Author: Padraig Fahy

  • PlayStation 4 Announcement: The Post Mortem

    Well, what a night it was. Last night at 11pm, Sony officially announced the PlayStation 4. And here is the breakdown of the entire thing:

    • It is a 8-Core AMD CPU codenamed “Jaguar”. That’s right folks. It’s a x86 processor. It also has a 2nd processor to manage uploads and downloads.
    • 8GB of GDDR5 Graphics – This is F***** Ridiculous. 8GB! Holy Moly! That is one powerful GPU. It beats the hell out of the new nVidia GeForce Titan (sp) that was announced last week. A powerful consumer level graphics card on the market has a max of 2GB GDDR5, so to see that quadrupled is absolutely insane.
    • It comes with a 6x Blu-Ray Drive (which is 3 times faster than the PS3 drive)
    • A HDD (We don’t know of the size yet) and USB 3.0 (That’s kinda cool).
    • A new controller. It now has a Touchpad, a ‘Share’ Button and even a lovely ‘Options’ Button.

    Now that most of the console stuff out of the way. Let’s get onto the games.


  • PlayStation 4 Announcement 2013


    Welcome folks to the PlayStation 4 Announcement liveblog.

    From 11pm GMT tonight, I will be liveblogging the entire announcement. If you don’t wish to read the blog, all updates will be going to Twitter @fahyIE

    New updates will be available every 15 seconds.

    Click “Continue Reading” to see all the entries!


  • [The JukeBox] #36 – Mitsuto Suzuki – Missing Link

    Welcome to the 3rd JukeBox for the Mid-Term of February 2013. I hope you are all doing well and here we go!




  • [The JukeBox] #35 – Gala – Free From Desire

    Welcome back to the Mid-Term edition of The JukeBox. I hope that you are all keeping well on this Valentine’s Day and let’s get some music going. A classic from the 90’s. Enjoy 🙂




  • [The JukeBox] #34 – York – On The Beach

    Welcome back everyone to The JukeBox. I hope that you are having a great Monday! Lots of blog posts this week (Lots coming by the end of the week), so let’s start you mid-term with this song.

    One of my personal dance classics from the 90’s/2000’s and I still enjoy it to this day. I hope you all enjoy it.



  • Irish Sky Broadband & Why Irish Internet Still Sucks ASS

    Today (7th February 2013), Sky announced the launch of it’s Irish version of their Broadband.

    Just like every other ISP in the country. Buying off Eircom/UPC and reselling it. That’s the way it has been for the longest time.

    Sky are trying to give us what we can get on the line (They claim ‘up to 24Mbs’). I thought “Brilliant. Now I can get REAL speeds and actually use what’s on the line”.

    So, I went ahead and tested the line with their “tool” and found out that I can receive a reasonable 14.4Mbs. That’s about 2x MORE than what I have been getting from Eircom and Vodafone for the past couple of years!.

    Eircom and Vodafone always says ‘Up to 8Mbs’ because of what’s on the line.

    Now, I know that regulations are in place for Reason X, Y and Z but COME ON! There is 14Mbs available on that line and all you can do is provide 8!

    Why not either do 1 of 2 things:
    1) Give us at least 10MBS guaranteed with the other 4MBS being used for Upload! (Hah, like that will ever happen)
    2) 8MBS download (like what has been given to us), but with more upload speed. I can’t believe that we are hungry for upload. Not to upload illegal content or anything (I don’t upload illegal content at all…), but for syncing services like DropBox, SkyDrive, Google Drive, Mega. ANYTHING!

    (Gahh, I have started ranting about upload speeds…… we go)

    I live with my parents and there is 2 “main” users of the internet on a daily basis. Myself and my father.

    My dad does internet stuff and some college work, so he uses DropBox to backup everything and to easily submit assignments and that to his tutors. All well and good. Oh and he uses Skype too! So what happens, when he is browsing Facebook, Syncing documents on DropBox and using Skype at the same time…No bandwidth for Padraig.

    Now, I am the power user in the family (Surprise Surprise) and I use services like Steam, Origin, Razer Synapse (for the Keyboard), Outlook and other tools that use bandwidth. And I also love playing games.

    Let me take a example shall we. I was playing Team Fortress 2 one night and I was happy as a pig in shite. While playing away, I notice my ping jumps from 60ms~ to about 600ms~ and me jumping around the place like a headless chicken.

    When I took my headset off to go and reset the router, I could hear my dad in the next room talking to Skype, so I had to disconnect from the game and went to talk with friends on TeamSpeak. NOPE! That wasn’t going to happen. Because there wasn’t enough of bandwidth on the connection to output to the internet, everything lagged and then the network crapped itself.

    So, where and I getting at here! Irish broadband NEEDS more upload to accompany more than one service. 0.5Mbs is NOT going to cut it anymore. We have moved on from the days of IRC as a main way of communication. We are now using Smartphones, laptops, computers, tablets that all use the internet for outputting information and we just don’t have the upload bandwidth to keep everything working.

    Sky, is not going to be doing anything different. FTTC is probably (but not) going to solve this. I don’t think the whole FTTC is actually going to work. Our infrastructure is so messed up, that it will be 2030 before we will get faster internet!

    Will this blog post change anything that happens with our broadband? Of course it won’t. ISP’s don’t listen to the “hardcore” users and don’t give 2 monkeys about what we think. All they care about is that they get money so they can provide the shittest internet in all of Europe.

    TL;DR – Irish Internet Sucks and always will be and no ISP can ever change that! Nothing has been done before about it and it looks like nothing is going to be done about it now.
