Author: Padraig Fahy

  • Recommendations for Steam Daily Deals – Day 9

    Hi guys, this is something that I am going to do for this sale. A personal recommendation on what games that you should buy in the daily deals.

    Remember, do not buy anything until the final day.
    If a game is 60%+ discounted, you will probably not see that deal again during the sale and you should pick it up.

    Make sure you have a look at the flash sales that change throughout the day and the Community Choice sale on the right side of the front page. Note, once you see those on sale, there is a very slim chance that you will see them again in a daily deal but anything is possible with Steam!

    All prices will be in €.

    Left 4 Dead Franchise – €14.99 (or €9.99 each). It’s a Zombie survival game in a sorta arcade style shooter. Not to be taken seriously like DayZ or TheWarZ but it is fun with 3 other friends. Lots of content in both games, so if you haven’t got this…pick it up! Note: If you already have a copy of either of the games, the extra copies will go into your Steam inventory, so if your friend doesn’t have the game, you can give that to them.

    Assassins Creed Franchise – €37.49 for Assassins Creed III, €13.59 for Assassins Creed Revelations, €4.99 for Assassins Creed Brotherhood, €3.74 for Assassins Creed II and €2.49 for Assassins Creed I. Well, this is a open-world assassination game (Who would have thought that), where you go around stabbing people. I have played AC1 and a bit of AC2 and for the most part the were enjoyable (AC2 more than AC1), I picked up AC2 and ACB a while back for about a fiver each, so seeing this and these prices, that is very good. As for the ACR or AC3, I haven’t played then, nor can I comment on them.

    LIMBO – €2.49 – Great monochrome platformer, you should have this game already. Do play it. It’s really good!

    As for the other games, I can’t recommend them as I have never seen them being played nor have I played those.

    Remember to check out the indie section to see if there is a hidden deal in there. It will be worth your time to dig through that section of Steam.

    If you are feeling generous and you would like to purchase something for me for christmas, then you can check out my wishlist. Thank you!

  • [The JukeBox] S4 E16 (#30) – Rin’ – Asuka

    Welcome everyone to a long overdue JukeBox. I was playing osu! there now and I found this song. The YouTube video has the lyrics but the song that I heard didn’t have lyrics. So, I am just going to post the video and no lyrics.


    Previous JukeBox: S4 E15 – Friday Night Music 21/12/2012

    YouTube Video:

    Enjoy 🙂

  • [The JukeBox] #30 – Rin’ – Asuka

    Welcome everyone to a long overdue JukeBox. I was playing osu! there now and I found this song. The YouTube video has the lyrics but the song that I heard didn’t have lyrics. So, I am just going to post the video and no lyrics.




  • Recommendations for Steam Daily Deals – Day 8

    Hi guys, this is something that I am going to do for this sale. A personal recommendation on what games that you should buy in the daily deals.

    Remember, do not buy anything until the final day.
    If a game is 60%+ discounted, you will probably not see that deal again during the sale and you should pick it up.

    Make sure you have a look at the flash sales that change throughout the day and the Community Choice sale on the right side of the front page. Note, once you see those on sale, there is a very slim chance that you will see them again in a daily deal but anything is possible with Steam!

    All prices will be in €.

    Counter-Strike: Franchise – €3.74 for 1.6, €3.74 for CZ, €4.99 for Source, €6.99 for Global Offensive – Buy everything except for Condition Zero. It is by far the worst game out of the lot. There is still a huge player base for the other 3 games. GO and Source are the best ones to go for. GO was only released in August so it’s pretty new. It has had a slow start but is quickly picking up. What is Counter-Strike? It’s a FPS that is and always be better than Call of Duty!

    Worms Revolution – €6.99 – It’s a Worms game. From the videos that I have seen of the game, it has a lot of content since it integrates with the Steam Workshop! If you are a fan of Worms, you will already have this game. What is Worms? Worms is a 2D side-scrolling deathmatch game.

    LA Noire – €7.49 – LA Noire is a 1947 detective game but has elements of the Grand Theft Auto games within it (Since it’s made by RockStar Games). For this price, you should pick it up.

