared to Bioshock 1,2 which I personally didn’t like, so that is why I purchased it.

    Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 MP – I just want to get back into CoD, but the community is killing the game (Surprise, surprise hahaha)

    Cities in Motion 2: A friend told me to pick this up. It’s like SimCity but just public transportation. Have yet to fully get into it.

    Civ V: I HAVE to sit down and play this game. A lot of people that I have talked to have said that the game is great and that I should spend my time playing that.

    TERA: I am playing this A LOT! and I don’t think I will stop playing this. I just don’t have that much time in the evenings while I am working to play the game.

    Trackmania 2: Stadium – I have played a lot of this game ever since I bought and then for no reason, I stopped playing. I don’t know why. I would like to get into a routine, where I am playing TM2 every night as a habit along with TERA.

    Unity of Command: I just need to play that game and that is that.

    What are you plaything this month, if anything? Let me know in the comments 🙂

  • “Codename Lungo” to “Avatar ROM”

    (OH shi-, a technology related post)

    A couple of weeks ago, I decided to jump ship from the Cyanogenmod 9 install on my Samsung  Galaxy S II to try out Jelly Bean. I looked around XDA-Developers looking for a decent ROM that I could install and try out.

    I found one called “Codename Lungo” and for the most part, I enjoyed it. It was a plain Jelly Bean install and there wasn’t anything fancy about it, that is what I was looking for. So, I spent the best part of a afternoon installing all the apps that I had previously used on the CM9 install. After about a hour or grabbing apps and configuring them, I noticed something strange.

    “System Storage Space running low..”

    WHAT?! This fresh install of Codename Lungo that I just installed, says that my phone memory is running low. But the thing is, I wiped the ENTIRE phone before installing Codename Lungo.

    I thought at first it was just a fluke, so I turned the phone off and on again and yet it still happened. Then over the next few days and up to last Saturday, I couldn’t get any emails on my phone and i couldn’t update any apps….it just wasn’t happening.

    So, where am I going now? Well, I am downloading Avatar ROM from XDA-Developers and I am going to do ANOTHER full complete wipe and I will make sure that the only thing that is on my device before I install is the ROM and the Gapps .zip that I need to install.

    I will probably make another post with the results that I find either later today or later this week.

    What ROM are you running on your device? A custom or a Stock ROM? If you are running a custom ROM, which one is it and link to it in the comments.

    UPDATE: I have installed Avatar ROM and have downloaded all the apps that I needed and I am only using 589MB~ out of the 2GB. So there WAS a problem with Codename Lungo all along. Ah well, at least I can use my phone again the way it should be. 😀

  • My Favorite Dance Music

    Hey everyone.

    Tonight, I have compiled my personal favorite dance music on Spotify.

    You can subscribe to the list by clicking here! I am also embedding the playlist into this post, so click “Read more…” at the bottom of this post to hear all the songs, directly from
