Category: YCFRO (You can fuck right off)

  • [YCFRO #6] Microsoft

    (You could see this post coming from a mile away haha)

    Microsoft has confirmed that the new gaming console “Xbox One” will be REQUIRED to be online at least once per day in order to play games offline.

    Yeah, you have to be online to play offline games.
    (I know Steam’s offline feature is bad but FFS, this takes the cake)

    AND you need to have your Kinect connected to your Xbox One at all times.

    WTF Microsoft?


  • [YCFRO #5] Oireachtas Committee …

    …Especially Senator Eamon Coghlan

    The following article in this post is from this Irish Examiner article

    An Oireachtas Committee has heard that getting people to pay to post on social media websites or register their passport numbers for IP addresses could help tackle the issue of anonymity of the internet.

    Senator Eamon Coghlan made the suggestions as the committee examined the link between social media and cyber bullying.

    He raised the issue of anonymous posts, and had a number of suggestions for tackling the issue, including paying to post and registering your passport number:

    Speaking at the same Committee, the Communications Minister Pat Rabbitte said he has difficulties with the take-down policies of companies like Facebook.

    Mr Rabbitte said: “These are reputable companies (and) major corporations. Good corporate citizenship should mean, it seems to me, that they should be prepared in the host country to enter into sensible protocols about take-down policy.”

    The Oireachtas Communications Committee is embarking on a series of meetings with companies, like Facebook and Twitter, to examine the links between social media and cyber bullying.

    Communications Minister Pat Rabbitte told the Committee that his department is examining any gaps in legislation when it comes to posting defamatory material online.

    He also raised concerns about the policies used by social media companies when it comes to taking down offensive posts.

    Senator Fidelma Healy Eames raised the issue of when someone’s Facebook account is changed by someone else, and said teenagers are literally living in a parallel universe.

    She said: “Where a youngster has their status opened and another person puts a message on there, as if they wrote it, and that message could be, for example sexual. This type of thing has to stop.

    “There has to be some controls put here. What about sexting, where they are texting sexual images?”

    The Committee will continue its hearings on the issue for a number of days before making a series of recommendations.

    Hang on a second here…Paying to post on Facebook? I know Facebook has a thing where you can pay Mark Zuckerburg $100 to send him a message but THIS…this is ridiculous.

    “Pay to post on social media websites or register their passport numbers for IP addresses could help tackle the issue of anonymity of the internet.”


  • [YCFRO #4] – The Daily Mail on Video Games

    For the guts of about 2 years now, the British newspapers have been bashing video games like crazy. Saying that they cause deaths (Like the Connecticut shooting of December 2012) and now The Daily Mirror say that video games…now cause cancer.

    DOES ANY OF THESE PEOPLE HAVE ANY SENSE?! Where is the proof? Was it the case that one human had developed cancer and found out that they play video games. Newspapers and the media are blowing this out of properation and it shouldn’t be tolerated.


  • [YCFRO #3] Treyarch/Activision

    So today, Treyarch decided to remove the Nuketown 2025 map/playlist from the new Call of Duty game, Black Ops 2 without any prior notice.

    A tweet was sent out by David Vonderhaar saying


  • [Gaming #1 /YCFRO #2] 96 jobs go as PopCap Dublin Closes

    Original Article by GamesIndustry

    So today, it was announced that the PopCap studio owned by EA in Dublin is to close with a loss of 96 jobs. PopCap Dublin specifically made video games for the mobile platform.

    I am very sad that another great gaming company is closing their doors. (Yes, I am aware that PopCap in America is still going). PopCap Dublin made games for the mobile platform and had been a rumor that they were to close. Thanks EA(!).


  • [YCFRO] #1 – Daily Mail

    Welcome to a brand new series of blog posts called “You Can Fuck Right Off”. It’s sorta a rant section of the blog about my hatred or bad feelings against someone/something. This will not be a regular event.

    Today, TotalBiscuit released a video on YouTube as part of his MailBox series for today (September 6th, 2012) where a load of people sent a email to him regarding the Daily Mail article about the 14 year old, Callum Green committing suicide.

    While it is a tragic that Callum has passed away (My condolences goes out to the family and friends of Callum), this was a opportunity for Daily Mail to continue their “Anti-Video Game” campaign, and boiled the entire death onto video games….and exactly at one of the biggest game franchises in the past 5 years, Call of Duty.