    As for the other games, I can’t recommend them as I have never seen them being played nor have I played those.

    Remember to check out the indie section to see if there is a hidden deal in there. It will be worth your time to dig through that section of Steam.

    If you are feeling generous and you would like to purchase something for me for christmas, then you can check out my wishlist. Thank you!

  • Recommendations for Steam Daily Deals – Day 7

    UPDATE: Arma II has had it’s price fixed. It was €14.99 but is now €12.49.
    Natural Selection II has had it’s price fixed. It was €13.76 but is now €9.19
    The Walking Dead has had it’s price fixed. It was €18.74 but is now €12.49
    The Sims 3 has had it’s price fixed. It was €22.49 but it is now €15.29

    Hi guys, this is something that I am going to do for this sale. A personal recommendation on what games that you should buy in the daily deals.

    Remember, do not buy anything until the final day.
    If a game is 60%+ discounted, you will probably not see that deal again during the sale and you should pick it up.

    Make sure you have a look at the flash sales that change throughout the day and the Community Choice sale on the right side of the front page. Note, once you see those on sale, there is a very slim chance that you will see them again in a daily deal but anything is possible with Steam!

    All prices will be in €.

    Arma II Combined Operations – €12.49 – DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ DayZ . That is all

    Natural Selection II – €9.19 – 5v5 Humans vs Aliens. That is all!

    The Walking Dead – €12.49 – Zombie Survival Point&Click. if you are fan of the show, then you should already have this.

    The Sims 3 – €15.29 – Hate your own life? Then play The Sims. Family Simulation game. Good enough game if you want to waste a good few hours.

    As for the other games, I can’t recommend them as I have never seen them being played nor have I played those.

    Remember to check out the indie section to see if there is a hidden deal in there. It will be worth your time to dig through that section of Steam.

    If you are feeling generous and you would like to purchase something for me for christmas, then you can check out my wishlist. Thank you!

  • Recommendations for Steam Daily Deals – Day 6

    Hi guys, this is something that I am going to do for this sale. A personal recommendation on what games that you should buy in the daily deals.

    Remember, do not buy anything until the final day.
    If a game is 60%+ discounted, you will probably not see that deal again during the sale and you should pick it up.

    Make sure you have a look at the flash sales that change throughout the day and the Community Choice sale on the right side of the front page. Note, once you see those on sale, there is a very slim chance that you will see them again in a daily deal but anything is possible with Steam!

    All prices will be in €.

    Magic The Gathering: Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013 – €4.99 – Have you ever played the card game of Magic: The Gathering. Then this is a perfect game for you. I haven’t played the 2013 version but I have played the 2012 and the 2010 version of the game and it’s pretty damn good. There is a slew of DLC for it but there isn’t any of it on sale at this present time. Should you pick it up? If you are looking for a Magic game or looking to get into Magic, then yes, you should pick it up. If you are a fan of the series then you should already have the game no matter what.

    Hotline Miami – €4.23 – Hotline Miami is a top-down 8-bit-ish shooter that is set in the style of the classic Grand Theft Auto games. If you are looking for some fun, then you should pick this game up.

    Batman Franchise – €7.49 Arkham City GOTY – €4.99 Arkham Asylum GOTY – If you have never played those games then you should play them. I haven’t played either of the games but from what I have seen, it is a adventure fighting game and has got a rake of awards for the game. Looks up reviews or videos about these games before making your decision.

    Castle Crashers – €4.07 –  It is hard to recommend this game. This game came out on Xbox Live in 2008 and only came out on PC in 2012 and yet, they are still charging full price for the game. For how old this game is and considering it has taken them this long to release this game on PC…I am going to say to avoid this game for now unless it goes for about €2.50.

    As for the other games, I can’t recommend them as I have never seen them being played nor have I played those.

    Remember to check out the indie section to see if there is a hidden deal in there. It will be worth your time to dig through that section of Steam.

    If you are feeling generous and you would like to purchase something for me for christmas, then you can check out my wishlist. Thank you!